I heart this wrap!
Can't you almost feel the crunchy leaves under your feet and the taste of sweet apple cider?
It's a free Vogue knitting pattern.
You can visit the site by clicking onto the photo.
Of course, a truly organized knitter would have whipped this up during the sultry months of July and August.
Me? I knitted socks. What?
Okay, I only knitted two pair....well....almost done with the last sock.
I'm off to knit a few more rounds so I can start on this wrap.....or another sock.
The texure of that wrap is wonderful. And that curly finge is just so sweet. Now if I can only find someone to knit it for me...
Mmmm...I'm no an autumn lover...but I am slowly coming to appreciate it and looking at this wrap and that plaid blanket and thinking about apples and cinnamon...I'm on the abyss of falling over!
Confession time, I have been too busy to read the blog since the beginning until today. I just read every post and it makes me miss you. Comments could have been added to every post. I have a blue apron like yours in the apron post that my hubby's grandmother made me. Are you sure my daughter didn't hang around you more than I knew. She loves old aprons, rescued a chandelier and painted it for her bedroom, has a knack for finding perfect pictures for her blogs and is an incredible writer much like you.
Whenever I see photos on Sophia's facebook, I see you in your granddaughter.
Keep writing my friend and I promise to become an avid reader of your blog.
Donna, my dear friend-sister-fellow redhead...though I am blonde again. How I miss you. Thank you for your sweet comment. It means the world to me.
Hi Janean,
Do you covet mother of pearl flatware too?? You left a comment on my blog about that...and guess what? There was a beautiful set of knives with MOP handles that I very nearly bought this past weekend! (a little too pricey though.) I love that type of thing...I am going to keep searching.
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