We knew from the beginning that the wood walls would need to "fuse" to the metal posts of the less-than-lovely carport. My first idea was metal strapping. I like that product. It's like, one step up from duct tape. *wink*
Problem is, when we tried to nail the wood siding to the studs and sill. The bottom sill kept moving inward. Not good.
Time ticked by and I got, what Ford calls, a better idea. "Bolts!" I blurted out. "Let's try that."
Tired, cold, but determined, we drove eight miles into town and discovered Lowes has a nice selection of bolts....kind of pricey, but nice. We got 8" bolts with hex nuts and washers at the tune of about $4.50 per set X 16 sets, add tax.
Ya know what? It worked great. Those wooden studs fused with the metal posts. Plus, I got to learn how to use a crescent wrench and socket set. Yay! Anyone else ever use a socket set? Way cool.
What a beautiful crecent wrench!LOL! Seriously, it looks great in you mosaic.
I should have your package shipped today - UPS. Daughter is sick though so I will email you when I get it done.
Enjoy your weekend, I'm guessing you have a few things to do!
Problem solver you! Now is it done,done done?
If so...celebrate
Love the table...not sure it will be sturdy enough for a true workbench..
I love to see those iron stars in old buildings....lots of them in Galena Il
I proise when I go back I will get pictures of them and of the acorn weatervane if it is still there
Love how you are working together to get the job done! That table is too cute. Did you buy it??
Janean ~ you sound like my kind of girl ~ very resourceful!!! Good thing you had that brain food yesterday!
Love the stars, bought a vintage set for my son years ago and the table would definitely make a lovely work bench!
As for socket sets ~ love the sounds they make when using them ~ reminds me of helping my dad as a kid....simple things!
Rebecca ;-)
OH, I am so glad you commented on my dessert post! I have enjoyed looking through your blog. I really love that old table. And the apron. And the sweet aunt... funny how they don't mind telling you when you've put on a little weight or your house could use a little 'picking up' :)
Hi Janean thanks so much for stopping by.
I LOVE your beautiful mosaic. Is that your front porch with the rail, pumpkins and all the LEAVES? We are covered in leaves right now as we live on an acre with a LOT of trees. I actually posted a couple of pictures on my blog today. I love those iron stars and that will be a beautiful workbench! I'm off to browse more on your wonderful blog.♥
Cool using the tools, and hey - we girls can come up with some of the best solutions!
Love your idea for a workbench!
Those stars are awesome! And thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you come again.
I am enjoying reading the porcess and trying not to giggle to loud ---- Yes, I do know how to use a socket set -- only because my husband is in construction or I might not have had the experience. I can't wait to see this project finished -- hurry up already -- hehe wink! Kristeen. kandgough@gmail.com
Hi Janean! It's nice to meet you; I'm glad you stopped by!!! I adore this table!!! Sooo many possibilities in so many areas! I never knew what those stars were used for - only I've always liked them! Many of the things that are "lovely" to you are lovely to me too! Hope you visit again! I will - Sincerely, Jeannette
Hi :0) Thanks for dropping by my blog! I'm glad the bolts worked out for you, they are totally overpriced LOL..love that little table, it has such a perfect finish on it. Cute.
What a great old table..OR workbench. So many uses are possible for this. It is a beauty!
Even painted it would be gorgeous!
I love your list of "Lovely Things To Me." I am curious as to where you are located. The name of your blog is great! :)
What a beautiful photo at the header of your blog! I just want to come over for a visit!!
Oh i love the table - i would use it in the bathroom....dont know the English words :((.....ich würde es als Waschtisch verwenden und ein rundes Waschbecken darauf stellen - so etwas suche ich auch schon lange!!!! Das Tischchen sieht wunderschön aus!! Und vielen Dank auch, für deinen lieben Kommentar - ich hoffe, du verstehst mich ein wenig (mein Englisch ist leider sooo schlecht).
Wish you a wonderful weekeend, Hugs Jade
Hi Janean,
You sound like you really know the socket wrench from the crescent wrench, well done.
It is amazing what you can do when you need to.
I love your table.
Have a happy weekend.
NO, I would never use that beautiful table as a work table. Too pretty. That's just me though hehe. We love old and old looking stuff.
I'm really enjoying your blog, our decorating tastes are so simular.
Those stars are so cute, and that workbench is fantastic!!! I'm jealous. I see so much character in old chippy things. My husband, on the other hand, thinks it's plain nuts.
Hi Janean!
Thanks for your sweet comment. I'm so happy you stopped by. Your blog is lovely and I have so enjoyed my visit :) I have a couple of those stars also and I love the bench...it's beautiful :)
The Tattered Cottage
Love, love, love this workbench. the patina is fabulous!
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