I've spent one night in a tent 40 years ago and never did it again. However, on the inspiration of the beautiful movie, "Out of Africa," I'm going to fantasize about spending a week or two in a tent. Who's with me on this adventure? Photos from top: Most came from safari vacation options. Photo 2 - leather director chair; Photo 4 - sea grass mat; Photo 6 - teak harvest table; Photo 9 - bring some music....the image of love.

One of my fav..movies..it was so romantic..yet so harsh!!
We did the tent camping thing for a lon time..now..I will stick with the RV..lol
Hugs..cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Who's with your in this fantasy??? Uh, Robert Redford, duh!!! lol. Yes, I was never much of a tent girl, but if I had this one, I maybe could "rough it."
Have a great day, dear one.
The colors, the textures, the clothes, Robert Redford... Is there really anything better? I have spent many a hour watching this movie and soaking it all in, sigh...
Best wishes,
Nean, you should see the movie HIDALGO! It's an adventure that takes place in the desert between a half breed Indian, Viggo Mortensen, and the Arab nation. The tents for the Arabs were filled with luxurious fabricated curtains, pillows and rugs ~ my desert inspiration :)
Yes, there really are tents outfitted and decorated like those in your photos! My hubby and family have taken trips to Africa and stayed in tent camps just like these in your pics. Still, no matter how beautifully decorated and appointed, they're still tents to me. :) Honey, I need four solid walls, A/C, complete "facilities" and all the other amenities that come with a great hotel. So unfortunately I doubt that hubby will ever coax me into joining him on an "adventure trip" back to Africa. Paris or London? Now that's another story! :)
Great post and do love that zebra rug!
Oh how I'd love to be there in the tent!
Where do you find the wonderful pics that you post? I so enjoy them!
We have spent many nights in tents! When our boys were young, we camped out on many vacations and had a wonderful time. Brings back many memories! Now that I am "older", I like to camp in a nice hotel! Ha!
count me out of the tent....no camping for this gal! LOL!!
I am so not a camping girl.
A couple of those dont look TOO bad though. Oh who am I kidding - I cant see anywhere to plug in my hair straightener....
There are tents and then there are tents like in the first photo. I could handle that!
Hello Janean! I LOVE camping but it's been years since I've done it in a tent. A 5th wheel is MUCH more comfortable. However...looking at some of the tents you've shown us I think I would love it in one of those. What a romantic 'safari' that would be ;) I love the pictures...makes me almost want to have one in my backyard but then again our Shep would probably pee on it or chew it up! Thanks for sharing these with us...I hope you have a WONDERFUL day....Maura :)
Enjoyed your post....I love "Out of Africa".
Really nice pictures!
I loved that movie and still watch it once a year. I love bits of English colonial decorating and would go on a safari at the drop of a solar topee!
I could stay in those tents no problem. The books are better than the movie but how can you ever top Robert Redford and Meryl Streep?
I have been praying for you.
I think tents are OK but something with a bathroom inside and not a outhouse is so much better. :)
I'm not a camper, but I think I might be able to get with this idea. It IS one of my favorite styles. English colonial, with a touch of campaigne. Just don't want to cook there! te he.
Now that kind of camping I think I could handle.
Loved that movie...must watch it again.
We used to camp with our boys. Now our motor home is the closest I come to "roughing it"
Great pictures.
I was just in Africa at several safari camps and stayed in 'tents' just like the top picture, they were beautiful! I did not expect such luxury. I loved it and would go back in a minute. We actually saw a movie site while there...Darral Hannah was the star.
I grew up camping and loved it. When my kids were little it just became too much to haul everything in a tiny car, packing it etc, I was exhausted before I started!
One of my all time favorite movies. I could definitely handle a tent, happily, if it came with such awesome furnishings and a Robert Redford to boot! Great post.
WHAT a classic movie.. and the pics are amazing. I'm not into tent camping, nope...nope! but events under big billowing tents all done up are really fun and memorable. Creates an atmosphere that is totally different from being inside for that same celebration...
Janean, praying still for you.
Hugs and feeling for you.
I love that table- the color just makes you want to glide you hand across it. Out of Africa... haha, I was getting it confused with African Queen (With Bogart/K. Hepburn) and I was thinking...Beautiful?? lol. I guess Im not so much the movie buff!
Hahaahahhaha!! just like me........a tent is not for me.......!!!.......have a happy summer evening...love and hugs from me.......
I've been doing Out Of Africa posts this week too. It is my favorite movie, I'm reading the book again, and I grew up tent camping...and still love it, though we have a wee vintage travel trailer now.
Hey, my tents never looked like that! That might be do-able. :)
No camping in tents for me.....one time was enough. I'll take a hotel, thank you.
I love the movie .....it's one of the best!
I used to love camping, but not in a tent.....now I'm older and go at least 4 star all the way....LOL
I loved the movie and I also really like animal prints.
Hope you are doing okay....:-)Hugs
There's something so appealing about 'going camping'! I would love to go again...but maybe stay in a cabin! Love your photos! ♥
I have seen Out of Africa so many times and I love it.
My favorite part was how she transformed her home on the farm.
This was a great post.
Enjoyed visiting,
White Spray Paint
I loved "Out of Africa"! I agree with Robin, if Robert Redford was with me, the fantasy would be worth the camping!! The pictures are beautiful -- so romantic ,0)
Does our tent have A/C.
I am so spoiled.
Those aren't tent they're castles with soft walls! Reeeeeeeeeerrr! Bring on the tigers, baby! :-D
Wonderful photos! I saw this movie many years ago. We used to go tent camping, and I remember trying to make it a home while we were in it....nothing like these photos though. :) Even though we have a 5th wheel now that is quite comfortable, I wouldn't mind tent camping again.
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Now that's my kind of "camping"!!
Susan and Bentley
i could live there for a week as long as there was a flushing toilet and a hot shower!!!! :D
I just love this post! K
now those tents i could get used to.
when my family went camping, we
had near death experiences.
my only prenup, was for my husband
to be to promise to never take me
What a breath of fresh air! Thank you so much for sharing your lovely spot with me. It was a "happy accident" that I found you and have "Bookmarked" you so I can come back and visit often. Have a blessed week--JamieB
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