Friday, February 26, 2010

God Didn't Make Little Green Apples...

Remember the song *Little Green Apples* from the 1970's? The gist of the song was stating what love really is. You can click here for the lyrics. Anyway, apple green can be an interesting color to decorate with, so here are some beautiful examples of it paired with caramel. My inspiration? God. The One who made the little green apples and the gorgeous butterfly featured on the last photo. Anyone have apple green in their home? Anyone a Roger Miller fan or apple fan? Photos: Country Living; Lamp online; Caramel Apples; Outdoor Dinner photo by Meg Smith Photography; Butterfly by Pixdaus.




  1. is so beautiful all these pictures !!

    God makes great things!!

    But i 'am in love with the butterfly may i put him /her ? on mine blog ??

    Please let me know...........have a good day ! hugs Ria

  2. Janean, I just stopped by your lovely blog for the first time. It is just so full of wonderful eye candy...I will have to come back more often for my fix!!
    Thanks so much for visiting Bee Haven Acres!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  3. I want a bunny Lamp, it's so cute!!
    Emma xx

  4. Oh yes, I remember that song well... and it don't rain in Indianapolis in the summer time (if that's correct - just going on my memory!). I'm really drawn to apple green, more so with each year it seems. Lovely inspiration photos! Enjoy your weekend. -Tammy

  5. What a beautiful room and what a beautiful butterfly. Did God not give us some beautiful things? Nature is so wonderful.

  6. I like the pairing in the photos you shared. It looks very put together. My house has this old sandblasted pine paneling that is kind of an apple green, not really that modern though. It was put in in the 60's and is very textureed and just....UGH! It is on the walls and ceiling. It's overwhelming!!!! I've been thinking of painting it...but I don't want to make it worse, plus it would be a HUGE job. I really just want to rip it out and put in dry wall. It doesn't go with our old house at all. Oh, well :)

  7. Janean, I have always loved this color...LOVE the ottoman in the first pic, I would love to have that! :D

  8. I REALLY like the herb wreath! That would be so cool to have in the kitchen! Thanks for leaving me a note last evening...means a lot. :)

  9. Your apple greens are very pretty. I am more of a mossy or celery green type of person. I guess you could say most of my colors have a grey or black tint to them. But I do love color. I think it is because I cannot wear the brights that I do not put too many in my home decor. Exception. Red is my favorite color by far. Came over to thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Love comments!

  10. love the green/brown combination. those pillows are gorgeous. right along with that butterfly.

  11. Thanks for coming for a visit to my blog. You have a mighty fine one here. Brown and green are an interesting color combo. Not one we see often, but very interesting nonetheless. Thanks for sharing these beautiful images.

  12. P.S.
    Love your header photo. So welcoming!

  13. I love the apple green! But sadly I don't have any in our home. We do, however have the walls of our living room, dining room and hallways painted in a color that is similar, just a little muddier. It is called 'crocodile tears', and I love it.

  14. My sons room is a green, but it's more khaki/army/praire-grass green. I have green depression glass dishes, and green handled utensils in the kitchen, and green quilts on beds. One of the quilts would probably be a good match with your "green apple" color.

  15. beautiful..I always liked that song...

  16. All of the images are beautiful though certainly the most awe inspiring...the butterfly, truly a gift from above! ~ Angela

  17. I'm not a big fan of green, having lived in too many military houses that were painted 'soothing' pale green. I do, however, love apple green, and have a splash of it in the draperies here - so fresh!

  18. I love that combination - and OH! that butterfly! I use a lot of green at home - a lot more than I realized when I started to list it - my dining room is a soft sage green, and my living room chairs have a little apple green in it, as does the window treatment. The chairs in the sunroom are upholstered in green. The guest bath is pear green, and the den was just painted green too, with green in the window treatments as well. That is a lot of green. I think I'll have to do a green post myself!

  19. i love the butterfly, it is amazing what our Lord has provided for us!
    I think that green is my favorite color for my home, there are so many different shades! and yes I do have granny smith apples in my fridge! I make a great salad with spring greens, walnuts, blue cheese crumbles, granny smith apples and blush wine vinagrette.

  20. Alvocado being a green color. Remember the washing machine & dryer? That would so be stylish today! You think? he~he!

  21. Love that shade of green and it definitely looks good with caramel!

  22. Yes, love apple green. I don't decorate with it in general, but it is a lovely color for spring. Have done some sewing with it.
    Used to have my whole house decorated in ones that is, back in the 80's and early nineties. Still love a bowl of apples in my and green.

  23. I'm still waiting for your explanation of "God didn't make little green apples" 'cause I could have SWORN He did!

  24. Thank you for visiting my blog. I made sure I told Alexandra you like the photo. She was so happy. And yes, I do have both green and brown in my house (hallway and laundry room). I think they complement each other extremely well. Your blog is wonderful:) Have a great weekend!

  25. Beautiful greens. I love how 'green apple' is so popular as well as aqua. They even look well together!


  26. I am a big fan of apple green! Most of our walls were once a subdued shade of apple, and I'm getting ready to redo our master bedroom in gray with apple accents. I even went dressed to a Halloween party as Granny Smith once, but that's a story for another day :) Oh, and thanks for your sweet comments about my Petite Pickers post. As a rookie blogger, that made my DAY:)

    Simply blessed,

  27. I do love green but I don't have apple green, it is more of a moss green! Thanks for visiting! Dianntha

  28. I know that if i ever get stuck for colours to just come here for combinations, You have just the best eye candy and a wonderful palette.

  29. Hi! I've just went through all your posts and enjoyed every one of them ~ lots of inspiration to take in!
    I love apple green - I think it's one of the prettiest colors.
    Look forward to seeing more ~

  30. Apple green is becoming one of my favorite colors and yet I use to not like it at all.
    Hope you are doing well...LOVE the butterfly...gorgeous!

  31. Hi! I followed you here from the comment you left on my blog. Your blog is beautiful! I look forward to following you from now on :)

  32. A friend of mine's daughter is being married in June and her colors are purple and green. She loves green apples and is incorporating them into her theme, I think it is wonderful....:-) Hugs

  33. Janean, that first photo I have in my save file ha ha!! I just love that look so much...Hope you have a GREAT weekend my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  34. Beautiful photos. I remember the song well. I don't think I have much around here that color though.

  35. Love the bunny lamp and butterfly.
    No I don't have apple green in my house but I do have Granny Smiths apples because they are my favorite.


I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~