One Christmas Eve my family and our best friends went out to a wonderful dinner. The streets were busy with shoppers. The Christmas lights, stores and stoplights reflected off the wet sidewalks. When we all arrived at our little bungalow a couple of hours later, imagine the utter surprise to find Santa placing gifts under our Christmas tree! My five-year-old brother and his best five-year-old friend actually gasped and stood frozen. Then they came to their senses and ran around like chickens with their heads cut off....until Santa spoke. My brother stopped dead in his tracks; crinkled up his freckled nose and squinted one eye. The jig was up. It was our dear retired neighbor Ed, who had graciously donned the rented Santa suit. After my brother was an adult, he told me he knew it was our elderly neighbor all the time. Uh-huh. Does anyone have a "Santa"-type story? To me, Jesus is the entire reason to celebrate Christmas and i base my idea of a "Santa" on St. Nicholas of Myra.
Love your Santa story. On my blog a few days ago I wrote about the Santa that visited us almost every Christmas at my maternal grandmother's home. It was either my grandfather or my uncle dressed up. (Funny how Santa graduated from the same colleges as my grandfather and uncle... school ring!) Good ol' Santa... teaching all of us the spirit of giving. Gotta love 'im!!
Every year I’m reminded of my first Christmas with my husband. The romantic gift of a sewing machine ~ oh, be still my heart… "back away girls he’s all mine!" After 27 years, he is still a really good Santa ~ big smile!
We only had a Santa at our school house after our Christmas concert was done. Nothing monumental here, except I was such a shy little girl that I wouldn't speak to him... ever...
What a wonderful Christmas memory you and your brother share. Jesus is the true reason we celebrate this special time of the year but a little St Nick fun doesn't hurt.
Wishing you and your family the merriest of Christmases and a very blessed New Year!
Just this morning, my oldest was questioning if Santa is real. He asked, if Santa is real, why does everyone ask if we "still" believe? His little sister piped up: "Because they're not very smart! Of COURSE we believe!"
What a wonderful story!
I do not have a PERSONAL santa story, but my mother had one.
She was a child in the days when they still used sleighs. Her parents had a neighbor, or relative or something come over in his sleigh - - - with bells on the harness - - - dressed as Santa and wake them up out of their sleep with his jingling and his ho-ho-ho-ing!
Hello!! Thanks for visiting my blog and for the lovely words!! Loved your blog!! I'll be a folower!!Mery Christmas!!!
Such a cute Santa story. Santa showed up at our house one Christmas Eve too and I to this day have no clue as to who he was! He must have been the real Santa and not just one of his helpers. :)
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
What a sweet memory and so much better than what I witnessed last night at the center of a crowded mall last night. The line to see Santa was a mile long. It was hot (as it always is in malls in winter). It was late. Parents were aggravated. Children and babies were whining and crying. By the time they reached Santa's lap all excitement and anticipation was gone.
Your recollection is so much better.
Merry Christmas.
What a sweet memory! :)
A merry and blessed Christmas to you and yours!
Thank you for visiting my blog! I love yours! Read through many of the recent posts! Have a wonderful holiday!
My brother thought that he saw Santa by our tree one year. He was legendary in our neighborhood for years :)
Merry Christmas Eve!
what a sweet and fun memory! There were six kids in our family and I remember EVERY Christmas Eve my mom mentioning "if you kids are extra good, maybe Santa will come early". That never happened. Every Christmas morn we opened presents. I guess we were never "extra good". I never used this phrase with my own children. I did use the "Santa is always watching you" phrase though;)
Merry Christmas
May your Christmas be filled with beautiful memories.
Hey sweetie,
great story.
have a bleesed christmas.
and a happy new year
I'm not sure if you read my post about the grandkids and Santa. My grandaughter Sarah stayed with me a few years ago when we were having our Christmas party at church. After she received her gift she came back to her seat and said, "okay Santa, why don't you take off your beard and show us who you really are?"
The funniest Santa story I have is about my son. His oldest child was born on Dec. 1st, so her birthday parties are close to Christmas. When she turned three her party was supposed to include a visit from Santa to distribute gifts to all of the children there. Santa was late, as he had other houses to visit along the way. I wasn't there, but have seen the video... My son went upstairs, dressed as Mrs. Claus, snuck out the back door and came to the front to surprise the children. My son is 6 feet tall and very skinny. All the older kids knew it was him, but they played along.
Hi Janean,
Thank-you for visiting and your comments on my blog. I love finding new blogs I haven't read before. You have a lovely blog! Everyones Santa stories have brought back some memories of my own(however vague)! I love the Father Christmas images before the red suited jolly guy! All so very much a part of the celebration! Hope yours is Merry and Bright! Cathy G
What a beautiful story and such a special memory.
I took our daughter to have her photo taken on Santa's knee when she was about 2 years old. She cried and was so scared of him. But it was a cute photo all the same.
May you and your family have a blessed and joyous Christmas.
What a cute, special story to share. Thanks for stumbling upon my blog and thank you also for your kind comments. Merry CHRISTmas to you and yours!
What a great story! I love your blog, your photos are so Wonderful as well as your writing! Beautiful!
Thanks so Much for Stopping over to see me!
Thank you for stopping by my blog. We also teach about St. Nick as Santa...and tell the kiddos that the ones dressed up are just carrying on the tradition. We tell them Jesus is the reason we celebrate Christmas...the One and Only. Hope you have a blessed day:)
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it.
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