One of my favorite memories of Thanksgiving didn't involve turkey or a huge gathering. One year my honey (husband); son; brother; SIL and parents all met at an acquaintance's cabin on a Lake Clark Hill. We packed the car with the planned Thanksgiving dinner. We wrote down ides for activities. It was all fun, but my favorite thing was meeting my brother around 3:30 in the morning to fish.
The lake was just behind the cabin. I remember us sitting on the little dock, not saying much at all...just listening to an occasional tree frog or splash of a fish. I also remember how tranquil it was. I've wished I could relive those few hours many times, they were that special. Maybe some day. Does anyone else have a favorite "spot" that brings a warm, fuzzy feeling?
Yeah, I remember the reason it was 3:30 a.m. is that that the alarm clock I set at the cabin was wrong - I meant to get up at 6:00 a.m.!! It took forever for the sun to come up. It was drizzling and chilly and then BOOM, BAM, something would hit the dock cover and scare me to death!! I found out later it was those huge Blue Heron landing on the metal covers. That morning I re-discovered my love for fishing. That was the most relaxing, enjoyable Thanksgiving I can remember.
funny i either don't remember the drizzle and chill or it was over by the time i got there! LOL. love you, walkin' bones!
Hello Janean
Thank you for visiting my blog.
I do like your peaceful photo by the lake. My special quiet place is Frenchman's Creek in Cornwall. It is just as described in Daphne Du Maurier's book called Frenchman's Creek.
Have a lovely weekend
Isabelle x
Hi Janean!
Thankyou for visiting my blog today.
My special place would be Holkham beach in Norfolk.It's a huge expanse of sand backed by a pine wood.We used to go there for picnics and to swim as children...and now I take hubby and Bella,our dog,and we can sometimes walk for miles without seeing anyone.
Bellaboo x
Sounds great...lovely story!
What a beautiful photo and memory. I love Thanksgiving -- a favorite holiday for me. My favorite place is wherever my family is. Last year my favorite place was California -- this year Colorado. I'm fickle about places, but not about family!
What a beautiful memory and place. My Dad's uncle used to have a beautiful ranch in Texas that we spent many Thanksgiving's at with our family. It was always so much fun stuffing ourselves and then exploring all over the ranch property. You never knew what you may find.
Anywhere my family is makes for the best Thanksgiving!
What a nice memory! Those are the best! I loved Thanksgiving at my Mom's now, I do it and my children love to have it home. We use to travel over Thanksgiving, but I finally put my foot down and said nope, we are staying home. It was a good move because the kids love to be home! Turkey, football, what could be better!
Beautiful blog. Seasonally inspiring! Thanks for visiting mine and your comment. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and holiday season, Martha
I love the photo, Janean! It makes it easy to see and feel the peacefulness you felt that morning.
We love to fish at our lakehouse but don't do it as much as we used to. Sometimes we go out and anchor and I just lie in the boat reading and daydreaming while my husband quietly fishes. Heaven!
Have a marvelous Thanksgiving!
Stunning photograph and thoughtful words. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting Janean. Have a happy family gathering. Carol
What a beautiful, peaceful spot and a sweet memory for you and your brother. For me, my quiet memory spot is walking alone on the beaches of Nantucket after Labor Day when there are but few folks along the beach. The water laps gently, the sand sifts between my toes, the breeze is moist upon my skin. Yes, it is a favorite memory!
Thank you for visiting me Janean. What a pretty photo and great memories. I love that basket too. Kathi
such a wonderful place, and the colours are super, Lovely memories, thanks for sharing
I really loved this blog. It instantly reminded me of my most favorite Thanksgivings. The place was a trade off between our home and that of my Aunt Mary/Uncle Don and Uncle Charles/Aunt Helen. We rotated Thanksgivings for many years when we were growing up and my sisters and I had such fun times with the cousins on the farm.
Thanks for the memories.
Hope you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving,
That is a sweet story and a wonderful memory. In my family, I would have probably slept through the 3:00 a.m. fishing trip.
Thanksgiving is a good time to remember happy memories and be grateful for them. Blessings!
Sounds a wonderful place to spend time with family.
Thanks for visiting my blog. :-)
Hi many thanks for dropping in and visiting me!,its always nice to meet a new blogger.
That lake looks so beautifull and it sounds like a really lovely time was had at your thanksgiving get together. I am going back to read more of your blog and look at all your beautifull scenic pictures. It looks like a really beautifull place where you are from
x Dominique
what a beautiful setting.....and wonderful memories!! your blog is so cozy and warm......what a special place old sweetwater must be!! thanks for visiting me.....i appreciate the sweet comment that you left for me!! happy weekend to you!! :))
Beautiful memory and gorgeous photo!
Your post made me think of two things. One was a favorite willow tree on a hill overlooking the river where I used to sit and dream as a teenager.
The second was riding in the car as a child with the whole family and going to Grandma's house for Thanksgiving dinner. I don't know which caused more excitement: thinking of the great meal ahead or anticipating playtime with all the cousins.
Fun memories - - - and no WONDER with that beautiful shoreline.
That is a beautiful spot! I love it!
I am SO envious of this date....Having a brother to share special days with is an awesome treasure.I lost my brother in 1990....But, I love reading about your wonderful memories...enjoy. Suz
Hey Janean! Thanks for stopping by Meggie's Stuff. I adore the photo in your post..outstanding, great reflection and clarity! One of my favorite memories involves one of my brothers also. We carried a blow up raft three blocks up main street to the river. After putting in at one dock we then proceeded to paddle to the next...all the time singing loudly and just acting silly.
Thanks for your comment on my blog. Your story and photo is so lovely!
lovely blog.... have a wonderful weekend... x pam
Thank you so much for popping in and leaving me a message, it's so nice meeting new poeple an finding such lovely new blogs to read such as yours. The sewing machine on our bookcase was bought at a local auction we used to go to with my dearest dad. He died last year and so having things such as these around our home now mean so much more.
I have to tell you that I love,love, love the acorn muffin tray in your last post!
Lisa x
Hello Janean, thank you for visiting the other day. Love the photo and the Thanksgiving memory with your brother. It seems it's usually the simple things that touch us most deeply.
My favorite memories are small moments shared with my husband and children through the years, confidences shared over a jig saw puzzle, popcorn in front of the fire late at night, a walk in winter stillness when the Christmas dinner dishes have been washed and put away. I can never tell when they might happen and they often take my by surprise.
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