Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunny Decor

The snowy, cold, cloudy winter we've had in the United States has made me appreciate the sun so much more. Even a frigid day is "warmer" when the sun makes its appearance.  I notice everyone's mood changes when the sun is shining. We smile more and have more energy.
Don't we all prefer a sunny disposition over a gloomy one?
Today I choose to worship the One who made the sun, which is my inspiration. Anyone else feel happier when the sun is shining? Anyone decorate or enjoy wearing the color of the sun? Sunny yellow cottage; sun wall art; eggs-sunny side up; sun's reflection in the sky before a storm; sunny lantern; sunny gazebo; sunny yellow high heels ...feel the love!


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tweet Tweet Decor


We used to play Hide-and-Seek with our grandchildren. For a hint, the person hiding would say in a very high voice, *tweet-tweet.* Our grands would listen and then take off in the direction they thought the noise came from. Our granddaughter would cup her little hand up to her mouth and holler, "Say tweet-tweet, Papaw!"  He'd *tweet* and off she'd go again. We were tweeting before Twitter was ever invented! lol. Speaking of tweet, I adore Robin's Egg Blue. Here are some beautiful examples of the cooler and then warmer shades of this beautiful color. Are you a Robin's Egg Blue person?  Photos: Eggs in nest; Outdoor entertainment idea - BHG; Five-Layer Coconut with Lemon Curd Cake; Wall Art Canvas - Amazon; Robin Egg Kitchen Cabinets; old Pillow from Urban Outfitters. 


Friday, February 26, 2010

God Didn't Make Little Green Apples...

Remember the song *Little Green Apples* from the 1970's? The gist of the song was stating what love really is. You can click here for the lyrics. Anyway, apple green can be an interesting color to decorate with, so here are some beautiful examples of it paired with caramel. My inspiration? God. The One who made the little green apples and the gorgeous butterfly featured on the last photo. Anyone have apple green in their home? Anyone a Roger Miller fan or apple fan? Photos: Country Living; Lamp online; Caramel Apples; Outdoor Dinner photo by Meg Smith Photography; Butterfly by Pixdaus.



Thursday, February 25, 2010

Airing Your Dirty Linen Decor

There's an old idiom, "One should not air their dirty linen in public." It means you shouldn't  have your private or personal problems discussed in public. But today I'm talking about the linen, the fabric. I adore it. I like white, but I REALLY like "dirty" linen...old...with character! It's great to craft with and decorate with. My first encounter with linen was in third grade. A special teacher who traveled around the schools, came in and taught our class how to pull threads on linen to make designs. Right then and there, I was smitten! Do you adore linen as much as I do? What do you own that's linen? Country Living; Natural Linen Napkins; Old Linen chair @ Country Living;  Linen Pulled and Tied Needlework; Linen bags and Stacked vintage linens.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Blue and White Decor

On vacation one year I found a fabulous shop in Apalachicola, Florida. I stayed in there for hours because there were thousands of "treasures," and the scent of the store was delightful.  Today Old Sweetwater is going to feature soft blue and white of Florida inspired by the coastal water.  Are there any other blue and white lovers?   

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chinese Anyone?

We thoroughly enjoy good, fresh Chinese or Japanese food! I'm such a sucker for those carry-out containers and chopsticks. When I see someone eating from one on TV, I go ca-razy wanting Chinese food.
A little Chinese influence in decor can be really nice. You can place an old Chinese chest or lamp in a room full of country or modern, especially if the chest or lamp is a bright accent color. Do you like Chinese food or decor? I'm featuring traditional Chinese red. Is red your favorite color? Photos from top: Accent Lamp; Entry-stock; Pier 1 faux orchid-$18.00; Antique Chinese Chest $1,800.00 - sold; great Chinese food - priceless!

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Queen's Decor

The Queen was on TV recently...the movie that is. Again I noticed the decor. Though the palace's decor regally "over the top," I've always adored the traditional English cottage look!
Some basic elements are wood floors, chintz, timeless well-worn furniture, free standing cabinets, lace curtains and dark rough beams....
None of us live in palaces (do we?), but we are happy with even a modest home that is warm, welcoming and cozy. Those three words describe the traditional English cottage look to me.
Is anyone living with English Cottage decor?  Photo from top: Better Homes and Gardens; antique chintz teapot; English Cabbage Rose; Staffordshire Porcelain Dogs (I have two); English Chintz and English Garden.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Daisies are such happy flowers. As you pronounce the word, notice how it automatically puts a smile on your face?  Daisies are *casual* flowers. I like casual, don't you?
About a month before my wedding, my future mother-in-law Mary, took me to Sears and said, "Honey, pick out whatever you want for your every day dishes!"  I chose a beautiful Mikasa daisy pattern. Those dishes captured the fresh, clean, cheerfulness I wanted for our new home-to-be.
Here are a few ideas focusing on daisies. Are you a daisy fan? Photos from top: daisy chandelier; daisy landscaping; daisy centerpiece; pewter daisy earrings - click on photo for link; knitted daisy dishcloth and Daisy Cake from PinkCakeBox.