Old Sweetwater

Old Sweetwater

Monday, December 14, 2009

My Primitive Tree

About a week ago I posted a white  feather tree. Today I'm showing a small  traditional green one. They make wonderful accent trees like Country Living shows below on a coffee table.  To have a primitive look,  just hang muslin, clay and organic ornaments.

The small ones I wanted last year were $50.00, so I just made one (partly pictured in the top photo)!  It's far from perfect; therefore it's primitive!   I also made these little 2-inch mittens myself to hang on it.  The wooden star is store-bought.   Have you made any of your ornaments?  


Vanessa said...

Oh I love it! The mittens are sooo cute!
Nice work

Judi said...

It's not supposed to be perfect! The mittens are adorable too. Your own pattern? It is all so pretty. Thanks for sharing. Judi

I Play Outside The Box said...

Adorable!! Love the 'container' you used with it too! Perfectly prim!

FEDERICA said...

Great work! Lovely!
Happy new week.

Pondside said...

I always mean to try for a second tree, but never seem to manage it. Perhaps one like your little coffee table tree would be possible.
I've made many of the ornaments on the tree and around the house - not so many in the last five years, but lots with memories of times at home with children.

Suz said...

once again you go to the head of the class!

Debra@CommonGround said...

Hi Janean, love those darling mittens you made! I have two trees this year, but I'd love to have room for a kitchen one. I love primitive ornaments too, and really love that natural look. Hope you have a great week!

Moore Minutes said...

A primitive tree is such a good idea! Those mittens are adorable!!

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

Hi Janean ~
Thanks for stopping by My Blog & the Sound Advise, I have decided to take the Wise advise from You, Kate & Tracy & Go Simple for Christmas, Glad there is No Christmas Police.....
Between Watching My Favorite Old Christmas Movies & Listening to Christmas Music, I am Putting My feet up, Drink Hot Cocoa, Relaxing & Remembering the True Meaning of Christmas ~ Our Savior Was Born!
Merry Christmas to You

Linda said...

It's adorable! I love the simple charm of a primitive tree. :)

Pretty Zesty said...

Very cute idea for a tabletop! So simple and elegant! (and primitive in the best possible way, :o)

Luiza said...

Wonderful! I love the ornaments, and I adore your home. It looks so fantastic.

Finally, I´ve added you to my "sidebar",so that I wont miss a post!

Take care!

Mila said...

Hi Janean,
I love Primitive style and that mitten are sooo cute!!!
My Christmas tree is "full" of candy canes and little socks ornaments !What a fests for my 4 cats!!
Mila :)

karen said...

Hey hunni.
Thanks for popping by and leaving me a lovely comment, they do make me smile. I got a lot of funny look's when I said I was going to wrap my parcels in brown paper this year but actually I thing it look's quite nice now it's all done.
I love your little mittens, they are so cut I just may have to give it a go some time. I haven't got many home made christmas decorations. I did make the little red and white angels in bobble hat's that you might be able to spot on my tree ( you can click on the photo to make them bigger) and I made the gingerbread and heart garland that's hanging along my stairs ( also pictured)

Glo said...

The mittens look great! Love em!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting. I love your Santa Baby post. We have some of those in our family.

Have a blessed Christmas.


My Grama's Soul said...

You made your own tree? I am so impressed! I could not even begin to know where to start on that project.

The mittens are perfect for a vintage tree.



Beth Leintz said...

Those mittens are just darling- I love homemade ornaments.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Really cute, your home looks lovely.

Anne Lorys said...

Far from perfect equals perfection in my book. Your tree is just wonderful! :-)

TinaTx said...

Would you mind sharing how you made your little tree? I've been wanting a feather tree for a long time but I'm not willing to pay the price for a real one and so far I've not even found a fake one I'm ready to spend $$ on. (I did find one last year but like a fool I thought it would still be there after Christmas and I could get it on sale - nope)

Janean said...

Tina, i would be happy to show or explain how i made it. i'll put it on a new post in the next few days, k? the great thing is that it cost me "0" so...even with its flaws....yay!!

Jen~ Lipstick and Laundry said...

BEAUTIFUL... I love all the primitive goodness...

Anonymous said...

Nice post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.

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