This time of year there are a lot of gatherings. We recently attended a hay ride where everyone brought food to eat around the bonfire. Most dinners are buffet-style in my circle, so food must be picked up easily with tongs and it must be plenteous. I saw this acorn muffin pan and thought it a great idea for cornbread, banana nut bread or zucchini bread... It makes 18 at a time. They cook in no time flat. And people get a kick out of eating shaped food, don't they?
Does anyone else think acorns are adorable? Do you have a favorite shaped pan? And, how about baking them in a delightful vintage Alcazar gas-wood stove??? Be still, my heart! One day soon, I'll share my *wonderful* experiences cooking on a vintage wood stove for about 45 people!
Williams-Sonoma does it again.
What a beautiful acorn muffin tin!!! I have a little bear pan that I often used when the children were younger. But it's not so lovely as yours.
Have a nice week,
I adore the stove, so absolutely glorious! but the acorn muffins! i have never in my life seen anything like it Really love it!!
Those are just about the cutest little muffins I ever saw! I have never seen anything like this sweet acorn pan! A perfect size muffin.
I love the acorn shaped muffins! I wanted a muffin pan like that LAST year:) Maybe I'll have to add that to my shopping list!
I absolutely LOVE your acorn shaped pan. It is just too CUTE!!!
I adore those acorn-shaped muffins! They'd bring a smile to anyone's table.
Thanks for the word on Elm trees.
Hmm...maybe if banana muffins are shaped like acorns they'll have less calories?? LOVE IT.
Oh where did you get that? I love it!
If I were your guest and you served those cute little acorns, I would think you couldn't be beat.
Fabulous tin!! Perfect for the finger foods people love!!
I made little acorn sweets with the instructions from a fellow blogger, who's name escapes me, so I give credit to whomever she is. She 'glued' mini vanilla wafers to Hershey Kisses with chocolate frosting and there you have it...the perfect acorn sweet to pop in your mouth. And they make a cute presentation or little gift.
Have a great weekend Janean!! :-)
The muffin pan is amazing. I'm crazy for acorns, in fact I collect acorn and pinecone ornaments. As for the stove you've pictured, so dreamy!!! ~ Angela
LOVE the acorn muffin tin! I've got an Acorn cook stove, circa 1914 and use it daily.
There are several old stoves for sale on Craiglist, including Alcazar. Is W-S selling this one? It's a beauty!
Beautiful Janean... I love that Acorn Muffin Tin--and have never seen one. The muffins looks wonderful--and what a perfect thing to serve this time of year.
Love that stove also.... AMAZING!!!!
hi, thanks for visiting my blog. The muffin tins are cute. I have an old iron one with ears of corn shape for making corn bread I guess. It was my husbands grandmothers. I enjoyed going thru your past posts. And I too am a lover of dinnerware. I hate to say "no" to a set too.
That muffin tin is sooooooooo cute! I would love to have acorn shapped anything. Love your blog.
absolutely adorable!
Blessings, andrea
What a beautiful blog..I will be following you. Is that your front door...it is the cutest front door I have ever seen....
About the rose hips..I don't know if all roses have them or not..but now that I think about it some of my other roses never made them. I know my Cecil Brunner never had them.
I can't wait to read more of your blog...and the acorn pan is adorable....
More later,
I love that pan! I'm a freak about mini-sized anything. I just bought a mini-cheesecake pan. It makes 2" diameter little cheesecakes that are totally adorable. I'll be making some thanksgiving desserts in both that pan AND mini-pies in my little tart pans. There's just something about those individual size servings that appeals to me.
Hey Janean!
Thanks so much for visiting my site and I certainly appreciate you comment!!
I love your site.....Honestly, I'm cottage & cowboy boots kinda girl so when I saw the "cowboy boots" on your "Lovely Things" list I just knew I'd love everything at your "cottage". Your posts are wonderful and I had to LOL, LOL at your "Trust Me"post! I'm doing one on the same idea.....I've actually been keeping a running list of all those quirky "words" next to my computer...some of them are hilarious!!
I don't know how you found my site, but I'm thankful to have found yours and will be stopping by often!!.......
Living is AZ (cowboy land which I love-leather, stone, rustic, brown, brown and uh, brown!, etc.) doesn't lend itself to the whole Cottage decor' so I'll live vicariously through Sweetwater to get my cottage fix!! Thanks!!
Oh, I love the acorn tin.....kinda makes me homesick for Georgia cornbread ya'll (yea Paula Deen!).
Sweet Blessings!
Oh - I love your acorn tin! The stove looks like the one we cooked on at my Great-Grandmother's cottage! Looking forward to hearing about your cooking experience - it should be tons of fun!
Yes, another acorn fan here. I've used acorns in my fall decor. Just find them so perfect! Where did you find this pan? Please share the info. I want to get one to use for my Thanksgiving dinner if possible. Have to have one of these! Thanks for sharing. ~ Sarah
I love the acorn muffin pan !
Thanks for stopping by.
What a great acorn muffin tin, and it must be fun to bake with..
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a fun comment;-)
My grandmother had a wood burning stove, similar to the one you show, when I was a wee one. Everything she baked was so good!
I absolutely love Williams Sonoma products and I was hoping they would put that pan on sale last year ..and they didn't. I'm so tempted to buy it as I have so many of the Wilton pans, including the turkey pan, and those acorns would look so nice at the turkey's feet.
Have never seen a muffin tin like that. Sweet!
That acorn muffin pan is the cutest thing ever. I'm sure it makes the muffins taste better.
Thanks for visiting my blog today. My daughter and I share this pan and we use it often. Yes people do get a zing out of food shapes and this one is so cute. We made chocolate ones this week and just put powdered sugar on the top and they looked so cute on a white plate. I have a ton of bake pans in all shapes and I think my favorite is the one I bought at WS with the daisy pattern. I find if I soak the pans and then use a paint brush it is then super easy to clean all the nooks and crannies:) I made the train cake last week for my GS birthday and it looked more like a train wreck:) Of course the 3 yr olds still thought it was amazing so that was all that counted in my book!
Janean, thank you for the sweet comment you left for me on my Southern Lagniappe blog. I'm so glad it led me to your lovely Sweetwater Cottage. Your blog is beautiful and I'm looking forward to reading more of it and seeing more of your pretty pictures.
I was in Williams-Sonoma this morning and missed the acorn tins. I'm so glad you shared them with us -- guess I'll be going back next week, because I'd love to have one of those for the holidays.
I love your blog and will be back to visit again soon.
I do love acorns...an I love that pan! :)
What a great post. I love the stove and the muffins are adorable. I wanted to make sure you got the answer to your question regarding replacement of brandy. Use an apple or orange juice and the recipe will work nicely. Have a great day. Mary
hmm, so that's how those are made..! Super cute!
What a delightful pan! I don't have any favorites, but I do love to bake!
Thank you for stopping by and chatting! Your words were very kind. Didn't you just love the "cat eye" glasses? Wish I had kept mine!
I absolutely loved the acorn tins. what a wonderful addition to your lovely Thanksgiving table! Have fun with them.
And please come back by again.
I am so glad you stopped by! I can't spell that word you used, but I'm cracking up that you used it. And I absolutely cannot wait to order this pan...in multiples. What a great gift idea for a hostess gift. ~Mindy
I'll bet acorn-shaped muffins are scrumptious!!! Yes, shaped food DOES taste better - at least it makes me happier! And that stove . . . it reminds me of the one my Grandmother had in her kitchen. Ohhhhh the memories!!! Thanks so much for your visit and sweet comment! Hugs, Terri
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my post. Your blog is wonderful! Have a great weekend. Anita :) By the way, I love the pan...may I ask where did you get it?
Anita, the acorn mini muffin pan is from Williams-Sonoma. Try to find an outlet...it's truly worth the drive!
Those are the cutest muffins ever! Thanks for stopping by my site.
Great muffin tin! Perfect for making some fun holiday muffins! So cute!
Janean, you have a good eye for lovely things!
I am obsessed with acorns (was once going to be part of my logo for my antique store) - so I just might need to invest in an acorn pan!
I am glad you stopped by, so I found you!
OX, Monika
Hi Janean,
How cute is that muffin tin?! Love it. Oh! And the vintage stove is gorgeous. I am the lucky owner of a vintage 1950's O'Keefe & Merritt stove and I love it. If you like to take a peek, here's where I posted about it...http://apetitecottage.blogspot.com/2009/08/white-wednesday.html. Have a wonderful weekend. Until next time.
♥Ana~A Petite Cottage
So nice to have found your blog!
It is wonderful and you seem like you could be my Twin!
OMG.. we both think the same.. I am a NANA, sister, friend, and one who loves Christ Jesus!
Praise God!
So nice to meet you, I added myself to your blog as a follower.
so cool.
Where can I buy the pan to these glorious acorns?.. Yes, people love shapes. I think it starts in our very early yrs. I love it.
I Know it is just going too fast.
Hugs, Darlene..
come visit me too. :-)
Hi Janean, thanks for visiting my blog and living a comment, I really appreciate it! I love your acorn muffin tin, too cute. I just had a little look at some of your posts and laughed when I came upon the one about words. I am a bit of a wordy too and I sound out my word verifications and think of meanings for them. At the moment I am reading "Book of Words" which is full of wonderful and strange words and their meanings.
Looking forward to following you.
thankyou for stopping by and leaving such lovely comments.
Rachael XX
The acorn muffin tin is so cute...my boys would love those.
Oh wow! The acorn muffin pan is amazing! I would love to find one! I like some little loaf pans that I have used to make banana bread ...serves 2 or one hungry man!
I love the acorn pan. May I ask where you found it. Since we have two towering oak trees on the side of our home, we have lots of acorns. I would love that pan. My favorite pan was probably a "Cabbage Patch Doll" for cake the I decorated years ago when my girls had finally snagged a doll each from their grandparents. The cake was a "celebration" for the new "babies" who came to our home to live. We had a cake like that when their little brother was born, to welcome him, hence I used the same idea when they CB dolls arrived. I gotta find that pan!
Acorn-shaped muffins - wow! These little lumps immediately grabbed my attention and I'll definitely have to get this pan. Thanks for the tip.
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