i don't do resolutions. However, as i stated yesterday, i start the new year "fresh." This first Friday of 2010, i will purge the cabinets of "traps" like the Marshmallow Fluff i bought for holiday recipes. How can I go back to eating (fairly) healthy and have FLUFF staring at me every time i open the cabinet? Do you know know it tastes perfectly yummy by itself on fresh white bread? But I digress. Anyway, i'm buying fresh veggies today. Fluff is also delicious mixed with cream cheese for dipping fruit in....UGH! Okay, i need a REVOLUTION, not just a resolution! Anyone else like Fluff? Yeah, I ate the apple -- boring without you-know-what.
Haven't had Fluff in years, but Fluff on white bread was a regular when I was growing up! Probably best to purge it from the cupboards, but...perhaps you could just hide it way at the back? For a rainy day???
Not a "Fluff" lover!
I am back on the healthy eating track this morning. I confess to being REAL bad for the last two weeks by eating peanut brittle (Oh how good is the stuff my hubby makes!), angel food cake with loads of strawberries and whipped cream, pound cake and cookies...and these were my meal groups!!! LOL!!!
Several years ago, I made a resolution that I have been able to keep all these years! My resolution was to NEVER diet again! I've kept it. After I resolved to do that and started to change my mind-set, I lost 30 pounds. But you are right, you can't eat "fluff" and do it! I just try to think of that apple as my fluff.
Fluff = Fudge!! All I can say.. if I add more .. Pickles will see this post and he HATES marshmallows or Fluff..
so make some fudge and give it away as a gift to a new neighbor or someone close to you.
with love,
Just remember - fluff in the jar ends up being fluff on the thighs! Hahahaha!!!!!!
It's diet city for me too.
Now remember you can have 1 cheat day. So if I were you I'd keep the fluff but just don't eat it all in one sitting!
We have one more christmas with the inlaws, so I am not starting anything until Monday. Once I throw the kids out the door for school is when I can throw the crap out of the cabinets!
Good luck with those apples!
Will power my friend *something I do not have* I'm proud you just eat the apple! I don't make resolutions either....so I'm gonna be like Rita and just work on a new mind-set and see what happens!
Happy New Day to you on this first day of the year!
A little fluff can sometimes bring a lot of joy. ;) But I get your drift. Still I think Farmgirl Cyn has the best idea. Don't deprive yourself completely...hide it for a rainy day. :) Hope 2010 is very, very good to you!
No, I've never left a comment. . . So, today I shall leave my wish for you and yours to have the happiest new year in all the ways you wish. Now I shall move back to your page and join your followers.
You look beautiful in your picture btw.
Warm regards,
Happy New Year. Yes, I need to purge the fluff too. Hope you have a great weekend. Thanks for the birthday wish. :)
I'm not a big fan of Fluff, surprisingly, with MY sweet tooth :) I do enjoy some recipes made with Fluff.
I always have a couple of weeks of "transition" (read: procrastination? lol) before I begin my healthy lifestyle.. yet again. Good for you for starting out healthy today! Happy New Year! -Tammy
I'm here to join the revolution! Happy New Year!
Oh, I know, we buy cookies and other goodies, thinking, it´s good to have "just in case someone comes for a visit"... Haha, it always ends up, we eat them ourselves....becuase that "someone", never comes in time...
Be strong! Try to think you´re not losing something. You´re vinning, by leaving that fluff in the store.
Wish you a really happy new year!!!
Yes, dump that Fluff as quickly as you can! Now, those oatmeal cookies and energy bars, well - perhaps it's a good thing you looked closely at the bars...but if the cookies are homemade, perhaps it's not so bad!
I have never seen that particular brand of "Fluff". I have only seen the Kraft marshmallow creme. I think I would have to make s'mores.
Fluff! Oh, my goodness is that stuff good. Peanut butter & fluff sandwiches, fluff in hot chocolate, fluff by itself. There is none in my pantry right now and that's a good thing! Wishing you much luck with your new eating life style.
Starting over fresh with you!!
Hope you have a wonderfully blessed New Year!
I purge the bag stuff too... but usually it's by eating it. haha Happy New Year!!
You are so bad to show "Fluff"! I have not thought of it in years but darn it all, now I am craving that stuff. Actually, I think one huge Tablespoon now would seem to sweet for me, but back in the day.....that was a stable.
Fluff and peanut butter! Or Fluff out of the jar! Of course we all had to have our own jars to do that.
Glad to know I know I am not alone. I too, am back to eating healthy. Lots of salads.
I think you should throw the fluff out, kinda of think it's nuts to be tempted by that all the time, unless you have tons of willpower, unlike me. Good luck either way.
I'm considering purging the pantry too. Knowing that little Twinkie is hiding behind the pantry door is such a distraction! ~ Angela
i can do without the fluff.....but i pity the person who gets between me and my nutella!!! happy new year, fresh start to you!!! :))))
Fortunately I don't like Fluff and never bought any... but I will admit that my cupboards are bursting with crap food. Uh oh.
I really, really need to start fresh, like you say.
Next week! :-D
Fluff!! HaHa - what a great name - can only imagine it tastes very sweet and cloud like too...! have not had the (ahem!) pleasure ever as it is not an item I have seen in Uk or Australia... (But.... if I had....well!!)
January 1 is such a great time to start fresh and the best thing I can think of is to throw out that fluff- fast.
Fluff, I've never even heard of it. There are lots of other temptations in our pantry though. I did just have a salad for dinner last night. We had a quiet eveing at home and no large meal. It was nice!
~ Happy New Year!
Happy New Year ~
Please come join me at our new blog ~
Hugs, Marydon
Oh you just really cracked me up with this one. I have a jar of Fluff in the house. Dang it, it didn't bother me til right now!
It sounds wonderful, but i don't think we have this, or anything like it in Australia. I am lucky, my current crave is cottage cheese!
step away from the fluff!
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