We walked into the store and it *spoke* to me.I nearly ran up to it. "It" was a romantic canopied day bed! I wanted to take it home right then and there even though the price tag was triple of what I would normally spend. The brakes came because I could not (and still cannot) figure out how to keep it on a screened porch and it not get mildewy. I walked away, but six years later still sigh when I remember it. Does anyone else adore them? Does anyone have a solution to my mildew concern? Okay, so the last photo is not so practical, but a girl can dream...and in the desert -- no mildew! LOL.
Each one is beauty and luxury :) But second is wonderful! I'm dreaming about big pool and such a bed in my garden, but in Poland summer is to short for it... Hugs :)
Oh those are so neat. I don't know how to permanently keep mildew away. It's a vigilant battle for most to just try to attack it every time it pops up. Must be some remedy out there somewhere???? Between wet weather and humidity in the summer....ack...what to do? I'll be watching comments to see if anybody else has some tips out there. I also like those beds that hang from the porch ceiling like a swing, with the gauzy curtains spiraled around the chains. :-) summer house look. Thanks for a great post Janean! Hugs.
Janean, If we were that girl in the last photo there would be people to make sure there was no mildew wherever you were, so hmmmmmmm I'll take that one in some tropical island! Have a good one, sweet gal. Robin
YES. Yes, I absolutely love them, too! Pure fantasy for me... I, like you, cannot figure out how to keep them in this beautiful state without having a ton of work!
that last bed is getting mighty heavy what with everyone wanting on...including me!
Outdoor furniture always looks so nice in mag spreads..but not so easy to keep looking romantic and inviting...dirt moisture bugs...I stick with something I can hose off now.....
So is that you in the last photo? Didn't know you were such a diva! lol!
I like the idea of things like this but like you, I don't bother because of issues like mildew, insects, sun damage, etc. I see photos of porches with pretty pillows on the porch swing or wicker furniture and always wonder how they keep them clean and dry. I especially wonder when I see a quilt draped over porch furniture. I might do it for a day when I have company but I can't get myself to leave such things out in the elements.
I would love to perch a daybed in my yard to stretch out on sunny days with a good book and have my cat Thomas right by my side along with my pup Autumn ... if only sunny days weren't so few right now in Maryland....Jennifer jennsthreegraces peek in!
I think those are soooo NEAT! I think all the neighborhood outdoor cats would find there way to it and it would be a MESS! Now, if I had a HUGE covered, screened in porch I think it would be FABULOUS!!!
How beautiful any of those would be! We have all kinds of challenges here in Florida...haven't quite figured it all out though! I spray LYSOL ...but don't like the smell! lol
We had them on the bungalow veranda when I was a girl and they always smelled musty and mildewy - but I always thought of that as the bungalow's special summer smell! Now that I know better I just keep everything washed over and over and make new cushions every couple of years - not for a bed, but for a big comfy couch, piled with pillows. It's the next best thing.
Absolutely beautiful, but I never understood how you could keep them clean outside. I'd rather have it on the inside! I have and love daybeds. You can tuck the pull-out away when there is not company and yet have space for company when they come.
I loved that first one... until I scrolled to the second one. Is it bad that I wanted to bump her off and curl up there myself?
A washable canopy would be a good choice. But the wicker can be hosed down with a weak bleach mixture to take care of any mildew that might creep up. Or routinely spray them with Lysol. Sun and a good breeze help to slow down the mildew.
the last comment I made might show my brother's name it's really me Kristeen from The Gough Inn I am using my brother's computer and forgot to change name..
Well Janean, my solution might not be too practical, but you could move to the desert :-) We don't have mold and mildew here. It's too dry. The only place you might get it here is in the bathroom. We don't have fleas here either :-) Hey, when you live where it's this hot in the summer, you have to find the positive things! Blessings, Marcia
Oh how cool is that! Not sure what you can do about your mildew problem...other than move to Arizona?! LOVE the last one...WOOOHOOO LOL! Take care....Maura:)
Oh yes! I want one. Every time I see one in a store, I covet. I literally stand there, bleary eyed, daydreaming about reclining on it near the pond as servants clean my house, cook my dinner, wash my laundry and clean the horse stalls.
I don't have a problem with mildew on the sun porch, but have had an issue with it on the outdoor cushions which are made of Sunbrella fabric. In fact, I've just ordered all new cushions. We've had these for over five years, and they live outdoors year round. I think they got water logged one summer when we had constant rain, and ever since just didn't drain properly. Then this year we've had issues with squirrels tearing them apart. So new ones are on order. Love these day beds. Wish we had a place for one of these. I'd take any of them!
Family Rain, gently falling Classical music Black wrought iron fences Babies feet Good friends Fresh brewed coffee The sound of knitting needles clicking White - it calms me Pearls - real of course Autumn. It is the smell of leaves High heels...oooooh And art Moonlight - the color fascinates me Dark chocolate; never white or milk White fluffy towels My cowboy boots And all things French.
Each one is beauty and luxury :) But second is wonderful! I'm dreaming about big pool and such a bed in my garden, but in Poland summer is to short for it...
Hugs :)
Oh those are so neat. I don't know how to permanently keep mildew away. It's a vigilant battle for most to just try to attack it every time it pops up. Must be some remedy out there somewhere????
Between wet weather and humidity in the summer....ack...what to do?
I'll be watching comments to see if anybody else has some tips out there. I also like those beds that hang from the porch ceiling like a swing, with the gauzy curtains spiraled around the chains. :-)
summer house look. Thanks for a great post Janean! Hugs.
If we were that girl in the last photo there would be people to make sure there was no mildew wherever you were, so hmmmmmmm I'll take that one in some tropical island!
Have a good one, sweet gal.
The last one is definitely the way to go! LOL.
your last photo...now that's what I'm talking about...fun....
YES. Yes, I absolutely love them, too! Pure fantasy for me... I, like you, cannot figure out how to keep them in this beautiful state without having a ton of work!
that last bed is getting mighty heavy what with everyone wanting on...including me!
Outdoor furniture always looks so nice in mag spreads..but not so easy to keep looking romantic and inviting...dirt moisture bugs...I stick with something I can hose off now.....
Oh, yeah, the last one, absolutely... do you think it comes with the four guys?
They are all lovely, make me want to stretch out and nap!
So is that you in the last photo? Didn't know you were such a diva! lol!
I like the idea of things like this but like you, I don't bother because of issues like mildew, insects, sun damage, etc. I see photos of porches with pretty pillows on the porch swing or wicker furniture and always wonder how they keep them clean and dry. I especially wonder when I see a quilt draped over porch furniture. I might do it for a day when I have company but I can't get myself to leave such things out in the elements.
I would love to perch a daybed in my yard to stretch out on sunny days with a good book and have my cat Thomas right by my side along with my pup Autumn ... if only sunny days weren't so few right now in Maryland....Jennifer jennsthreegraces peek in!
I think those are soooo NEAT! I think all the neighborhood outdoor cats would find there way to it and it would be a MESS! Now, if I had a HUGE covered, screened in porch I think it would be FABULOUS!!!
They are absolutely gorgeous! The big ones hidden out amongst the garden are so dreamy and romantic..
How beautiful any of those would be! We have all kinds of challenges here in Florida...haven't quite figured it all out though! I spray LYSOL ...but don't like the smell! lol
We had them on the bungalow veranda when I was a girl and they always smelled musty and mildewy - but I always thought of that as the bungalow's special summer smell! Now that I know better I just keep everything washed over and over and make new cushions every couple of years - not for a bed, but for a big comfy couch, piled with pillows. It's the next best thing.
MMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz......................i am very lazy now !!!
Hugs from me my sweet Janean......
Absolutely beautiful, but I never understood how you could keep them clean outside. I'd rather have it on the inside! I have and love daybeds. You can tuck the pull-out away when there is not company and yet have space for company when they come.
I loved that first one... until I scrolled to the second one. Is it bad that I wanted to bump her off and curl up there myself?
A washable canopy would be a good choice. But the wicker can be hosed down with a weak bleach mixture to take care of any mildew that might creep up. Or routinely spray them with Lysol. Sun and a good breeze help to slow down the mildew.
Don't worry about the mildew... Go for it!
I do...liked the 4th one and the last one...every girl deserves to be Queen! Come say hi :D
Ah, that second one looks like heaven! But it also looks so impractical, and aren't we all a little too bit practical?
Oh my..... I can't choose my favorite; each one looks so comfy and pretty~~
3rd photo from the top? That's what we're aiming for, that's why we're dreaming (and planning...) to move to NC one day. Hopefully sooner than later.
Such beauty, I wish to own one..or better to be in one like the last picture :)
I love, love, love this post. There is just something about a canopy over a bed that seems so girly and luxurious.....:-) Hugs
I want everything in photo 3 for my back setting room..and mildrew is not a issue here..simle
the last comment I made might show my brother's name it's really me Kristeen from The Gough Inn I am using my brother's computer and forgot to change name..
Well Janean, my solution might not be too practical, but you could move to the desert :-) We don't have mold and mildew here. It's too dry. The only place you might get it here is in the bathroom. We don't have fleas here either :-) Hey, when you live where it's this hot in the summer, you have to find the positive things!
Don't have one in my house but they are really beautiful. I love the flowing cloth ones.
Oh how cool is that! Not sure what you can do about your mildew problem...other than move to Arizona?! LOVE the last one...WOOOHOOO LOL! Take care....Maura:)
Oh yes! I want one. Every time I see one in a store, I covet. I literally stand there, bleary eyed, daydreaming about reclining on it near the pond as servants clean my house, cook my dinner, wash my laundry and clean the horse stalls.
I don't have a problem with mildew on the sun porch, but have had an issue with it on the outdoor cushions which are made of Sunbrella fabric. In fact, I've just ordered all new cushions. We've had these for over five years, and they live outdoors year round. I think they got water logged one summer when we had constant rain, and ever since just didn't drain properly. Then this year we've had issues with squirrels tearing them apart. So new ones are on order. Love these day beds. Wish we had a place for one of these. I'd take any of them!
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