Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunny Decor

The snowy, cold, cloudy winter we've had in the United States has made me appreciate the sun so much more. Even a frigid day is "warmer" when the sun makes its appearance.  I notice everyone's mood changes when the sun is shining. We smile more and have more energy.
Don't we all prefer a sunny disposition over a gloomy one?
Today I choose to worship the One who made the sun, which is my inspiration. Anyone else feel happier when the sun is shining? Anyone decorate or enjoy wearing the color of the sun? Sunny yellow cottage; sun wall art; eggs-sunny side up; sun's reflection in the sky before a storm; sunny lantern; sunny gazebo; sunny yellow high heels ...feel the love!



  1. Dear Jenean,
    What a "beautiful" post. It sure reminds us that SPRING is just around the corner.

  2. I LUV yellow! I like to wear yellow because it makes me feel good, most of my down stairs is painted a soft yellow and when I redo my lake house you can be sure there will be lots of yellow!

    As far as the mold is concerned we have had to have our entire lake house stropped back to the studs, all floors ripped out and everything removed. We hired a restoration company that specializes in water and smoke damage. It is not something that we would ever be able to do ourselves, there is just too much damage. We went down yesterday just to see how they were doing and the overwhelming stench of mold drove us out as we both are allergic to it, so we couldn't be in there working on it if we wanted to. They wear the whole suits, masks and air supply when testing the air quality. We lost about 95% of the contents but you know, it's just 'things' so praise God no one was hurt in the whole process!

    I will be posting pictures of the redo as it goes along, after the mold issue has been taken care of. :o)

  3. Good done !! we need the is stormy and a lot of rain here....brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.................

    Have a good warm dry sunday !!

    Greetz Ria

  4. Thanks for sprinkling a little bit of sunshine into our weekend :) I adore that wee sunny cottage :) Thanks for sharing

    All things nice...

  5. Yes! I love yellow, and our little cottage is a bright sun-shiney yellow outside! It was already a kind of pale yellow when we moved in, but a few years ago we had the outside painted a brighter yellow, and it's so pretty!

  6. Love the sunny yellow cottage house...and love the sunshine any day of the year. I feel better both physically and mentally when the sun is shining. But for today, in the out of doors at least, I'll have to settle for gray skies and more SNOW. Won't make it gray and gloomy inside though. ~wink~

    Have a blessed Lord's day!

  7. beautiful yellow...makes me feel like spring inside...

  8. Like your yellows! The cottage is amazing!! I could move right in!
    Hugs, Lisa

  9. I love yellow(sun) against blue cloudless skies. That is what we have this morning in Warsaw.
    Some naked lady lilies showing through the ground.
    I love all the yellow in your post today.

  10. Hello can order things from jeanne d 'arc in our webshop...we send especially to you and all your friends to america !!

    So be my gast and shop untill you dropped.............hahahahah!!

    Good sunday.........hugs Ria

  11. Hello Janean~ ~I adore the color yellow but I have never used it to decorate sa home of mine. I keep saying that someday I'll have a yellow house. So. .if saying makes it true it should show up shortly.

  12. You got me with those heels,girl!
    you forgot to mention your sunny self that you share everyday..thanks!

  13. Oh sunshine where are you? I think I will come back to this post often and see all the cheery yellow you have. There is still so much snow and a little sun but oh how I wish I could see a little green grass! Thanks for the beautiful pictures!

  14. Bonjour Jenean,
    What a delightful sunny post, that cottage is made for me. You are right, the sun does make you feel bette and reminds us to worship the one who created all that beauty.
    THanks for the fabulous images, we're having a big strom here in Paris, lots of wind.
    Bonne Sunday

  15. is such a blessing, I always have to have some of that color in my home! :D

  16. Thanks for the 'yellow'. I love the chandalier, whenever, I see one I think of so many fun places to put one, unfortunately, I am a country girl and they don't fit my decor. But you have inspired me to grab the next one I see, I have a secret garden and it would look wonderful there!! Right?
    Thanks for the post on my blog.

  17. I don't ever where yellow, but I love it on walls and windows - the greyest Pacific Northwest day turns sunny when the drapes are bright yellow, and yellow walls trap even the most fleeting ray of sunshine!

  18. Hi Janean,
    Thanks for bringing me the sun today. I love this post. Now I'm happy.

  19. Janean,
    I LOVE yellow. I use alot of it in my interiors. One of our cottages at The Daisy Inn is primarily yellow and my living room, stairs and hall are yellow at my Cape Cod. Thanks for posting and brightening my day! I will try and post a pic of the some of my "yellow" later this evening :)

  20. Yellow is my favorite color but I don't wear it often. I have a great pair of yellow birkenstocks!
    Great examples of yellow and sunny days.

  21. Oooo the egg one, the egg one! A little sunshine in every shell ;-)

    Of course the cottage is fantastic, too... and the shoe... woman, do you edit magazines for a living??

  22. spring is coming.....
    spring is coming....
    Oh how I love the sun!!

    p.s.- love the yellow heels!!

  23. My kitchen is a creamy yellow and I am in love with it's cheery-ness each morning. I walk in and it's as if it says Hello!!

    I love the little house on your post. It looks like a happy place! :)

  24. It makes such a difference in my mood. I have reached my "I'm sick of winter". It really helped me painting our bedroom yellow, it makes me happy.


  25. Hey Janean!
    YES! I love sunny yellow. Our little farmette is a soft shade of butter, and I love little pops of yellow in the gardens. We have some sunshine in the forecast here, end tho it is still quite cold, the sun really DOES make a difference!

  26. It is amazing what this color will do for us. My kitchen is a yellow gold and I love it. It's an instant mood enhancer, and especially good for a blah morning.
    I'm really looking forward to some wonderful sunshine this spring!

  27. I love bright cheerful sunny yellow. It does make one smile. That's why I chose it for the kitchen. (with some splashes of cherry red) That will make one happy in the morning. I can't wait til we have our siding replaced so that our house can be a cheerful yellow!!! I too, thank our Lord for the beautiful golden ball in the sky that just showers that warmth down and feels so good, especially on a chilly day outside.
    And I love when it shines in the windows and makes a warm spot on the wood floors. More often than not you will find a four-footed critter soaking it up. :-) Enjoyed my visit here.

  28. Beautiful pictures and a beautiful color. God must have loved color as He gave us such wonderful colors. I love it when the sun is shining!

  29. Lovely post and wonderful blog Jenean!
    There truly IS something about the warmth of the sun!
    I was delighted to find our first clump of crocuses blooming this morning, quite a surprise as there is still snow on the ground in places here in N VA!
    Thank you for your sweet visit to my Magpie's Nest!


I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~