Anyone remember wearing big petticoats? When i was a little girl petticoats were still being worn until the sheath and shift dresses of the 1960's took their place. Anyway, the bigger the petticoat the better. When you first got one, they almost stood straight out. With time and wear, they drooped. Being a child i didn't grasp that Life Foreshadow:everything on your body will droop with time and wear. LOL!
Okay, back to the story. One year my parents bought me a turquoise petticoat! i couldn't WAIT to get to school the next morning to show it off. i have a confession: i still like them. Anyone else ever have or like petticoats?
Janean...I love anything that would make my waist look smaller! Yes, indeed, I remember petticoats! Wore them under matching dresses my sister and I wore'1 Mmmm...turquoise...even better!
LOL! Yes, I definitely remember wearing petticoats! And, over the past couple of years I have seen them in the "younger generation's" shops... have to admit, I'd like to be able to pull that look off. But, I'm thinkin' those days are long past! LOL! Would if I could though! Especially turquoise!
I would do anything to travel back in time, and wear nothing else than petticoats. I´m so jelous of you!!! I love them!!! And I´m cuite sure, that you and me , are not the only ones , liking this type of clothes...
Yes,I confess I wore them and I liked them! The more the better. The fuller your skirt stood out, and the more it rustled when you walked...AHH fond memories. I even had one that had a plastic ring in the hem that you could blow up!! I also liked bobby sox and loafers (still wear loafers)I dont put coins in them any more!
I must admit... I have never owned that type of petticoat! But I wish they had been more in fashion as I grew up. I did wear one under my wedding dress, and loved the way it swished around so much that when it was time to return it, it had to pried from my very unwilling little hands! That turquioze one would have to be the cutest I have ever seen... lets start a revival! :)
OMG, a turquise petticoat? You must have been the most admired girl at school. I loved those petticoats, but I was not allowed to wear them to school. I would have gone out with just my petticoat on, I loved it so much. Hmmmm, what happened to all that frill and ruffle?
Me memememe!!! When I was little I had a petticoat with a blow up tube in the hem! So Cool! Notice the capital C. But when you'd sit, if it was blown up too full, the front of the skirt went up over your face. NOT cool. small c. I love vintage clothes. I'm always shopping on eBay for 50's patterns. When I get skinny I will buy one, make it AND a petticoat!! Want me to make you one too???
I remember loving petticoats. I wore a big, ruffled white one under my gray poodle skirt.
One of my most embarrassing moments was when I got a new petticoat and a jade green satin full skirt. The first time I wore it to church...and of course my family sat up front...I stood up from kneeling and somehow the petticoat and skirt slid down past my hips!!! I had to make a grab for both, yank them up and held on them until the end of church service! LOL!
My sister and I had pink ones like that. We loved to use them for dress up! I don't think we ever actually wore them under a dress but I loved mine, wish i had it now.
Oh Janean, I can't believe you kept your petticoat! There are things that I wish I had kept, like the cat eye glasses! Yes, it was fun wearing them. Thanks for the memories!
I remember them well. We used to starch them in liquid starch and after they dried and you wore them to school and got up from your desk it looked like it had snowed on the floor. So funny now but not when you were teased about it in high school. I did have one in the 80's for square dancing. Fun memory Katie
Growing up I used to go Square Dancing with my parents. I was drug to the dances so often that I learned how to square dance and wore the outfits with the big petticoats. I loved to twirl around in them.♥
I had one I played in when I was little. I was born in the time of mini skirts! I have worn one under a costume. It was summertime outdoors and quite hot! Blessings, Lorilee
I used to like twirling around to make my skirt and petticoat stand out. My daughter's dress for her first prom required a petticoat. The memories that brought back. I held onto that one and it was a good thing because her wedding dress also needed one.
Oh dear mercy sakes. I don't remember ever wearing a petticoat. The only memory I have of a petticoat, is "Petticoat Junction". Maybe they are all repressed in my childhood somewhere, but now I'm feeling like I've missed something!
Oh yeah! I loved my petticoats made me feel like a princess. Do you ever wonder how our Moms did it? Mine worked a full time job and did everything Moms nowadays do Plus. .she ironed all those dresses, starched the petticoats and cooked a full meal every night. Back in the 50's dinner didn't come out of a freezer box. Thanks for the memories.
Well, I borrowed one from my aunt once so that my poodle skirt would be appropriately fluffy for 50s day at school. :) Does that count? It was in the late 70s and we were having a sock hop during lunch, too. All part of the homecoming week festivities at my junior high school. :)
I remember my mother dressing me in one for Easter one year. I was not liking all! I think my brothers may have teased me. Of course, I have dressed my little girl in them! She's almost 15 now so my fun with that is over! Wouldn't it be great if they came back in style again?
You brought back such happy memories. The turquoise petticoat is so pretty. I had the white lace, stiff petticoat that I loved so much. I used to feel like a Princess wearing it and made my dresses look so pretty and stick right out. Thanks for taking us down memory Lane.
I wore petticoats in the 50's in high school and loved them. I still love them and wish they were still popular for the young as they looked so nice! We also had to learn to make full skirts in home economics for wearing over petticoats. Fun post! Kerrie
First its "Fluff" not "petticoats" that get the memories flooding back! I was a child in the 50's and I loved my petticoats. When it was droopy, from wear, mom would add from starch and it stood out again. Too bad we cannot "starch" as we grow older. But then maybe that is whta Botox does? LOL, I think somewhere I have a prom picture as a sophmore in HS wearing a a gown with the petticoats. That was '61. My personal opinion is, when the states authorized public schools to let girls were slacks and then jeans, it was the start of a moral relapse that has never ended. As a little girl I always wore "leggings" under my dresses in the winter, but once in school we had to take them off. It was 1970 in Albany, NY when they first allowed a women in a restaurant wearing a "pantsuit". I know because my office was giving me a wedding shower and the younger girls were so excited to get to wear pants. See what happens when you get me "remembering back in the day", lol
Ah, who doesn't like petticoats? I am with you all the way, and even love the colour.;) Thank you so much for your visit and kind words, sorry it took me a while to get back to you as I have been away.;) Have a happy 2010, xo Zuzana
Family Rain, gently falling Classical music Black wrought iron fences Babies feet Good friends Fresh brewed coffee The sound of knitting needles clicking White - it calms me Pearls - real of course Autumn. It is the smell of leaves High heels...oooooh And art Moonlight - the color fascinates me Dark chocolate; never white or milk White fluffy towels My cowboy boots And all things French.
Janean...I love anything that would make my waist look smaller! Yes, indeed, I remember petticoats! Wore them under matching dresses my sister and I wore'1 Mmmm...turquoise...even better!
Boy did I ever!! And then there were the 'felt poodle skirts' too. Oh my oh my, did you ever bring back memories of days gone by.
LOL! Yes, I definitely remember wearing petticoats! And, over the past couple of years I have seen them in the "younger generation's" shops... have to admit, I'd like to be able to pull that look off. But, I'm thinkin' those days are long past! LOL! Would if I could though! Especially turquoise!
I would do anything to travel back in time, and wear nothing else than petticoats. I´m so jelous of you!!! I love them!!!
And I´m cuite sure, that you and me , are not the only ones , liking this type of clothes...
Yes,I confess I wore them and I liked them! The more the better. The fuller your skirt stood out, and the more it rustled when you walked...AHH fond memories. I even had one that had a plastic ring in the hem that you could blow up!! I also liked bobby sox and loafers (still wear loafers)I dont put coins in them any more!
I must admit... I have never owned that type of petticoat! But I wish they had been more in fashion as I grew up. I did wear one under my wedding dress, and loved the way it swished around so much that when it was time to return it, it had to pried from my very unwilling little hands! That turquioze one would have to be the cutest I have ever seen... lets start a revival!
OMG, a turquise petticoat? You must have been the most admired girl at school. I loved those petticoats, but I was not allowed to wear them to school. I would have gone out with just my petticoat on, I loved it so much. Hmmmm, what happened to all that frill and ruffle?
I love it and it suits you!!
Me memememe!!! When I was little I had a petticoat with a blow up tube in the hem! So Cool! Notice the capital C.
But when you'd sit, if it was blown up too full, the front of the skirt went up over your face. NOT cool. small c.
I love vintage clothes. I'm always shopping on eBay for 50's patterns. When I get skinny I will buy one, make it AND a petticoat!! Want me to make you one too???
I remember loving petticoats. I wore a big, ruffled white one under my gray poodle skirt.
One of my most embarrassing moments was when I got a new petticoat and a jade green satin full skirt. The first time I wore it to church...and of course my family sat up front...I stood up from kneeling and somehow the petticoat and skirt slid down past my hips!!! I had to make a grab for both, yank them up and held on them until the end of church service! LOL!
My sister and I had pink ones like that. We loved to use them for dress up! I don't think we ever actually wore them under a dress but I loved mine, wish i had it now.
Oh Janean, I can't believe you kept your petticoat! There are things that I wish I had kept, like the cat eye glasses! Yes, it was fun wearing them. Thanks for the memories!
I remember them well. We used to starch them in liquid starch and after they dried and you wore them to school and got up from your desk it looked like it had snowed on the floor. So funny now but not when you were teased about it in high school.
I did have one in the 80's for square dancing.
Fun memory
Growing up I used to go Square Dancing with my parents. I was drug to the dances so often that I learned how to square dance and wore the outfits with the big petticoats. I loved to twirl around in them.♥
I had one I played in when I was little. I was born in the time of mini skirts! I have worn one under a costume. It was summertime outdoors and quite hot!
I had them - - - mine were all white, no pretty turquoise ones!
We called them can-cans.
I've never had or wore a petticoat!
And things are drooping around here day by day...LOL. Age does funny things.
I liked the princess feel, but not the chaffed thighs!
Oh yes - 1962, for my birthday my godfather sent $10 and for that I was able to buy the LP of South Pacific and a crinoline. Bliss!
I used to like twirling around to make my skirt and petticoat stand out. My daughter's dress for her first prom required a petticoat. The memories that brought back. I held onto that one and it was a good thing because her wedding dress also needed one.
Oh dear mercy sakes. I don't remember ever wearing a petticoat. The only memory I have of a petticoat, is "Petticoat Junction". Maybe they are all repressed in my childhood somewhere, but now I'm feeling like I've missed something!
How sweet! My daughter would LOVE that skirt.
Happy new year!
Oh yeah! I loved my petticoats made me feel like a princess. Do you ever wonder how our Moms did it? Mine worked a full time job and did everything Moms nowadays do Plus. .she ironed all those dresses, starched the petticoats and cooked a full meal every night. Back in the 50's dinner didn't come out of a freezer box. Thanks for the memories.
I don't remember ever wearing them - I was born in 1964, but I loved dresses and skirts, then and now still. :) Petticoats are pretty.
Well, I borrowed one from my aunt once so that my poodle skirt would be appropriately fluffy for 50s day at school. :) Does that count? It was in the late 70s and we were having a sock hop during lunch, too. All part of the homecoming week festivities at my junior high school. :)
I remember my mother dressing me in one for Easter one year. I was not liking all! I think my brothers may have teased me. Of course, I have dressed my little girl in them! She's almost 15 now so my fun with that is over! Wouldn't it be great if they came back in style again?
Hi Janean,
You brought back such happy memories. The turquoise petticoat is so pretty.
I had the white lace, stiff petticoat that I loved so much.
I used to feel like a Princess wearing it and made my dresses look so pretty and stick right out.
Thanks for taking us down memory Lane.
I wore petticoats in the 50's in high school and loved them. I still love them and wish they were still popular for the young as they looked so nice! We also had to learn to make full skirts in home economics for wearing over petticoats. Fun post! Kerrie
First its "Fluff" not "petticoats" that get the memories flooding back! I was a child in the 50's and I loved my petticoats. When it was droopy, from wear, mom would add from starch and it stood out again. Too bad we cannot "starch" as we grow older. But then maybe that is whta Botox does? LOL, I think somewhere I have a prom picture as a sophmore in HS wearing a a gown with the petticoats. That was '61. My personal opinion is, when the states authorized public schools to let girls were slacks and then jeans, it was the start of a moral relapse that has never ended. As a little girl I always wore "leggings" under my dresses in the winter, but once in school we had to take them off. It was 1970 in Albany, NY when they first allowed a women in a restaurant wearing a "pantsuit". I know because my office was giving me a wedding shower and the younger girls were so excited to get to wear pants. See what happens when you get me "remembering back in the day", lol
Ah, who doesn't like petticoats? I am with you all the way, and even love the colour.;)
Thank you so much for your visit and kind words, sorry it took me a while to get back to you as I have been away.;)
Have a happy 2010,
I just remembered that the slips were called "crinolins". not sure of the spelling-ha! Kerrie
OMG! You are so lucky! I loved them, but never had one. I am sooo envious!
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