Poodles are inspirational. When I was a little girl my dad was allergic to pets so the closest things we got to a dog were crocheted poodles my mom made They doubled as bathroom tissue holders (so classy, I know - rolling my eyes). Oh, we had an orchid one, pink one, a white one identical to the first photo.
Then when I was teen, we discovered poodles have HAIR not FUR so we got a real medium-sized poodle! He was so smart and beautiful. He was gray, not pink like the second photo, even though it was quite chic to dye your poodle pink or blue back then! Poodles are still a favorite. The pink poodle cupcake cake is too cute! Anyone have a crocheted poodle now or in their past? Anyone have a real poodle?

Janean, you freaked me out a little this morning! Poodles are kinda freaky to me, I don't know why. That big pink poofy was is frightening! LOL...Love the cupcakes and the crocheted poodle though. :-D
Oh do I have a crocheted TP cover story - - - it's coming in July. I know, I know, that's a LONG time from now - - - but the story involves my youngest son and it will be part of his birthday post in July. I think you'll love it, having had experience with crocheted TP covers AND having a son - - -
Ohhhhh, poodles "work" in an allergic household?!? I never knew that. But I'm so glad that little-girl-you discovered that. :-)
Btw, 'Aunt Amelia' is very happy today, and I just had to share it. :-)))
Hugs, hugs, hugs...
my daughter loves pink poodles I love that cake and she always ask for cupcakes rather than cake for birthday we may have to do a remake of this for her birthday
I remember the crocheted TP covers but we didn't have any at our house. Poodles are only one of many breeds that have hair opposed to fur. Buster, my cairn terrier is another.
My child and I have allergies too so we can't get a pet or dog! But that crocheted poodle...cute! I don't know about dying the dog pink or whatever color! Blessings.
Oh my gosh what memories you can stir.
I never had a crocheted poodle, but we had pink poodles on or black felt skirts don't ya know.
Actually in the 70's I had a black small male poodle. He was so smart, loved him, he lived about 10 years. Great dogs they are.
When I was a child, our neighbors had the meanest poodles - plus they were SO much bigger than me - I was terrified of them. We do have a sweet little Maltese (also have hair, not fur) Sugar Magnolia, and she sure is sugar!
Yay for poodles! They suffer such breed discrimination. Sorta like pit bulls only not. :) They aren't yappy, nippy and foofy and don't have to have puffy bumps carved in their hair. I have a big ole pack of dogs in my house and my best 4 legged friend is a poodle. Hank the Cowdog. He's gentle, FUNNY, sweet with kids (even mean ones) and tells me lovely bedtime stories when I'm feeling lonely. See my blog
And, could you please mail me that light fixture??
Nope, I've never had a crocheted poodle, but I did have a pom-pom poodle back in the day! I also had a real poodle. He was white and his name was Max, and he was an incredible little boy! I still miss him. Poodles are really good dogs! Becky
Stephanie, here's a ((hug)). Mean dogs = owners who aren't pack leaders. Maltese are adorable!
RCube - awww. I color MY hair...Uh, but not pink or blue. LOL. *wink*
Fairfield, didn't know any other "hair" dogs. Thanks for the info!
Queen, your post is sooooo sweet. Everyone would enjoy reading it and seeing those sweet photos!
I so remember those crocheted poodles. We had a few in our house too. We also had real live ones. I had a white, male (neutered) poodle named Cloud. He was a beautiful dog and very protective of me. He never had one of those weird haircuts though. We preferred to keep him groomed with a "puppy" cut.
I absolutely LOVE all things poodle and I had poodles growing up and I STILL have two toy poodles. They are the smartest and BEST dogs in my opinion!!!!♥ Poodle Power!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a toy poodle. His name is Trouble. He is 10 years old and thinks he is human..lol!! He is only one of 4 dogs in our zoo.
Hugs, andrea
Hi Janean, thanks so much for your visit. I certainly have a crocheted poodle in my past--my grandmother made them as bathroom tissue holders too back in the day before stores like Bed, Bath and Beyond, Target etc were around where you could buy those holders. I remember sitting with Grandma, watching The Price Is Right (hosted by Bill Cullen!) while she crocheted. This picture is a trip down memory lane for me--thanks!
Love the crochet tp cover that brings back memories, my grandmother use to have those.. LOL!! She even had crochet toilet lids.. LOL!!!( my eyes rolled back then and I was young..LOL!)
Have a great day!
Diane, I laughed SO hard at the crochet toilet lid covers....had forgotten about my grandma having those. How sanitary was THAT? lol. So cute.
I have a Cairn,Rosie, who also has hair - she's a sweetie.
I remember those poodle toilet tissue covers. Ours was a Southern Belle - very odd in the north, but those were the days and my mother was always interested in the latest domestic crafts!
I'd love to have a big, black or grey standared poodle, and I'd promise never to have it groomed like that pink one!
I remember the crocheted puddles.
Usually on the back of the toilet to hold a roll of paper! We had a poddle growing up. With my asthma and allergies we now stick with the terriers who have similar hair like the poodles. That poodle make with cupcakes is a cute idea.
Oh Janean, I am so happy to find your blog. Your postings are very interesting and your recipes too, the oysters, cinnamon buns and this poodle-ADORABLE! I love everything I see here but most of all that you love our savior, Jesus Christ. I wish you lots of blessings and I hope we keep in contact.
So cute! My Mom used to make all kinds of animals just using pom-poms, I remember it well! Fun! Kerrie
Funny, I remember those poodles.
When I was a child we had one, there was a bottle inside.
It was just for decoration.
Have a nice evening,
I have to agree, I think poodles can be a little freaky. I think it has to do with the way some people groom them. And yes, I've seen those crochet poodles used in bathrooms. Enjoy your day!
My first Christmas with my new in laws back in '72, they bought me a pink plastic poodle... wait for it... toilet brush! Nothing else, just that. I don't remember if they ever gave me anything else after that. It topped the list and I've never been fond of poodles since! (Divorce after two years!)
When I was 5 yrs. old I had to have my tonsils removed. I recall clattering down the halls of the hospital in my plastic high heeled slippers! My dad purchased a gift for me in the hospital gift shop (probably the only gift he ever picked out himself!) It was a stuffed PINK POODLE with a sky blue velvet collar studded with diamond rhinestones! Closest thing I ever had to a poodle I must say! V.
dear lordie..with all the blues going around on blogs and anger and depression....pink poodles YES!
I'll take the cupcakes, oh yes indeed! Mmmmm!
The pink dog, isn't that a form of animal abuse? :-o
Hilarious poodles!
Warm blessings,
I remember those poodle holders. I guess everyone had them back then. My neighbor that lived across the street always had a poodle, and each one she'd get would be named Susie. They were always white, not pink :-) I enjoyed her "Susie's" though.
This crocheted poodle is so cute!!!
No, no poodles here. My neighbor across the street has one but he is really mean. But my little one and I would love the poodle cupcakes!
My former neighbors were allergic to dogs, so they bought two miniature poodles. I found out that not only were they cute, but the dogs didn't have fur.
Oh yes, We had a Poodle when I was growing up. It was a Silver Gray toy poodle Mom had to have & named Chiffon. You saw it when you saw my blog. She was a puppy then. She was a sweet and smart dog. She lived a long life but had to be groomed a lot tho. The Poodle cut you know. :))
Loved the pink poodle cookie.
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