Old Sweetwater

Old Sweetwater

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Daisies are such happy flowers. As you pronounce the word, notice how it automatically puts a smile on your face?  Daisies are *casual* flowers. I like casual, don't you?
About a month before my wedding, my future mother-in-law Mary, took me to Sears and said, "Honey, pick out whatever you want for your every day dishes!"  I chose a beautiful Mikasa daisy pattern. Those dishes captured the fresh, clean, cheerfulness I wanted for our new home-to-be.
Here are a few ideas focusing on daisies. Are you a daisy fan? Photos from top: daisy chandelier; daisy landscaping; daisy centerpiece; pewter daisy earrings - click on photo for link; knitted daisy dishcloth and Daisy Cake from PinkCakeBox.



It's me said...

Wauwww nice !! i love all the flowers............it 's a great part of my live you know??
Have a nice sunday!

Greetz Ria

Susie~From My Home To Yours said...

I agree that daisies are such a 'happy' flower.....an arrangement of these sweet little flowers will certainly brighten a room! Thank for the lovely images and the reminder of Spring.
Blesings, Susie

I Purr-Furr to Craft said...

so lovely and fresh, Beautiful images

Sylvia said...

Daisies are beautiful !
I love the earrings and also the cake from PinkCakeBox.
What an interesting site, their cakes look wonderful !
Have a nice Sunday,

Stephanie @ La Dolce Vita said...

I love daisies, Janean! What a happy Sunday post. Hope all's well with you, and you get some sunny daisies in your day too.

Girly Muse said...

Daisies make me happy...love them.

Lorilee said...

Daisies have always been one of my favorites!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Oh I think everyone has to like Daisies! Is it *a Law*? Or is it in our genes? >,-)

And of course, who can talk of Daisies, and not think of Meg Ryan's character in "You've Got Mail"? :-)


1 Funky Woman said...

I Love daisies. Those were the flowers my mother carried at her wedding! These go so well with your yellow theme from the day before!

Farm Girl said...

I am still nuts about daisy's and anything that is even in a close family. I am so nuts about sunflowers because the sort of like daisy's I think if I was a flower I would be a daisy. They make me happy like your post. ;)

Julie Harward said...

I have always adored daisy's..even had them at my wedding! I'm having a give a way...:D

GardenOfDaisies said...

Am I a daisy fan? Lets see..... One thousand times yes!!! (Just in case you couldn't tell from my blog title. LOL!!! ) I LOVE that daisy chandelier. I wish it was in my house.

Pondside said...

I'm definitely a daisy fan. I have early daisies and late daisies in my garden and I start picking daisies from the roadside as soon as they appear. Nothing looks prettier in a blue jug than a cheery bunch of daisies.

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy,happy!

Deb said...

I love daisy's too...they are so sweet...and they do make me smile...

Unknown said...

Too funny, when my sweetheart and I bought our first house together, that very same Daisy chandelier was hanging in the breakfast room!!! And to back it up, was Daisy wallpaper. The people selling the house had a white rotiron table w/glass top, four white chairs with shiney yellow vynal cushions!!! I do like Daisies, however that was a bit much.... It looked better outside on the patio.

Marina Mott said...

I really love daisies!!

Karen said...

Yes, I love daises of all colors. Which reminds me, spring is coming!!

Vær våken said...

So beautiful and sooo cute!!! Have a great week!

xoxo, Kristin

Anonymous said...

All kinds of Dasies are among my gardens -- that is when I have a flower gardens. We have moved so much in the last 5 year that I have NOT had a garden to play in but hopefully that will change this year. I can't stand it any longer. Dasies are fresh looking, soft in color that you can't help but smile. It's wonderful God made so many, many beautiful flowers. He must have been thinking of His mother at the time. Nice thought don't you think!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I knew someone who had that lamp.
I have always liked daisy's! I have Mikasa pattern too. It is full of spring in yellow and greens. I just love it. I have had it for 38 years and still am in love with it. Doesn't work well for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Dear Cheesy Wench..

I want those daisy earrings.



Draffin Bears said...

I love daisies too and they always make me feel happy when I see some.
Many thanks for sharing such sweet pictures today.

Have a happy Sunday

Anonymous said...

Daisies are so welcoming, so friendly. I love the cake and cupcakes.

- Deborah

Rita said...

Daisies are lovely gifts from the Lord! And I am so glad that He made them. They will always brighten your day! Love and daisies to you!

Ninu said...

wow!!so fresh!!beautiful pics..I love daisies..I love the chandelier and knitted dishcloth very much.. ur blog is interesting

Peonies & Magnolias said...

Beautiful daisies and so cheerful. Have a great week.


Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Janean,
I love daisies and I find them to be very happy and friendly flowers! I love your blog too!


Lisa said...

I love your Daises! You've Got Mail has Daises! ;)
Hugs, Lisa

Technodoll said...


This made my day... dreaming of spring, it's so close yet still so far!

Jen @ homeinthecountry said...

Ohh! I love love love that daisy chandelier! How sweet!

Can't wait until I have *real* daisies blooming in my garden this spring/summer...

missthesea said...

Oh, I LOVE daisies! I have a small daisy tattoo on my foot!