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Once again we live in an area where people have an accent -- this time it's an Ozark accent. When we lived in Atlanta metro, I enjoyed the southern drawl, but the Ozark's accent is harsher sounding to my ears. *Wire* is pronounced by many here as *war.* Well, no matter how you say it, I adore decorating with it. Chicken wire is my favorite. Here are some examples. Do you have any *war* in your home?
YES! I love the country / farmhouse / rural / rustic....what else can we call it...feel of it. Not to mention having chickens for 6 years helped...I have several things around the house with this poultry netting, and my dad is going to help me fix/repair/SAVE? an old wardrobe/armoire...And I plan to put the wire in the smaller door opening. Loved loved these photos. Wow what a change for you Janean..I am sooooo wondering what the change will be like for me moving from the North Carolina South (my WHOLE life!) to Midwestern Iowa....wondering...wondering.Seems a million miles away right now...
I will read here for encouragement as I see and hear about your changes...**funny.."war""!! HUGS! Have a Superb weekend as you continue to settle in.....xo
I love the wire look - I think it's fun, dimentional and simplistic at times. I got tired of all the fuss a long time ago. You'll have to stop by - my latest post kind of ties together with the chicken wire look - take a peep... I mean peek! Jennifer jennsthreegraces
Chicken wire is my favorite too! Love all of these photos. It took me years to figure out the word for Oil is pronounce "awl" where I live! Funny!
Hi Janean,
Thank you so much for including my chicken wire cloche set! A sweet friend of mine follows your blog and notified me that she saw my cloches here.You have a wonderful blog and a new follower!
Have a blessed day-
That is funny! I could just hear "war" echoing through my head. My m-i-l says that. We are from TX. I currently live in GA so I know what you mean about hearing the different accents. I do have a couple of war baskets in my house. The light fixture in the 2nd photo is pretty neat!
Hello darling......nice to see you...beautiful post !! happy love
One of my favorites too.I have a few baskets.Would love to do some old cupboard doors with it.Warm Blessings!~Amy
I love wire, but I love that baby pig, more! I have become pretty much a vegetarian. That pic just solidified never to eat bacon again. What a sweet creature.
You never fail...
another wonderful,thoughtful,humorous post
war....Oh I can hear it..
Yes, I have war
No wire here, as much as I like the look.
I had to smile at the bit about regional accents. Can you imagine how hard it was back in the 80's when we lived for a year in Oklahoma - I got myself in lots of pickles because I misunderstood so many words like that!
I love chicken wire, yes, I say wire but not war. I do slip sometimes and a accent will come out. :) But my British friends say I talk like Bambi. I love that chicken wire basket.
I love listening to someone from the deep south. That is so cute.
I do not have anything in wire (war)but it is sure beautiful.
have a great weekend.
I do have war in my home.I have those exact chicken wire cloches above and love them.I Also have a few other wire items.
Happy Friday~Kim
I have a few wire items in our home and love them.
Great pictures as usual.
In and around our home we definitely have wire! When a "city girl" married a "farm boy" she fell in love with some of his country quirks! Wire, naturally, was one of them. I adore the red cabinet with chicken wire doors on our lower level living family room.
Truth being, I'd love to have a bit more. . .but DH isn't as excited as I am about it being in the house. So. . .I'm working a few pieces into the garden areas outdoors! As the weather warms, I'll be showcasing them in my posts!
You are too funny. I love chicken "war" too. I have used fabric with chicken "war" to decorate in several of my kitchens.
Love the dining room picture with the wall to wall hutch with chicken wire doors.
We don't really have any wire creations in our home but I like this look. I have a Chicago accent. That's right - no matter where one lives, they have an accent to others who live elsewhere. :)
Hope you have a lovely weekend,
I just love the wire look!
I am dying to replace the glass in my china cabinet with wire!!
Great photos Janean!
I just love all of these wire objects...I really would like some of the cloches, yours are wonderful! Have a happy day.
LOL! No, I don't have any *war*, but I sure do like it! LOL! Are you getting settled?
War or Wire everything looks lovely and it...Hugs
Oh so many pretty things to look at. Love the wire basket, even if it "war"! Hope you get accustomed to the "sounds"!
Love that war, thare, gurhl..and don't ya love it when you hear...I'm gonna carry Mama down ta the store? I love ALL the accents you hear in different parts of the country. It was really funny but after I moved to the Midwest from FL I didn't think my speech had changed at all. One day I was talking to my friend in FL and she said.."Wow, Diana, you sound just like a the heck that is supposed to mean! lol So Y'all just keep on finding more of that thare war to post about!;>) Diana
I just made a succulent topiary out of a chicken wire covered form (like the first photo). It looks so awesome! I love the combo of the rustic wire and weird plants.
I do!! I have a chicken wire basket that holds my cooking utensils, and wire basket were I put all my goodies.
Have a blessed weekend :)
Your blog is absolutely beautiful.
I am so glad that I stumbled upon it.
I love anything country and chicken wire is one of my faves, too!
The chickenwire is so beautiful!
Love that look and style Janean!
You always have the prettiest photos!
Deborah xoxo
Janean - Love your blog - Can't wait to have a antique country home with 5 acres of land and a barn. Finding a lot of great ideas. Thanks again!
love the"war"....behind on my visiting trying to get caught the crystal on your above post...
How about aluminum 'furl' (foil)?
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