Feather trees originated in Germany in the late 19th century and became popular in the United States during the early 20th century. They fell out of style, but in recent years are making a comeback.
They require less decorations; less room and can look contemporary, primitive or cottage. This tree is from Martha Stewart and is made at http://www.hometraditions.com/. Anyone have a feather tree?
It's Sunday. Sit down, put your feet up. I made Hazelnut, Irish Cream and raspberry mocha (my favorite) cappuccino for you to sip. Or did you bring your own favorite flavor?
It's Sunday. Sit down, put your feet up. I made Hazelnut, Irish Cream and raspberry mocha (my favorite) cappuccino for you to sip. Or did you bring your own favorite flavor?
My aunt has a feather tree. It's a tealy-turquoise color to match her master br. She has a huge bedroom with a bay window and a large round antique table in the window. She has her feather tree there, decorated in whites, silvers and glittery shimmery pieces. It's lovely, just not my style.
And I brought my own cup of hot mulled apple cider. Hmmmmm, a cranberry orange muffin sure would go great about now! B.
Hi Janean,
I don't have a feather tree but I think they are beautiful!! I brought my own cup of coffee with ff hazelnut creamer to drink while I am visiting with you. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday.♥
I love your blog! I don't even like coffee that much but that cappuccino looks so inviting. I can't wait to read more of your posts.
It's hazelnut coffee here, ground half and half with decaf beans....mmm
My mother had a feather tree, probably bought when we lived in Germany when I was a little girl. I wonder where it is?
I wish you a good sunday.
very beautiful pictures.
grettings from sylvia in norway
It is always such a thrill to find someone because they find me. Not only is a compliment that you visited, but now I get to discover your beautiful, beautiful blot.
Count me into your "Sweet Followers" -- I'll be visiting often.
Warm regards,
What a cozy Sunday.
No flavor for me...just good and strong coffee
in a pretty cup, of course
I've brought a pecan coffeecake
Hi Janean, I do have a feather tree and I really love it. I remember my mother having one when I was younger and boy do I wish I knew what happened to it. Maybe I don't. because I have a feeling it went in the trash. (frown)
Boy oh boy does that mocha sound yum!!!
Thanks for the coffee, but I'm making a pot too. I have several faux feather trees and one real one - it's white.
Thanks for visiting!
Enjoy your week!
The coffee looks yummy...It's too late in the day for me though.
I love Feather trees too!
I have one stored somewhere as well.
A few years ago...I shot it with design master cream spray paint and I LOVE ite even more!
I love what Martha did (Of course)
with the white ornaments...
Have a wonderful, restful Sunday Evening...donna
Oh my gosh, I've never even heard of one before. How incredibly lovely!
Very pretty! And the coffee looks good, too, but I'll bring along French Vanilla if ya don't mind. (With some spritz cookies!)
My mother is German, I have wanted a feather tree for years! Does that count? LOL The tree is beautiful. While your coffee looks lovely, I am on an apple cider kick this week.....I'll bring my pack of instant!
I think these are so pretty. I don't have one, but I do have an old silver tinsel tree. It was the one we had when I was a child. I even have the color wheel that goes with it.
WOW! That tree is to die for! LOVE IT!
Hi Janean,
The feather tree is pretty and delicate and your drink looks very yummy. Flat white coffee for me please.
Happy week
Don't think I even ever saw a feather tree. How lovely they are.Thank you for your visit
I am still dreaming of snow. We only received a few flurries on Saturday. I am getting ready to enjoy a yummy cup of coffee.
Blessings, andrea
That tree is very interesting. No I don't have one and can't remember ever seeing one in person.
I don't have a feather tree, but admire them! Glad you've shared this one. Nice to see.
The raspberry mocha is my choice. Yumm...great one to have on this chilly day we're having. A powder dusted snow. More on the way tonight.
Oh how I LOVE feather trees! I have one (I posted about it yesterday!). It is my favorite decoration and I decorate it for every holiday. I just love the simplicity of a feather tree and their old world charm.
Best wishes,
That is exactly the tree that I want! What a beauty!
mmm, that sounds (and looks) delicious!
Just found you and love your blog! I am posting about my feather tree tomorrow. Love the robe story,too - I'm with you on that one. Merry Christmas!
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Rather interesting place you've got here. Thanx for it. I like such topics and everything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read more on that blog soon.
Kate Smith
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