It's Sunday.
How about an omelet?
You break the eggs and add a little milk.
I'll dice yellow, orange and red bell pepper.
I'll chop fresh chives I just cut from outside.
Do you mind sauteing the mushrooms?
Let's grate a little Cheddar-Jack cheese to put in and on top.
The coffee's nearly done.
The juice is poured in chilled glasses.
The maple bacon is in the warming drawer.
The table's set.
How wonderful to share a meal together!! :) The best part is no dishes to clean up!!
Oh thank you, but don't tell my family, their having frozen waffles. Well, I guess I can toast them after I finish my omlette and coffe.
Yes, the flower power and happy face stickers were replaced by green pasture and Happy California Cows. Do people outside of CA know about our happy cows? I wonder if those commercials only play in CA to convice us to buy local.
Anyway, thanks for breakfast. I'll have to run to the store now. Hubby read "maple bacon" over my shoulder...Enjoy your Sunday.
Yes Dawn, "happy cows make happy milk" are one of our favorite commercials. Hope breakfast with family was enjoyable.
sherry lee, what a sweet observation - no dishes!
I'll take one of those please!!!
:) T
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