I'm bummed out! Recently we discovered the awful, discouraging, aggravating, truth about a nagging suspicion we had: The Old Sweetwater Barn has a foundation, but no footers. Zero. None. Zip. Short of having a pro jack the entire estimated 100 year old barn carcass up off its 6" thick gravel-concrete foundation and pour footers and then form and pour new foundation, we cannot build onto the old barn as planned. *sigh* For a couple of days we moped. Then I was inspired by a blog where a family built a starter home for nearly nothing. It got me thinking of new ideas. I swear I could hear Desi Arnaz saying to me in his cute Cuban accent, "Lucy.....what are you thinkin'?" Desi, you'll just have to wait and see. What do you do when a dream has been dashed? In the meantime, I'm going to type all my ideas on my "snazzy" typewriter. Just wait until Desi...er....my honey reads it! Photo 1 is a davenport sofa from Heywood and Wakefield Furniture which would have been at home with Lucy and Desi! Oh yeah, I got an award recently from...I can't remember....I'm such a noodle-head sometimes. In fact, a couple of other dear sweeties sent me awards and I forgot those too. I'm not ungrateful, just NOODLE-headed and BUMMED! *wink* Someone help me! Show me how to make a separate page for awards after I mention them in a post, k?
So sorry to hear your dissapointing news! I am sure in your case, the saying about 'when one door closes another door opens' will be spot on, so I really hope once the sadness fades, your snazzy typewriter will be zipping out all your great new ideas and an even better plan will come about! I am no help to you regarding the awards etc. sorry, I am even more noodle-headed! :)
Such a shame about the barn - sorry for your sad news! But maybe you will come up with something even better ?? My neighbor was devastated when she learned she could not do the extension she needed (and I mean desperately needed) due to our local building laws ... so I started fiddling on a piece of scrap paper and came up with an even better plan - more space, and an extra bath and mudroom for the same cost. She is sooo happy now, she says she cannot believe she was ever upset at the first plan not working out. Hope something wonderful happens for you too!
I can't wait to hear about your new ideas. I am sorry the old barn is not going to work out, but I am confident GOD has a perfect plan for you. Hugs, andrea
That is disappointing for you I'm sure. I love that sofa. I also have a typewriter just like the one you showed. I bet you will have another plan soon. From one Lucy to another, have a great day.
About Awards.... Mmmmmmmm... Did you know that some long-time bloggers just don't Do Awards? Oh sure, we say a heartfelt THANK YOU in comments, when a sweet blogger gives us an Award.
But we follow up with how some of us have come to the conclusion that Awards can be a bit worrisome. Hard to pass on to just a few friends. Sort of embarrassing to even get. Etc.
And we don't want to clutter up our Sidebar with Awards. Or... have to make a whole other page for them, either. Eeeeek!
But that's just us. We who choose to have our blogs be Award/Tag Free Zones. :-)
I love that show..."I love Lucy"...Sometimes, plans don't go the way we wanted them. But it doesn't mean there is no bigger opportunity that will replace that. I remember my dad's old typewriter like that. That's how I started writing, patiently, pressing every key with just one finger :) God bless.
o my goodness -- o man -- you know I know your feeling I what a barn myself and still look ing - plus I do believe you'll have the answer in no time == can't wait - wink!
So sorry about the barn. I'm sure you spent lots of time dreaming about the possibilities. Good thing you found it out early, though, before you went further in the process.
UPDATE: Can you hear the typewriter keys? As I told the chickies who have emails, my honey and I stayed up until 1:30 a.m. this morning coming up with what was our ORIGINAL, original idea -- the 137+ year old cottage. My honey found brand new info on the net last night that showed us how to deal with the biggest problems!
We'll know more in a couple of weeks, weather-providing.
Plan 1 doesn't work, on to plan 2 or 3 or how ever many until you find the one that works. While that has to be crummy news to say the least, it sounds to me like you are already on your way to plan 2. Am excited about what you will come up with. Hang in there. Remember, after the rain, comes the rainbow. Lynn
Family Rain, gently falling Classical music Black wrought iron fences Babies feet Good friends Fresh brewed coffee The sound of knitting needles clicking White - it calms me Pearls - real of course Autumn. It is the smell of leaves High heels...oooooh And art Moonlight - the color fascinates me Dark chocolate; never white or milk White fluffy towels My cowboy boots And all things French.
Gret post! I love Lucy and the sofa and the typewriter!!
So sorry to hear your dissapointing news! I am sure in your case, the saying about 'when one door closes another door opens' will be spot on, so I really hope once the sadness fades, your snazzy typewriter will be zipping out all your great new ideas and an even better plan will come about!
I am no help to you regarding the awards etc. sorry, I am even more noodle-headed!
Such a shame about the barn - sorry for your sad news! But maybe you will come up with something even better ?? My neighbor was devastated when she learned she could not do the extension she needed (and I mean desperately needed) due to our local building laws ... so I started fiddling on a piece of scrap paper and came up with an even better plan - more space, and an extra bath and mudroom for the same cost. She is sooo happy now, she says she cannot believe she was ever upset at the first plan not working out. Hope something wonderful happens for you too!
Bummer news. :( That is disappointing. But on the other hand, if you have Desi talking you through the solution, it can't be all bad! ;)
I can't wait to hear about your new ideas. I am sorry the old barn is not going to work out, but I am confident GOD has a perfect plan for you.
That is very sad.. but I'm sure things will turn out!
What a great blog you have! I'm so grateful you stopped by mine so I could find yours! :)
Congratulations on the award!
Happy weekend Luci! (wink)
That is disappointing for you I'm sure. I love that sofa. I also have a typewriter just like the one you showed. I bet you will have another plan soon. From one Lucy to another, have a great day.
wasn't meant to be
another door will open that's better
keep up the good attitude Lucy
OH rats! But it must be a good thing as another door will open and I can't wait to see what it'll be!
I made a link button for your sidebar button I'll email it to you.
with love,
So sorry about the barn but when one window closes, God opens another one. I wonder what's in store for you?
Sorry about your disappointment. :-(
About Awards.... Mmmmmmmm... Did you know that some long-time bloggers just don't Do Awards? Oh sure, we say a heartfelt THANK YOU in comments, when a sweet blogger gives us an Award.
But we follow up with how some of us have come to the conclusion that Awards can be a bit worrisome. Hard to pass on to just a few friends. Sort of embarrassing to even get. Etc.
And we don't want to clutter up our Sidebar with Awards. Or... have to make a whole other page for them, either. Eeeeek!
But that's just us. We who choose to have our blogs be Award/Tag Free Zones. :-)
Just a thought...
I love that show..."I love Lucy"...Sometimes, plans don't go the way we wanted them. But it doesn't mean there is no bigger opportunity that will replace that. I remember my dad's old typewriter like that. That's how I started writing, patiently, pressing every key with just one finger :)
God bless.
Too bad about your barn plans. Don't give up. I love that typewriter!
awww that is a bummer.
maybe you could use the reclaimed wood from the barn to build something else?
the cottage isn't gonna be livable either? from what i recall.
surely there IS an answer.
That is not good news, I'm so sorry :(
Congratualtions on your awards. When I send out awards I don't really care if people continue to pass them forward.
o my goodness -- o man -- you know I know your feeling I what a barn myself and still look ing - plus I do believe you'll have the answer in no time == can't wait - wink!
So sorry about the barn. I'm sure you spent lots of time dreaming about the possibilities. Good thing you found it out early, though, before you went further in the process.
Love that typewriter. :)
That's too bad, well maybe some new inspiration will come your way, especially using that snazzy typewriter. Cindy
Hi Janean! I just bet you're cooking up some fabulous new ideas for that barn of yours!! Have fun dreaming and planning!!!
:) T
Sorry about the barn! Darn, I hate bad news. I bet by next week you'll have a new plan and it will be a great one! Best wishes.
UPDATE: Can you hear the typewriter keys?
As I told the chickies who have emails, my honey and I stayed up until 1:30 a.m. this morning coming up with what was our ORIGINAL, original idea -- the 137+ year old cottage. My honey found brand new info on the net last night that showed us how to deal with the biggest problems!
We'll know more in a couple of weeks, weather-providing.
Darn heck! That's got to be disappointing!
But hopefully, the old adage will be true, that when one (barn) door closes, another opens!
Love that sweet typewriter, it looks just like mine. :-)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Plan 1 doesn't work, on to plan 2 or 3 or how ever many until you find the one that works. While that has to be crummy news to say the least, it sounds to me like you are already on your way to plan 2. Am excited about what you will come up with. Hang in there. Remember, after the rain, comes the rainbow.
Hey you "noodle head", I gave you the award "for being a blogger that shows attitude and gratitude."
Hope it all works out! Good luck.
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