I'm not brave when it comes to liquids. Like if my honey buys me any medicine, it better not be liquid. I will not take it. Just being truthful (and bratty).
I think it goes back to when I felt like I was going to barf (vomit) at a mall with my parents. My dad said, "Here, take some of my stomach medicine." Yeah, he carried ulcer-upset-stomach meds and it wasn't that pretty pink Pepto-Bismol. Innocently I took a little "swig," as instructed and just about sprayed everyone within a five-foot area. Horrible!!!!
The first time I tried Vanilla Silk (soy milk), I bought it and poured a glass. It was brownish. Ewwwww. That just did NOT seem right, but I wanted to eat healthier, so....I slowly brought it up to my mouth.
It's so embarrassing to admit I talked to myself out loud. "Be a big girl," I said. "Put the glass up to your lips. Think of something else. Just try it. Take a big breath. Okay, if you don't like it, you don't have to drink any more....but at least TRY it. For me. Yourself."
I did. And I really, really liked it. So when I bought Eggnog MILK, I was braver. Ya know what? It was yumm-o! Anyone else have a hard time trying liquids? Anyone else prefer Eggnog milk to nog?
These French doors are just as yummy as Eggnog. Do you agree?
I'm with you - I need a pill instead of something I have to taste. And I'm not a fan of milk anyway, so soy milk is simply out of the question!
I'll take a set of those doors please!
I have to admit that I can't take to Soy milk at all. We buy egg nog at this time of year, but I cut mine with milk, as it is too rich for me. I don't think we have eggnog milk here, though - sounds like a good idea.
I absoulutly looooove eggnog. But isn't it high in calories?(Sorry, just had to ask.) I didn't know they made eggnog silk. I'll have to check it out.
Also am in love with that door. Love French Doors anyway, but that is the best.
While we are on the subject of love. Love coming here.
I love eggnog but will have to try eggnog milk!! And yes the French doors are really yummy!!
Merry Christmas and Sweet Blessings!
The doors are beautiful. I have not tried "eggnog milk" but would like to. I love eggnog and because of the richness I usually mix it half and half with low fat milk.
I am NOT adventuresome with liquid, muchless foods!, period!
Love the doors.
TTFN ~ Marydon
PS Visit me at our new blog ~ blushingrosetooo.blogspot.com
I haven't even been able to make myself try soy milk, so I don't think I'll be trying soy eggnog anytime soon.lol Cool that YOU liked it though AND were able to keep it down.
We might find that we would like a lot of things if we'd just try them! My sister would not eat strawberries because they had little seeds on them, until she was at a place where she either had to eat them or offend the people serving them. To her surprise, she loved them!
Pretty French "milky white" doors! ~ Angela
Those French doors are MORE yummy than any eggnog I've ever had!!
Thanks for coming by.
And yes, I did want to stay there and visit in that miniature house and all it's goodies.
barbara jean
Eggnog is ALMOST the best thing in the world besides Chocolate and a couple of other things. ( smiling)
And these French doors are right up there with EGG NOG !!
Thanks so much,
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