Old Sweetwater

Old Sweetwater

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's My Birthday!

Yes, over twenty, thirty, forty...a long time ago I was born on May 11 - which was a Sunday - Mother's Day.  Wasn't that sweet of me? At a dainty 9 pounds 2 ounces and not quite 19" long, I was a butterball (my poor mom)!  Anyway, join me in celebrating LIFE.  Put on a party hat; toss a balloon; kick your heels up and dance crazy; eat some of the fanciest cake Pink Cake Box makes.....then jump in the caddy convertible with me (NO, I'm not 59...yet) and let's act like party animals!  Anyone else born in May or better yet, on Mother's Day? Was anyone else a big baby? 


Formerly known as Frau said...

Happy Birthday!! Woot, Woot...I know it's not lady like...but it's a party and I love cake!! Hope you have the best day ever!

lambi said...

Dear Janean,

Happy Birthday !!!
I wish you all the best ! Sunny and happy days and everything you wish :)

Mari said...

Happy Birthday to you! I wasn't a big baby, but I had one. My daughter was 9 pounds, 6 ounces.
Hope you have a wonderful day!

Cindy said...

Happy Birthday friend!!
Wish we could go eat some good Italian food for lunch.And have some melt in your mouth dessert!!

I hope you get hugged..sang too, kissed..pampered..surprised with gifts...and thoughly loved on your birthday!!!!

Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

Draffin Bears said...

Happy Birthday dear Janean ~ from another Taurus! ( mine is the 16th of May.
I hope that you have a fabulous and special birthday.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you! Have a beautiful day!

Jojo said...

Happy Happy Birthday! I love your party colors.

May all your wishes come true.

Cindy said...

Happy Birthday to you! I was a January baby myself. Have a wonderful day and week.

Susan said...

Happy Birthday, dear friend! May your day be filled with all you enjoy and some delightful surprises to boot! :)

Anonymous said...

Well a big 'Happy Birhtday' to you!
I hope you had a beautiful day today, with all those fun things. (especially the cake and the dancing!)
:) Flick

Gail said...

May this be the best birthday ever!

Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

Happy Birthday! 9 pounds!! You were a big baby. Your poor Mother!! :)

Tanna said...

hbty, hbty, hbdj, hbty! amm!
My hubby's was the 2nd, my Dad's would have been the 9th (he shared lots of Mother's Day/Birthday celebrations with Mom... she always made it all about him).

Cindy said...

happy, happy birthday, janean....i hope you have a great day!!

Christine said...

Happy, happy birthday to you!!
Spring babies always bloom so well!!

Shay said...

Oh Janean- Happy Birthday! I hope you get all the loveliness you deserve and that all you wish and hope for this year comes your way.

(I started counting backwards at age 40-I'm 36 this year )

Hugs and love , Shay

1 Funky Woman said...

Happy Birthday to you, you young thing! My mother's birthday is the 15th and my Mother in-law's was the eighth! How great to have mom's birthday's be around Mother's Day!

Hope your day is full of celebrating!

Flat Creek Farm said...

Happy Birthday, Janean!!! I was around 8 lbs, 2 oz, however our dear son was 9 lbs, 7 oz. (Could be one reason he's an only child.. lol :D)

Enjoy your day to the fullest!!! -Tammy

Becky Garrison said...

Happy, Happpy, HAPPY Birthday, Janean!!! I hope your day is wonderful and filled with all your favorite things!

Hmmmmm, I'm an April baby, 7lb 4oz, and I'm not 59 yet either, but come next April . . . . . . . . .

Happy Birthday! Becky

Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

Happy Birthday, dear one. Have a great day for yourself! As Granny would say, I don't think I have seen you in a month of Sundays. :)Always looking forward to your sweet posts.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

***Happy Birthday sweet Janean♥***
I hope your day is SO extra special....just like YOU! Enjoy your day and enjoy being young! I have 4 sons...and 2 of them were born in May! So it's a big birthday month for us! CELEBRATE! And pass me some of that birthday cake! HAVE FUN! ♥♥♥

Karen said...

Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy your birthday... and let's stretch it out to a week.
My husband weighed 11 lbs. He never told me that until I was pregnant with our first son.
Well, have a blessed day!
Ladybug Creek

voiceofpendergrass said...

Party on sister!!

Be blessed, be loved, be lifted up; on this special day. It's special because you are special!

We love you dearly, pray for you daily..... :)
Vickie and Tony Haney
(aka sis n law & bro)

Donna said...

Happy birthday, sweetie! And WHERE did you get that picture of me dancing in the pink tutu? I don't remember anyone taking my picture last night out on the lawn...

All Seasons said...


Have a happy day, enjoy it!!

Hugs from Holland

Changes in the wind said...

Happy Birthday to you and what a great post!! I am a May baby too.

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

WOOOHOOO!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANEAN!!!! I hope you have a WONDERFUL day...wish I could have a piece of cake with you but I'll think of you when I have dessert this evening! I'm sorry to say I was born in January...not May and I wasn't a big baby but I had a 9lb12oz baby. Good thing he was the last of 5...the others kind of 'paved' the way for him! The rest were mostly less than 7lbs. I LOVE your photo's as usual..great stuff. This evening I may even pour myself a little glass of wine and say a little toast to you. Enjoy your day....Maura XXXXX (that's pinches but not hard ones!)

FairfieldHouse said...

Happy Birthday, Sweet Friend! You were born exactly one month before me (my birthday is June 11th!) I was a big baby also - 10 pounds and only 18 inches long - and my mother uses those exact words to describe me as an "infant" ... a butterball.
Enjoy YOUR day surrounded by those you love doing what you enjoy. Thank you for making each of my days a bit more special.

Pondside said...

Happy Birthday, Janean, from another May baby! My birthday was yesterday, May 10th, and I often have a mothers' day birthday. Like you, I'm not 59...........yet!

Janet - underthewillow said...

Happy Birthday!!


Sandy said...

Happy Birthday! No, I wasn't born in May. I was born premature (3# 10 oz) and at 6 months. Way back then the hospital I was born in didn't have the equipment for a premie so they transferred me to a hospital that did. I was there for a month until I got up to 5#.

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

A very Happy Birthday to You! My mother was born May 14 and her birthday fell on Mother's Day many many times. That dress form on your post in fantastic! All the other photos are lots of fun too. Hope you have a fierce birthday!

Blondie's Journal said...

Happy Birthday, Janean. I hope you had a good one, sweet lady!


Oklahoma Granny said...

Wishing you the happiest of birthdays EVER! Loved all the photos especially the one of Jim Carrey. It made me laugh out loud. Now I'm going to have to check out that cake.

Grace on the Narrow Path said...

Happy Happy Birthday from the Seeking Grace Gang (well not gang . . . just me) Hope you come by for a quick visit again.
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh I also forgot is that your cute little doggie? SO Cute!!!!! Too much coffee this morning my friend. TOO much!!!
God bless,

summersundays-jw said...

Happy Birthday! Jan

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, sweet thing!

Farm Girl said...

Have a lovely day Janean! I wish you the best birthday ever.
Thanks for blessing my life.
You are such a blessing to others.

Lily said...

Happy Birthday!!
Have a lovley day!
Hugs Lily

Andrea said...

Happy Birthday, sweet friend. I have a June Birthday...no may bdays in our house...
Blessings, hugs, and prayers,

Deb said...

Woo Hoo....Happy Birthday....I'm so glad you shared the news with us...love the photos...

It's me said...

♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU....................have a great day !! Janean !!

Hugs from me Ria.........it's partytime !!!!! shake it up baby !!!

SeaWorthy said...

Happy Birthday, girlfriend!

myletterstoemily said...

happy birthday! may the next 20 be even
more blessed than the past 20! :)

Julie Harward said...

HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY my sweet friend! Come now, don't be afraid to admit your age..I just turned the big 60 and it's all ok! My Mom was born May 10th and her birthday fell on Mothers Day a lot too. You have a super-duper-day!!! Come say hi :D

Andrea said...

Happy Happy Birthday Janean! My goodness, weren't you a big girl! Like you said, your poor Mom, lol! But I'm sure you've more than made up for it, sweet as sugar like you are :-)
Hope you have a wonderful day and a blessed year!


Linda said...

☼ Happy Birthday!! ☼ No, I wasn't a May baby (I was November), but May - what a lovely time to be born and to celebrate! :) Hope you've had a great day and that your new year of life is filled with many blessings ♥

Suz said...

Well well well
you don't look a day over 25
happy day of your birth..

Stephanie @ La Dolce Vita said...

Happy Birthday and Many More to come! Doesn't matter how old you are sweetie - the only number that matters is you are 100% fabulous!

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday! I'm still smiling from all those darling photos. Where do you find these? You know how to throw a great party. All the best for many more!
Birthday hugs ~ Sarah

Vær våken said...

Happy Birthday!!! Hope your day is very special! Wishing you a wonderful, wonderful birthday! (p.s. I'm having a giveaway)

Kristin xxxxxxxx

Beverly @ My Sew Sweet Studio said...

I'm so glad I had a few minutes to check my favorite blogs. Happy Birthday, Janeen. I am celebrating the day and night away with you.
I wasn't born on Mother's Day and was a teensy 5lbs.(never been teensy since). But I am sure you were a special joy to your Mom.
Hope you have a great day.

Tammy @ tinselshop.com said...

Happy, Happy Birthday!

Best wishes for many more!

Dolores said...

Oh yes, your poor mother. You were a butter ball, but I bet you were a cutie!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY.....I celebrate your life and Cassandra's life today (she's 12)..... you're just a little bit older (more mature)......

Big birthday hugs to you!!!

Unknown said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANEAN.....Hope your honey takes you out on the town! Eat birthday cake til you cant stand it, dance til you drop, and be happy like there is no tomorrow!!!! Make sure Randy knows BLING is in, Love to you Brinda

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you!!

That little puppy= adorable.

take care-

Anonymous said...

I thought it was quit cute!

Take care-

kimsound studios said...

My dear friend, Happy Birthday!
I so hope you had a great time :)
with love,

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

Happy Birthday Janean from the stick horse cowgirls!!! We love your blog!

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday! It doesn't matter how old you are just be glad you had another one!! Hope you had the best one yet!
Hugs, Lisa

Barb said...

Happy Birthday!! I hope all your wishes came true!


Rita said...

Oh, happy, happy birthday to you. You may have been a plump baby, but you are a beautiful woman today! Again, Happy Birthday!

Bernie said...

Happy Birthday sweetie, I hope it was your best birthday ever! I was real tiny....you would never know it if you saw me now.

We share the same birth month only I am a couple of weeks away yet.

........:-) Hugs

Cheryl Lage said...

Hoping your day is WONDROUS!

Rettabug said...

A slightly late, but no less sincere "Happy Birthday" wish for you. I hope it was a wonderful day to celebrate your birth!

Robin ~ Linton Cottage said...

Oops, I am late, but hope you had a wonderful Birthday!!


Cottage Town House said...

Happy Birthday!! Hope it's the best yet!

kado! said...

Oh, Happy Happy Birthday! I hope you absolutely Enjoyed it!

Love the beautiful pictures, especially that dress...oh, pretty!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hello! Now that I know you are a Taurus and that we share a birthday so close (mine is on Saturday!) to each other I already like ya even more!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated Birthday! I was almost born in May...does that count? April 29 here. Hope you had a grand day!

Julie said...

Janean, Oh how I hope you had a HAPPY one. Treat yourself!
Have fun. Hugs!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Happy Birthday beautiful girl! You sure know how to throw a party and I'm comin right over because today, Wed. is my birthday.

I just knew we had something in common. Both May babies. Yep, I was a big ole baby too. About 9lbs.

Sorry I'm over here late and I hope you had a wonderful, beautiful and happy birthday!

Big hugs,

Stephanie said...

Oh I'm a Gemini over here! happy Belated birthday to you. Hope it was a fabulous one!

Sylvia said...

Happy Birthday, Janean !
Lovely pictures, the dog is cute !

Sharon said...

I found your blog just in time to say happy birthday to you, Your blog looks to cute and I will be back soon.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday sweet Janean, happy birthday to you! Hope it was wonderful.

Susan B said...

Happy Birthday Janean(belated)!! I hope you had a lovely day! Love all the picutres, especially the dog in the last one...cute. :)

Vicki said...

Happy Birthday a day late, Janean! Today is my birthday. I was born on the Friday before Mother's Day. Mom and I always celebrated my birthday and Mother's Day together. Our last one was in 2006.

Hope you had a great day!

Simple Home said...

Happy Birthday Janean! I hope it was wonderful. I was in labor on Mother's Day :-) My daughter will be 15 on the 15th.


Happy Birthday! Such a sweet Mother's Day gift you were and still are. ~ Angela

Technodoll said...

Oh my gosh!


I'm so sorry to be late in wishing you a happy bday, I've fallen off the face of blogger earth lately!

Hope the celebrations were lovely :)

Ruth said...

Belated happy birthday, Janean. I hope you had a wonderful celebration.

I'm a May baby, too (2oth). 7 pounds.
