I adore fountains! Do you? It's the sound, the statuary and the ever-changing movement of the water that make fountains entertaining to me. The only fountains I don't care for as much are the one where water is coming from an animal or human orifice. LOL! Who has a fountain?
Also, with summer coming on I'm thinking of going to an every-other-day post schedule. Any thoughts?
Angel fountain; Traditional four-tier; Natural stacked stone fountain; Table top cherub fountain; Wall fountain and Redneck Fountain *wink*!

Love fountains, the last one tho, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, lol. I do so enjoy seeing every moring, while drinking my tea and watching QVC, to see what you have come up with! Do you want you need to do, as my boss would say. I know summer gets busy, so don't stress yourself. Have a wonderful, you.
I love the first one because it's an Angel. The last one Hummm what can I say..xx
I had a small one on my front porch; a simple round bowl with a pineapple in center from which the water flowed. The motor died, and I decided a can of spray paint for plastics would be less expensive than a new motor, so I painted it in a pretty hammered bronze color and it's now a bird bath out in the yard. It's still pretty and useful, and who knows, some day I still may buy a new motor!
As for posting - life is too short to hold onto a strict schedule of blogging - post when you can, or just when you feel like it. We'll still be here to check in on you when you have something to say! (See my blog for an explanation! http://camelliacottagediary.blogspot.com) B.
I've been BEGGING for a fountain! I love the stacked stones. That's very much my style. The last one...not so much! LOL!
I for one will miss you every morning...but yes...go ..enjoy your life...short days will be here before we know it...so stick your nose in the day! But please visit me...I can't seem to shut up!
Fountains...I have four
and would have more...and may have more..if I can sneak them past my husband!
I also have a hummingbird mister that I love
I loved that stacked stone one..sent me to the internet looking for one...thanks
Keep the kiddie pool and beer can one...
I will miss my morning visit with you...but go enjoy life...shorter days will return all too soon...go stick your nose in the day! I'll be here when you post...But please visit me I need my number one fan
I love that stacked stone fountatin..you have sent me to the internet looking for one!
I have 4 fountains and would have more..and may have more if I can sneak another by my husband
You can keep the beer can one though...hahaha
Honestly, in my heart I want a fountain but in my head I don't...sometimes just irritating noise...kind of like a wind chime for me...pretty sound for a little while ...but then...I would still come over if you just post every other day....
Good Morning Janean!
I LOVE fountains...I have two. One is the kind you don't like lol...it has water coming out the lions mouth :O I used to have it on our old brick wall in the city in the screened porch with ferns all around it. Very English. The other is an old red water pump mounted to an old wine barrel. Both of them are in a building here on the farm as I have NO place to put them yet. Oh well..one day.
I feel the same as you...the good weather is here and there is so much to do outside that it's going to be hard to do a post every day. You can only do what you can and besides...most everyone else will be outside a good deal of the time too! I hope you have a wonderful day...enjoy the sunshine if you can. Maura
I love fountains too, two and three are nice. I have one in my secret garden but didn't run it last year.....you got me going, I will this year!
Interesting fountains. I would love to have one in my yard.
Wish I had a fountain in my town home yard, but will settle for a small one in my foyer.
I am lucky to post once a week so every other day sounds perfect to me!
I love your pictures ! such as always.......my dear...but the last..........mmmmmmmm..........??
I'am sitting outside.with the laptop on table.it is beautiful weather here...............i enjoy !!
Have a good evening hugs from me...........
Hey Girl!
I am lovin'your fountains!
I have two. ..and a pond in my yard that has a watering can pour over!
It's safe to say I like the whole water in the garden thing!
Hope you have a delightful day!
Give yourself a break and listen to the water!
blessings my friend....donna
Love the redneck fountain; I can picture it in my backyard... with hubby laying beneath the flow!
Fountains are wonderful. We have one on our patio just outside our dinning room window. It has two lions on it, the water sprays up between them. Love to sit on the patio, close my eyes and just listen. Very relaxing.
The photos are lovely today. Most blogs I've seen, they seem to post a couple times a week at the most. Yours is a wonderful, very enjoyable blog.
The second one is uh-may-zing...it makes me feel like I'm peeking into a private garden in the the French Quarter. All you'd need to make that picture even more perfect would be a pitcher of sweet tea and some beignets...And now I'm drooling. :)
Love fountains and the sound of water, but don't have one. Too many mosquitoes here. LOL at your last picture--I'm half cajun and can relate to that one. :P
Something soothing and comforting about a fountain......:-) hugs
I lovvvve fountains. There was one at the front door when we looked at this house and it was so peaceful, but they took it with them. I am trying to get my husband to put another on in. I love the sound of it.
You always throw in the ugly one huh?! Loved all the others though. Yes..every other day is enough for any one I think....come say hi! :D
Hi Janean....... I love the movement of water..... fountains, creeks, rivers, ocean.... whatever....
I have the fountain that hangs on the wall with the fruit..... I bought it for a fountain, but it has turned out to be a planter on the side of our house.... not enough water ..... I love anything to do with outdoors!!!
I love your pictures.
I love fountains! The last one, erm, looks familiar... ROTF! :-D
Blogging should be when you feel like it... any schedule you decide should feel right to you. Just IMO :)
I don't have a fountain but I do love them. I want to see that one in Central Park!
Hi Janean,
Love all the fountains, and had a giggle at the last one.
I do not have one, but it would be great.
Your blog is fun to visit, thank you and I would say post when you are able, every other day sounds great and do enjoy your Summer.
Yes -- yes, I enjoy fountains -- I love simple designs not to much of add-0n's -- but I do like them big and small and all different shapes -- but I would have to pass on the last photo you showed -- but it did give me a giggle..
My friend, I understand the every-other-day posting situation. It's not for the lack of brilliant ideas, which are many, other things in your life need undivided attention ~ big hugs* I love you and hope you find the wisdom you need ~ good job on the fountains ~ big smile.
I do like fountains. Running water is so relaxing to me. I enjoyed these photos.
Yes! I love and have a fountain! (It's not installed yet but will be tomorrow -- the Man promised!)
I think you should blog as often or as less as you want, what your life allows. Yes, I adore reading you and looking at your inspiring images but I understand well the demands of life -- gardening, home, travel, cooking, baking, shopping, manicures, pedicures, facials, massages -- when you post we will be here reading!
I would love to have a fountain in my courtyard. And we liked the TV edited version of Analyze This, too! You always find the cutest photos to finish your posts! ♥
lol@last one.I love fountains so pretty and relaxing.
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