On a whim, we grew pumpkins last year.
It started when we went to a place where they sell only heirloom seeds and plants.
We didn't get the scary HUGE pumpkins, nor the ones that you can make pies from. These were strictly for fun. And they were.
It was interesting to see them start from a beautiful flower and turn into large, round, orange orbs.
There's something so satisfying about walking out your back door and picking your pumpkin right off the ground under the shade of the sunflowers.
We wanted to hang a sign that says, "We actually GREW these...ourselves!"
Do you buy your pumpkins at the store, pick them from a pumpkin patch or grow them?
This year I grew some Cinderella pumpkins. They are kind of flat rather than round and so beautiful. They haven't turned orange yet so I hope I didn't get them in too late. I want to grow all the warty, funky, pretty ones next year. It's so fun!
We always buy them. :( Every year I say we should grow our own next year but I forget about it until fall arrives and then it's too late! I'd love to do a huge arrangement with them around our porch but it's too expensive to buy that many. I should go mark my calendar so I remember to do it next year!
Yeah - good for you!! I think it's awesome you grew your own! I bought some of the "baby boo" seeds (the little white ones) to grow for next year :)
Hello Janean~I've just strolled into your blog for my first visit...I've enjoyed taking a peek at your past posts. What beauty!
We share similar taste for so many of the same design elements and in cooking too.
The one thing that can cheer me up as I watch summer come to a close is... the anticipation of fall and all the autumnal colors that come with it.
Providing creative inspiration for crafts and events.
I've bookmarked you in my favs.
I look forward to coming by your charming blog again.
Come by for a visit. Your company would be nice.
Sweet wishes,
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