"Ring-ring," the woman says into the can. I just adore those Progresso soup commercials! Do you?
When I was a child I tried to do the can and waxed string thing. It didn't work so well. Last week a lot of us talked to our friends and family who live all over the world. It was nice to catch up on each others lives and hear their voices. Then there were those friends and family we couldn't talk to because they longer live in this world.
In December I may send a few people in my life a tin can with a waxed string attached, along with a note that reads, "Give me a ring."
What do you think? And hey, if you're one of my relatives or friends. Call.
Old GE phone and radio. Anyone remember when we used to have prefixes like TU for Tuxedo, PL for Plaza...? What are some other ones?