"What are you building?" my honey's elderly aunt asked.
That isn't what you want to particularly hear during construction. I was hoping more for..."Wow! What a manly workshop you've got going!" *small sigh*
However my honey chirped, "A church with a steeple!" Yes, it did look a spire; that or a redneck-hillbilly lighting rod. "Nah, it's going to be a workshop slash garage," he beamed from the top of his ladder.
Now it's a workshop slash GARAGE?
Aunt Bessie who was raised on a large farm just 4-5 miles away from Old Sweetwater, squinted. Then she turned her gray-haired head this way and that, and said sweetly, "Well, I am sure it will be nice when you're done."
She shuffled off and I trudged back inside to the drawing board a-gain. I also poured me another bowl of Cheerios with almonds.
Aunt Bessie sounds like a very dear lady.
I'v just discovered your bog via a coment you left at 52 flea.
What a pleasant discovery... a truly sweet and inspiring blog. I'm so glad I've found you.
When you have a chance, come and visit my blog at http://ritashabbychicrose.blogspot.com/
I'll be superglad to welcome you there and have a nice stroll thru the blog pages together with you.
Have a great day!
With Warm Wishes
I love discovering new blogs (new to me at least). Thank yo for coming by my blog and commenting on my kitchen re-do that will take a couple of months to complete - I know I will LOVE it when it is finished. Now I am off to see more of your blog. Your aunt sounds sweet. Hugs, Cindy S.
Aunt Bessie is the sweetest!
Thanks for stopping by and visiting me. I love when friends come by. You have a lovely blog and I'm sure I'll be back again.
Enjoy your day!
how sweet!
jenean you have a fabulous blog. i'm so glad i met you today out here in blogland!
blessings to you
I'm sure dear Aunt Bessie will be amazed with the end result when construction is finished! Happy building...and thanks for visiting my blog:)
cute story.........gotta love her honesty!
I didn't see your name on my giveaway!.....
Fun blog as usual. Love following the goings on at you house. Sweet auntie!
Enjoy your day.
Autumn Blessings to you.
I think what's being built is a great thing!
Impressed with you all.
God bless,
d from homehaven
Oh my gosh - I love your blog AND your Aunt!!! LOL Now I'm thinkin' my carport needs to be turned into a bigger sewing room...are you up for it? ;-)
Thank You for visiting me!!! Have a wonderful day - and enjoy your cheerios!!!
Aunt Bessie will love the workshop when it is done. With age comes wisdom and a good bit of crankiness!
I came to visit from Anne Marie's. You have a lovely blog and I think I like Sweetwater Cottage!
Have a wonderful day, Janean!
Oh I am lovin this blog!!!!!!!!
I am at work and should not be reading it right now but tonight I am so gonna be on here. Love it!
Thanks for visiting my blog, thru WW. I can't wait to look at all your post's. Bittersweet is so invasive, I think becauase it grows anywhere and climbs and wraps around other trees. I am now a follower of your blog
Hi Janean,
Just wanted to come over and say "HI" and to thank you for your visit and comment. I do hope to see you around my Petite Cottage again soon. I can't wait to sneak a peak around your blog. Have a wonderful day. Until next time.
Blessings and a Smile,
Aunt Bessie looks like a girl who will say whats on her mind. Gotta love her.
My go to food all day is total or spk. BUT - I do have cheerios if you should stop over.
Nancy Jo
Hello it is so nice to meet you!
Gotta love Aunt Bessie :) That whole generation is so down to earth and I love how grounded they are. She will be impressed at the finished project.
Blessings to you, I enjoyed your post very much
Hi Janean,
well it sounds like you have her approval anyway. She looks to be a dear.
It's so nice to have you stop by.
What a surprise, your comment on my blog! So I discovered your lovely blog. I'm coming back Janean.
Blessings, Anja
Bless her for asking. How sweet.
Hi Janean,
So lovely to discover your beautiful blog.
Many thanks for visiting mine.
Aunt Bessie, sounds like a lovely Lady and good luck with the workshop.
Enjoy your day
Hi Janean,
You asked what was in the cabinets?
I have bowls, platters and casserole dishes and things like that.
Sweet post! Very cool looking bowl!
Thanks for visiting my blog :)
Hi Janean,
Aunt Bessie is adorable! Good luck with the workshop! Love the bowl from K-Mart, I think I need to make a trip and see if they have any at mine!
Thanks for the visit and lovely comment!
Love and hugs,
Thanks for visiting my blog. I've been reading through your blog and enjoy reading about your garage project. Cheerios may be for the brain but spinach worked wonders for Popeye. Your blog is so colorful I'll visit often.
and i love that bowl. :)
Everyone needs an Aunt Bessie!!! Love that funky bowl,thanks for coming by my bathroom!! Chrissy
What a sweet dear Auntie you have there...
Too cute! Thanks for stopping by. looking forward to ready more.
Thanks for leaving me a comment yesterday. Your blog is very lovely. I look forward to reading more of your wonderful stories!
Well, you can always count on the elderly and toddlers for complete, blunt, honesty I suppose!
Janean, thanks so much for the sweet comments regarding the loss of my dog (and cat). So sweet! I was just here at your blog for the first time recently, then couldn't find you again when I wanted to return. Also, I saw you were from the show-me state, so wanted to be sure to follow up! Glad to find you again! :) Lovely blog, and this is such a cute post! So typical of a dear li'l elderly lady! I just had to giggle! -Tammy
Oh, Aunt Bessie looks so sweet!
Thanks for the visit!
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