I used to be the biggest "drama queen." Then one day (not that many years ago) I'd had my limit of it in my everyday life. I decided to drop-kick it out on its backside. Now I dislike it, except in decor. I still enjoy seeing a little drama there. Here are some very dramatic images. Are you or were you a drama queen? Dramatic color; Dramatic chandeliers; Dramatic pattern - White House; Dramatic pool space - Hearst Mansion; Dramatic Sky - God; Drama Queen (tell me you saw it coming! LOL)

Love Love Love this post!
I am a reformed drama queen, who has been known on odd occasions to revert to my former queenly status.
I want those chandeliers...Bad.
Oh this is wonderful.
isn't it funny how what floats our boat changes?
I agree-
less drama-
more go with the flow-
I do like it in my house a little (I like the unexpected) and I like jewelry!
Happy Easter,
hey, how did you get that picture of me with the rollers in my hair??? :D
the wine was good but i was really having a bad day though....
i love the chandeliers....
Well, maybe the last pic could describe me a time or two...lol...except I don't smoke. I try to stay away from the drama anymore...too time consuming...
Good Morning Janean,
I love drama in the old movies, but not in real life. I am a Libra, so I love balance and peace. No use or time for it, however, the pool at The Hearst Castle, I would make time for! I have toured the castle. Wonderful history there!
Is that a picture of the lost road to Eden?!
So glad you are not a drama queen anymore
But rather a woman of exquisite taste and passion
I guess I like to wear drama
it's all in the details, isn't it
That last picture looks JUST like me! Well, except for the hair color and length; no curlers, mascara, fingernail polish, crying, or cigarette. Drinking the wine - yes! LOL, otherwise it looks EXACTLY like me!
No lipstick either...
Fun post! I like peace and quiet in my life and in my decor. Some would say "boring!" but it suits me.
Good Morning Janean!
No I was never a drama queen but my daughters were and are. Oldest daughter has basically grown out of it (pretty much) but my youngest daughter still is. Oh my ...the drama I've seen. Wow your photo's certainly do show drama...especially that lady LOL! I hope you have a wonderful peaceful (drama free) weekend. Take care. Maura
Oh, that first photo is just "a little" over the top isn't it.? And I wouldn't want to sit under those chandeliers in the second photo. Fun post!
Happy Easter!
Teacup Lane (Sandy)
Oh, what a fun post! I've never been much for drama in my life. Give me quiet and peaceful days. Guess I'm pretty dull! :-)
Quite the drama in these pictures! God gives us spectacular drama in the sky sometimes, doesn't he? Have a great Easter!
Love it...except the last poor sad woman..don't like that! :D
I don't have a lot of patience for the drama queen type anymore!....or too much drama in decor, either. I like my friends pragmatic, kind and cosy and I guess I'd have to say that I like my interiors that way too - but with a touch of 'pretty' in the interiors!
I suppose I was a drama queen but I have definitely changed. I like pretty things and I guess that makes me more of a peaceful person. Okay...I do like makeup and jewelry and getting dressed to the hilt every now and then, but most days I am really laid back.
Great post. Love the lady with the rollers in her hair!!
Happy Easter, Janean!
Hee-hee!!! My older sibling tell me I was a drama queen when I was little...I don't believe a word of it!!! :-D
Wonderfully dramatic pics here!
Janean, you have infinite talent and wit in these posts. Drama Queen? Oh, I hope not. Just passionate! Loved the post on buttons and those button earrings, have to try making some of those!
Have a wonderful Easter!
Oh I want to want each and every room! The pool looked spooky but drew me in too! Drama queen, me, no, but boy do I know a few!!!! Happy Easter, Lori
Give it to me in landscape, please. Though those chandeliers weren't too bad.
No I am not a drama queen, except for a God drama queen as I so loved that picture.
Happy Easter to you and your family.......:-) Hugs
Gorgeous photos, esp. the chandeliers! I'm your newest follower! Please come visit and I invite you to follow me too.
Happy Easter!
Hugs, Lisa
Such a great post. I don't think I was ever much of a drama queen, but having 6 kids creates enough drama on it's own :-)
Have a glorious Easter.
Wow drama is right!!!
Lovely post Janean ~ less drama now-days is a good thing.
Love the chandeliers.
I hope that you are having a happy and blessed Easter.
Very intense, my friend.
Very intense, my friend.
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