We've all got 'em. Some of us like our names, while others go by "AKA's," (Also Known As). I got a comment a while ago from a lady whose name was Tanna. Since I had never known anyone with that name, I looked it up. It means gracious or saint. A lovely meaning for a lovely name.
My dear mother named me after one of her cousins who she adored. Unfortunately, from my first memory, i totally disliked the name...even the way it looked on paper! In my early 20's i just started introducing and signing my middle name, Janean. It means, "God is gracious."
This FAB clock is a Mora clock, so named from the town in which they were originally made in Sweden. It describes the style of clock, much like our names describe us.
Another funny thing...The vast majority of my close friends have been named "Jan" or "Carol."

Synthia=Moon Goddess. I dig the goddess part. Note the spelling is my mom's own creation, so we'd have the same initials and so I could never find toe rings with my name on them
Love love love grandfather clocks.. well all clocks that chime or sing.. or ring.. and not one clock will chime, sing or ring the correct time.. so say I need to blog about this too.. but getting to the chase here.. Ah I'll take delivery on Monday for that item.. (heehee)
aka is a must in my world
I could have chosen a better name as I was suppose to be one thing.. and I was named another.
with love,
Ashling meaning Dream/ Vision. The origin of the name is Irish- Aisling. however my mother used an English spelling. I like it as it ain't very common and I like that :)
All things nice...
Sue is a shortened version of my name. I never use my full name ever.
I like my name OK. My sister used to call me Cyn, as if adding one more syllable was too much work! When I got married I became Cindy Young. Round these parts we have lots (and LOTS) of Dutch folks. Dutch folks with last names like DeHaan and DeYoung. So, when introduced, they naturally assumed I was Cyn DeYoung!!! One nice thing about my last name...I'll always be Young!
Hello Janean, I think your name is pretty! I was named Julie after my daddy Jules, and Marie for my middle name after ALL of my French grandmothers and great~grandmothers who were all named Marie... I still go by my maiden name of Vicknair as my last name too... it is my French heritage and I wanted to keep it! xoxo Julie Marie
Rita means pearl. I have always loved my first name. I used to hate my middle name because when my mom got mad at me she shortened it from Jolene to Jo and I knew that meant trouble! ha! But as I have grown older, I have realized that not many people had either one of my names and have grown to appreciate them both.
'Kelli' isn't too bad, I suppose. Growing up there were only three or four of us, and only one other that I knew who spelled it with an 'i'. Now that I'm in blogland I see LOTS of 'Kelli with an i's. :)
Janean, I just love your little 'question' posts! I like my name Jayme. It seems to suit me. My friends call me Jayms. Aaron calls me Marmie. I've forgotten what Jayme means....supplanter of truth? Something like that....
I have a bit of a clock fetish myself, but I'm more into vintage alarm clocks.
Have a wonderful day!
I do like my name. I think it fits me. People rarely pronounce it correctly, but that is okay, too.
Blessings, andrea
My name is Megan, and I love it. In Greek it means Pearl but I am not Greek, I am Welsh, Irish and Italian.
Megan is Welsh, which is originally a pet form of Margaret. I was named after both of my aunts. Megan for Margaret and my middle name is Kathleen for my Aunt Katherine. I can't imagine hating the name my parents gave me. I guess I am one of the lucky ones!
Awn-dree-ah and it means: Godly Woman! I think the meaning is pretty cool although I am very much a work in progress.
Blessings, andrea
I don't like how common my name is (Amanda) but it is pretty. I want to give my future child the gift of an uncommon name so they don't have to go with their first name and last initial all through school.
As I write I can hear the gentle tick-tock of the Danish wall clock that was left to the Great Dane by his grandparents. It was quite a chore to get it to Canada, but we treasure it.
I have a family name - very old-fashioned. I appreciate it now, but resented it when I was a teen.
I loved your post about the coff maker! We too had a sample from one of those over-the-top machines. It was good but not nearly as good as the welcome cup from my old enamel percolater on a day when the power is off and we're grateful for a gas stove and some old technology!
I love the way you spell your name, and yes, Debra is my given name, but I stopped being "Debbie" about 25 years ago. I was being confused with other people. So, back to the original. Love that it means "bee" and "industrious" in Hebrew.
The clock is wonderful!!!
Good morning girl...now I love my name...think its because I don't meet that many people with it...my late DH used to call me "Morning Glory" all the time....My Mama named me because she said it was a glorious day when I was born...is that not not cute ha ha!! Many blessings to you this coming year my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
an interesting post....as i have become bored with my real name of deborah jeanne which 1)i do not like being called deborah at all, and 2)deb, debbie is sooooooo common. i was named for debbie reynolds (like a lot of other debbie's) who was a very popular, i guess, around the time i was born. and and as for jeanne....uh we won't even go there....ugh!
that's why online....i just use my initials....and now i CAN be called dj.....which i have always liked.....hehehe. gotta love the internet....:)
Sarah means princess and Jane means God is Gracious. (Which you know) I was named both after each of my grandmothers. It's interesting that as a child, I didn't know any others named Sarah except for one. She was the daughter of family friends and was attending college. Today Sarah is one of the more popular names and there are many. I also read that Sarah Jane was a very popular combination. For my parents it was simply naming me after each of their mothers. So there you have it.
The Mora clock is fabulous. I've always dreamed of owning a Swedish or French clock of this style. I love to hear the sound of a ticking or chiming clock, but my husband does not. So that's a bit of a problem. LOL
Thanks for your lovely blog. I always enjoy my visits. ~ Sarah
Hi Janean,
I was named after Julie Hayes from Days of Our Lives. My mother was a big fan back then. I do like my name but I think alot of woman back then was like my mother. There was a lot of Julies in my school growing up. If I had a chance to pick a new name I am not surewhat it would be.
Thanks for making me think about it!!!
I never wanted a different one.
I am a Deborah, I go by Debby. I don't remember when I came up with the "y" but I like it!
I'm just getting caught up on blog land and you've had some wonderful posts. Enjoy your blog so much! Happy New Year!
Janean, thank you so much for finding the meanings to my name!! I have never been able to find my name anywhere except for a World Religions class I took in college. The "Tanna" were the rabbis/teachers of the early period of Judaism. I really like the meanings you found... now, if I could just live up to that! LOL!
That clock is to die for... now, that along with the DeLonghi... big dogs... that's all I'm sayin'...
I was named by my brother, so I always considered it a gift from him that I will always have. He chose Deborah. I will never know why.
It is a hebrew word meaning bee. But more so, Deborah was unique among the women, and men, of Bible History in that she was prophetess, a judge and a military leader all in one - a powerful triple combination of authority and responsibility held by only two other Israelites, Moses and Samuel.
I was only called Debbie as a child.
I have a REAL LIFE FRIEND named Tanna!
I like my name but when I was a kid I always wished it was Tracey....because that's what people frequently say accidentally.
Oh good lord I've disliked my name from the very first day I knew what it was!
It was child torture and beyond. Even now I loathe it, hate saying it and hate hearing it.
And I don't even have a middle name to fall back on! *cries*
What a gorgeous clock!
Truthfully, I'm not found of my name...I always wanted the name Kimberly...not sure why other than it just sounds pretty to me.
Love and hugs,
my name is Amy --- its kind of short but I have always liked it. Especially when I was little and played video games. They ask you to put in your initials (3 letters) when you win and I just put in my whole first name... made me think I was hot stuff back then! haha!
i've always liked my name.....i don't know what it means, but it's easy to spell.....and the older i get, the more of an advantage that becomes!! hee hee :))
love the clock and toe ring, hate my first name(not the one i go by). my dads name was robert and he had no sons, so...roberta was given to me! yuck!!!!!
Hello darling thanks for stopping by my cottage and for the sweet comments you left behind, much appreciated. You have a lovely blog and a new follower...me. I am looking forward to my future visits.
Love & Hugs
I have always dislike my name which means "grace of God" so I go by my last name or maiden name Lee, which means wayward side of the ship or safe side of the ship...it is also my husbands midle name and my sons and my husbands Father's middle name...it is fitting...great post on names...and there is meanings!
Can I tell you a secret... I have never much cared for my nick name Dee Dee(which is what I go by). For different times in my life I've gone by Deanna (my given name), but since most people know me by Dee Dee how would one go about changing it :-). Very neat clock! thanks for allowing be to share my secret and think out loud!
Dee Dee
Hi Janean,
Your name is very pretty and the spelling lovely.
I do not mind my name I always used to get Caroline and just put up with that. I do quite like my middle name, Davina, which is my Mother's name.
Love the clock and the toe rings.
Have a wonderful weekend
Hi, Janean,
I did a post about my name a while back. I have never liked Vicki, always wanted something a little more glamorous like Victoria. However, I do have an unusual middle name: Zane. I like your name and think it fits you perfectly, by the way. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and thank you for dropping by for a visit. Vicki
I hated my full name growing up. It was my grandmother's name. I always went by Lily. I liked it. Now, I love my name. Yours too!
Love the clock. Yup I'm an AKA since MOM is the only thing I hear these days ;).
I actually like my name. My dad named me after an song from the 70's. It use to be very unusual but now I meet a lot of younger girls with it. Not many in there 30's like me.
My mom's Jeannene it looks like it is that pronounced like yours?
My name is Ruth and I didn't like it because it only has one syllable. I wished I had a second name and I checked my birth certificate hoping my parents did some mistakes there. But after studying the book of Ruth in the Bible, I began to appreciate it.
Thank you for gracing my blog with your visit. I'm quite honored that you did! And I'm glad I found your blog. I just love the first glance of it, the header and everything on the first page. I see that you have hundreds of followers, wow! There must be a lot of good stuff here. Will be coming back for more visits.
I go by my middle "Gail" it means lively so that depends if it is morning or afternoon (ha) For my first name, I was named after my grandma "Lillian" When I was young that name seemed old to me so I was glad to be called Gail but now that I'm older I would love to be called Lillian but I think it is too late. My favorite name to be called is Mom and Grammy.
I tried to link to the toe ring but I was unable to connect. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Gail, i fixed the link by changing it to "Click Here." Hope this helps! If you still are having trouble, send me an email. I haven't ordered anything from this company, nor have any deal with them. I just had never seen a toe ring like that!
I liked my my Kristeen always have - though I did not understand why my school friend were so determined to call me ( Christine -- Chris-- Kristine -- Kristy -- Kristina)..
Sorta got use to it but once in highschool I would repeat my name KristEEN! Smile -- but now try Gough sounds like cough) still having to prenounce-- smile spell?
I love my name however it "supposedly" means bitter. I think not!
nice post. thanks.
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