Reds, yellows, oranges, browns excite our senses.
Do you ever wonder if other animals enjoy the color?
Last autumn my honey & I went to a historic district where there was an ancient maple in the town center.
Its branches were huge - maybe 20 feet; in every direction, but bent low to the ground -- like a tent!
We stood under it for a long time, and I'm telling you, it was magnificent.
As we strolled out, we met a sweet, elderly man sitting on a park bench.
Autumn leaves brought us together with this living historian...
Glorious autumn leaves!
We don't have fall color yet, but last night felt wonderful outside! We came home and raised the windows and added a quilt to the bed. It was nice and made me want to run away to the mountains when the leaves do turn.
I don't feel like we EVER get fall here in AZ. We went to the zoo today and it was 100. Sweltering! Your blog is too cute!! I love it! Enjoy the fall for us!
Janean, I love the autumn, also. The colors of the leaves excite the senses, I think. The leaves haven't really changed in Southern Manitoba yet, but we were up further north last week and the leaves had just begun to change as we were coming home. Your mosaic is really nice.
Thank yo for visiting my blog and for commenting on my house color. I am sooo happy with it. Hugs, Cindy S.
Love the picture of the leaves!
I laughed reading about your sign you put on your homegrown pumpkins! Every year I say I am going to grow pumpkins and sometimes I even start the seeds but something happens and I've yet to have a pumpkin.
Thanks for your comment on my post. I hate to admit but for the most part this year I haven't stopped and enjoyed the little things that make me happy. :( I'm going to do better the rest of the year though!
I'm off to burn a fancy candle...
So gorgeous! I recently moved to Chicago from AZ and am loving this season, with all the deciduous trees and their gorgeous leaves.
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