Old Sweetwater

Old Sweetwater

Friday, April 9, 2010

Olive Garden Decor

My husband likes The Olive Garden restaurant. In fact, I have a dear friend (Eydie) who always makes the waiter bring her extra black olives for her salad when she eats there. LOVE it! So today I'm going to celebrate OLIVES....green, black and the deep purple of Kalamata olives. Who's an olive fan? Photos:  Powder Room with Olive walls; Olive Tureen; Varied Olive Oil Dispensers; Olive Pottery from Crate and Barrel; Olive Home plaque; Olive and Blue pillow; Olive Branch dinnerware; Kalamata olive pizza and Olive Oil...or Oyl!



lambi said...

I love olive walls, are wonderful! Lovely photos!
Have a nice day :)

Susan said...

I can't say that I was a fan of olive before...but I am now! Oh what a wonderful post! It put a smile on my face. :) I didn't expect Popeye's girlfriend when you wrote Olive Oi1! So fun!

Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

Olive Oyl made me smile! I LOVE olives. On the rare occasion I have a marguarita, I have them put big olives in it. Wonderful! My pizza is usually black olives and green olives. Yum!

Just a little something from Judy said...

I had a few extra minutes this morning, which is rare for me, and I just spent time reading down through each of your posts. Your blog is so unique and so beautiful! I loved my time here. I personally do not care for olives, but I do really like the color of them, and I liked every single photo that you shared of those colors and shades. I especially liked the first and second pictures. I liked the black and white post, especially since I am a true black and white person. My wardrobe would prove that to you. I always look forward to visits here, and the beauty that is shown on each post.

Hope you have a good day today!

It's me said...

I think...my dear Janean.that i love your husband !! hahahahahhah!! hihihihihi!!! lol lol lol ............but i also love olives !! and.....you !! have a great sunny weekend......hugs from me..............don't eat too much olives..................bye!

1 Funky Woman said...

I love olives. When I was pregnant I ate a ton of the green ones! And who didn't like Olive Oyl?

Unknown said...

This post made me hungry.
I love the little olive jar, don't know that I have ever seen one.
Olive oil the healthiest thing in the world, love it.
Those big clay pot and the stone steps just reminded me of the Holy land.
The pizza looked heavenly.
I must do something today with olive oil.

Donna said...

I adore that olive color paint! And I have never met an olive I didn't like, LOL.

Loui♥ said...

loved all the images..
especially Olive Oyl!

Dolores said...

Good morning Janean,
Lovely pictures....... wish I had the olive jar.

Olive Garden is David's favorite restaurant. In fact, we go there almost every week. As long as he enjoys getting out, we'll go there. We're going there tonight with friends to celebrate my birthday.
Have a great weekend!

Pondside said...

Mmmmm - tapenade, big salty olives, black olives, juicy olives - I love them all, and I love a deep olive green!

Suz said...

I hope this comment takes..I couldn't post the other day when you said you were taking a break...by all means take a break..stick your nose in the day
I'll be here when you come back
Olives...Oh yes...Olive garden..Don't be too hard on your friend..I ask for extra olives too!
I love olive green on some walls..a hard color to get just right
Olives I love all olives...

~ Regan said...

heehee, Olive Oil.... Too funny!

I love the bathroom you picked...THat color is fab! I do like green, and even dark green... I just think they have to be used carefully to look great. I also prefer greens that don't have a huge amount of yellow in them... I don't know why...

Great pics!

KTW said...

I love me some OG! We eat there far too often. I've even managed to replicate some of our favorite dishes from there.
And I love their decor. I've always told the Hubster that when I hit the Powerball, I'll be building a stone OG and reconfiguring the inside to be the house of my dreams!

Andrea said...

OOH...LA...LA...I love olives..both green and black...and well, Olive Oil is a pretty sharp chic, too!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs, andrea

Unknown said...

I love Olive too, isn't she cute! Lovely way to end a nice presentation.

WhiteWhispers2u said...

I really like Olive Garden Decor, love the Olive Plates.~Cheers Kim

Cindy said...

I like olives to eat. I like the color of green olives for some things in moderation.

Debra@CommonGround said...

I'm definitely an olive fan and could eat them on anything. My favorite pizza...green olive! Love that dark paint in the first image, really striking. I'm just a fan of "green" in general!
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I don't care much for olives. Do you like olives? I have a friend who truly can eat them by the handful. yuck

Andrea said...

ME!! My mother said one of the first "real" foods I ate when I was a baby was olives, lol! And my kids all love them too, so I guess it runs in the family :-)

Love your pics, as always!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Always loved Olive Oil. I do like to eat olives too! Haven't been to the Olive Garden, my family doesn't like it. I guess I will have to go alone, I always like there commercials. I haven't decorated with that color.

La Dolce Vita Gal said...

I love that you are highlighting this color - so often overlooked! Who knew olive could look so chic paired with chesnut brown and a crystal chandelier???

Suz said...

WHAT! I know I left a comment!
This is getting spooky

Devon said...

I love olives any type,,our whole foods store has an awesome olive bar,,great pictures..

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We love to cook with Olive Oil and dip bread in oil and spices. That pillow has a nice combo of colors! Love the really dark olive in the bath, too! Oh....and I remember being as skinny as Olive Oil...awhile back! heeheehee! ♥

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Loved your post...kalamata are my favorite!

Happy Weekend!

Laura said...

Those photos made me want something olive.

I need to haul out my Franciscan Madeira.

What a great post!


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Janean,

Lovely post, dear friend and as I have been out picking our olives on the trees, a very appropriate post.
I have taken ours to be pressed for olive oil.
Last year we preserved them, as well as having the oil.
Thanks for a fun post and Olive Oyl made me smile.
Love the colour olive too.

Happy weekend

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hello Janean....I LOVE olives! Green olives...Kalamata olives any kind of olive!!! They are an acquired taste and I certainly loved them from an early age. I cook with olive oil too...it's good stuff.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Take care. Maura

GardenOfDaisies said...

I like to wear that color, as it sort of goes with my eyes. I love to eat olives! I use olive oil for all my cooking. And my sons rooms is sort of an olive/army/prairie grass green. :-) So that is a lot of olive, now that i think about it.

Carol said...

I'm afraid that I'm not too keen on olives, but I love your photos.
Have a blessed weekend.

lambi said...

My Dear...did you hear what happend to us ? Our president and major politicians are killed by crash... It's so terrible...I can't stop crying...
For my country it's nightmare... I can't wait I am awake...

Deb said...

love it...especially Olive Oyl...

Loui♥ said...

how could I have not commented on your post? I am an avid follower and viewer.. Love everything about your place!
and the Olive Garden is special to me also..LOVE IT..the food , the decor, the ambiance..
and Olive Oyl..I was just like her for years.. tall and thin..now old age has made me short and fat..
warmest hugs,laughing smiles..
PS..thanks for stopping by..it's commercial time so go sign up!
You are already a winner in my book!!!

Marla said...

Great pictures. I love the color and the eating of olives. Of course, I still have to put one on each finger before chomping them down.

M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

Such scrumptious photos over here. Loved all the colors, food and Popeye's 'Olive', too. : )

Vær våken said...

These are lovely images!! I really want to taste that pizza!!

XO'S Kristin

Janet - underthewillow said...

oh my! olive and sage green are my favorite colors! but I prefer black olives to eat and enjoy dining at Olive Garden too!


Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

Jamean~My favorite dip/spread to make is Olive Tapenade, but unfortunately my husband dislikes olives, so I'm left to eat the whole thing all by myself. Eventually I start to look a little olive shaped myself, lol!! It might not help that I love to eat it on French bread too.

Sweet wishes,

Technodoll said...

Love the color, but olives make me gag. Seriously. Even olive oil has to be the "extra light tasting" or... retch! :-o

But OH what a PERFECT color!

Kathysue said...

Fun Post!!