Old Sweetwater

Old Sweetwater

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ruffles Have Ridges

My honey's a huge potato chip fan, but he's never liked Ruffles. I, on the other hand, have begun to like ruffles....not the chips, but actual ruffles. Here are some ideas to bring ruffles into our life! Do you like Ruffles to wear or decorate with? Any Ruffles potato chip fans?I lost my notes on the photos...sorry. *sad face*


Formerly known as Frau said...

Yes I love Ruffles...chips and all! My current favorite is little ruffle shirts. Happy Tuesday!

Em said...

Awww, look at that little girl, how sweet is that?
I love the ruffle's too, not too sure what you mean by the food kind though.
I love that picture of the bathroom and I would quiet happily eat all that cake, Mmmmm..Em xx

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Seems as though ruffles are all the rage this year! I love them,
so feminine and pretty.
I posted earlier about my Anthropolgie ruffled shower curtain.
All the stores have ruffles on clothes and I love them too.
That purse would look good on my arm and the little girl with the ruffled panaloons is so cute.



Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

Love those yellow chairs. The table skirt looks like the bedspread(light blue) I had at home on my canopy bed. It was white French Provencial from Sears :)ca 1965.

Julie said...

Oh, first off, I have to say I LOVE that last photo! TOO cute.
And I do like ruffles in decor. I don't like ruffles on ME!!!!
Awesome photo gallery today. I think that glass that has been ruffled is especially dainty and feminine looking. Also Flowers that ruffle are beautiful. I DO love Ruffles potato chips!!!
Have a great day.

Carol Mae said...

Love all the ways to have ruffles, so pretty, I may have to do some redecorating. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Many smiles, Carol Mae

Anonymous said...

Like the cake, but I'm not big on ruffles. Weren't they in style in the early 80's?

Donna Reyne' said...

I must admit it...I have always loved ruffles.
I was so sad when they "went out of style"for a bit!
I know they are not for evryone...but I am returning them to both my home and my wardrobe!
Have a magical day !

KTW said...

I LOVE ruffles! (And Ruffles, but I try to avoid those at all costs...like Lay's chips, I can't eat just one!)
I have a really girly soft spot for ruffles but of course the Hubster has a major aversion to them, so not much of them in my decor. And unfortunately, when my youngest daughter decided it was time to lose the pink gingham check in her bedroom, she decided it was also time to do away with all things ruffled, laced or frilled. :(

Donna said...

Oh, I adore those white ruffled dishes!

Unknown said...

Oh my heavens. I love that cake, it is beautiful and the little girl in her ruffles, just adorable. The white dishes right up my alley. But, what really caught my eye is the galvanized tin in the bathroom. I love it, it is so not feminine and than paired with the ruffles, it is perfect.
great post.

1 Funky Woman said...

Love ruffles you can eat, wear and decorate with! I really love that purse. How great for Spring!

GardenOfDaisies said...

I love ruffles too. Since they seem to be coming back in our clothes does that mean that leg-o-mutton sleeves are not far behind?

Linda said...

Beautiful photos of ruffles and yes I'm a fan, though not so much of the chips (no chips really). I love ruffles in decorating and to wear though. So pretty! ♥

stefanie said...

oooo, I love those ruffled curtains!!!

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Good Morning Janean! I love the little girl with the ruffled pantaloons....and the shoes...and the cake! Great photo's ..sorry you lost your notes but I think we 'get the picture'. My hubby LOVES potato chips too but not Ruffles...has to be Lays or nothing for him! Have a wonderful day.....Maura :)

Carol said...

All the pics are great! I especially like the pretty purse.


Ann Marie said...

I love every one of those Ruffles.. ( even the chips ) and when we just re-did our bathroom I ALMOST bought a Ruffle shower curtain. The material ended up being to thin.. so I went with lace.. but I did buy some towels and washcloths with them!

I want those shoes. Too darling.. and I have my eye on a cute shabby pillow with ruffles.. :)

Tammy @ tinselshop.com said...

I just can't get enough ruffles...a few years ago I wouldn't be caught dead wearing or decorating with ruffles! I am ordering a ruffle shower curtain this week, can't wait to get it!!!

Best wishes,

Unknown said...

I never thought much about ruffles, just beautiful! That little girl.....what can I say?

voiceofpendergrass said...

The cake is wonderful, I want it! I also really like those shoes. I love ruffles both the chips and ruffle ruffles. Ruffles and bows. Love them on everything.

Helen said...

Oh yes ... I love ruffles. Way too much probably! I have the ruffled shower curtain (on the right) in your first photo. Expensive, but worth it.

It's me said...

So cute !! that last picture................amazing where do you find them ??

Hugs Ria

Florence said...

Oh how I do like ruffles. Thanks for sharing. Florence

Nancy said...

Umm, I love the white curtains with the swirly things on them. Love all the white decorations. What a pretty, clean look.

Carolyn said...

Love the ruffles especially the last one!

123 said...

I love all the ruffles on that little girl's outfit!! My children would destroy that in a few seconds flat!! Ha!! All of the white is beautiful...
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!! I love to make new blog friends...

WhiteWhispers2u said...

"Ruffles Rock" They are so fun yet so simple.~Kim

Suz said...

Oh I'm liking those shoes!
I'm a tart at heart....
and thanks by the way for your wonderful words about my little stories..It brings me GREAT joy to know that someone read them and liked them..and even got them
Thanks for taking the time to tell me so....
And now that I think about it..I bought an orange ruffled shirt last year....tapped into my latin blood I'm sure...yeah...I'm a tart

Rachel Cotterill said...

I'm generally more a fan of simple lines ... but I do love those shoes, and the dishes. Maybe a little bit of ruffle is just what I need ;)

SueWis said...

Yes, I am getting into ruffles more lately, which is strange because I am not usually a ruffly girly-girl. But I like the ruffles on clothes that seem to be in fashion now.

Pondside said...

I like a little ruffle in my life!
The shoes - well, I'll give them a pass, but the table cloth is gorgeous!

Sandy~Romantique Inspirations~ said...

Hi, Darn it, last year I did a thing on Ruffles, and I even included the ruffle potato chip hehe .... but unfortunately I deleted everything on my blog and just started up again. All the images you have posted on ruffles are beautiful, but the last picture of that little girl has really done it for me.... how precious is that! I think ruffles will always be with me, not only in decorations, but most of my wardrobe has ruffles too.

I really enjoyed your ~~RUFFLES POST~~

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Janean!
I like Ruffles potato chips! They are nice and thick and hold dips well. I just can't eat them anymore as I'm watching my salt intake..sigh.

I love the ruffle tablecloth and dishes and the little girl looks sweet.

You have fun blog!
...also loved the recipes I saw!

Evansmom said...

I love the chips more than the actual ruffles but I enjoyed your photos. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Karen said...

Love the ruffled cake, and darling girl!! I like Ruffles, they hold up good with all kinds of dip. :P

Tezzie said...

Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such a kind comment on my picture! :D

What a gorgeous blog you have here...and how cute is that last pic of the Ruffled tooshie?!! Love it!

Thanks again

Ginny Marie said...

I love the ruffles! And all in white, too! I do prefer Jays to Ruffles, however! ;)

Rita said...

I love ruffles on most anything, but especially on the little girl in the last photo! wonderful! I don't wear as many ruffles now that I am older, but when I was young, I wanted ruffles on everything.

Technodoll said...

I choked on my chip when I opened your blog. I buy Ruffles once a year and was on day 3 of trying to get through that big bag.

Can you believe the coincidence???

I wish I could make this stuff up, it would be less scary.

Chucked the bag, they're not that great to begin with.

Hail to other kinds of ruffles!

Gretchen said...

I love ruffles! I have the shower curtain in my bathroom! Cute pics,

Dolores said...

I'm looking at your blog for the first time, and I love it!!! So beautiful and so interesting......

As far as ruffles...... I'm a middle of the road girl..... a few ruffles for me, but not too many.

I'll be following your interesting blog!

Betsy Brock said...

What a wonderful variety of ruffles! beautiful!

Seawashed said...

I have always loved ruffles. I just posted one of my ruffle skirts yesterday. That purse, and shoes, and cake...AND OH MY GOODNESS the little girl in her ruffle bloomers with baby doll top...I WANT!!! Now why don't they make clothes like that for big Girlies?

Now for the Ruffles chips...yep, gotta have em in our cupboards at all times with four teens in the house. Thankfully everyone likes the new Ruffles Baked..much healthier. Have you tried them?

You always post the prettiest things.

Bernie said...

I thought I was the only one who loved potato chips but not the ruffled ones.....:-) Hugs

From the Old InkWell said...

Janean, came over from your sweet comment today and so glad I did. Love your blog! I'm being summoned off the computer. Been on too long, but I'll be back when I have more time! Don't go away :)

Lori said...

I swear the older I get the more I love ruffles! The table cover, purse, shoes and the cake!!!!!! Wonderful posts!! Bet I dream of the purse and cake!! LOL Later,Lori

Marla said...

I am not a ruffles fan but those last two photos may change my mind.

Stacy said...

The little girl is so cute. Love your blog.

We need to get back to ruffles, I think! :)