Old Sweetwater

Old Sweetwater

Saturday, May 8, 2010

white....it calms me....

I'm a huge fan of white and always have been. At Old Sweetwater, starting this month, I'm going to start painting everything white. From floors to ceilings to furniture and back -- all white. The main thing when doing one color (monochromatic) is TEXTURE and a LOT of architectural interest to get that romantic cottage look instead of  just "builder's white look."  
Does anyone have a white interior? Anyone have white wooden floors? I'm wondering how I'm going to keep them *scuff-less* but I want to at least try them because I adore the Norwegian-Scandinavian look.
P.S. for those who've asked. My dad came home from the hospital this week!
Sorry I don't remember where I collected these photos...think most came from Country Living. Oh yes, I have columns (yet to be painted) very similar to the fifth photo! And the last photo is because I'm such a sap for soft white Wedding Gowns. Does anyone else watch "Say Yes To The Dress?"


Becky Garrison said...

No! Please No!!! :o)

I think white is beautiful as an accent. I can even appreciate a white room, and there is nothing prettier than crisp, clean white trim, crown molding, accents around a home. But . . . all white would just send me right over the edge! I must have color!

I also have a messy husband and 2 dogs that have full run of the house - enough said!

How's Dad? Becky

Karen said...

Beautiful and so fresh looking. Good luck with your project!
Ladybug Creek

Jojo said...

The fifth room is the most beautiful. The house I'm in is relatively new and I have changed very little since we moved in. In our old house I constantly painted and changed things. In our living room we added a soft pine, with lots of knots. It was actually a siding board but I loved the look of the wood. I added about 4 coats of polyurethane on top and it was the most carefree floor ever. In the bedrooms, I pulled up the carpet, patched the subfloor and painted it with 2 coats of oil-based paint. Once again, they were gorgeous and carefree.

Can't wait to see what do in your space.

Lorilee said...

I love to "visit" the white cottages, but I also like to see wood and have some color. I am into soft warm colors. I especially like brown! Good luck with your changes. I can't wait to see the results!

Farmgirl Cyn said...

With a white floor, every scuff mark or shoe print will show...I know...we painted our whole upstairs floors white years ago when we lived in the suburbs. I still loved it, and it wouldn't be as big of a problem if they'd only learned to take their shoes off at the door!
I would be more apt to do it now that the kids are mostly gone...just one 21 yo son still at home.

Anonymous said...

I like to see a woman on a mission! I think it will be beautiful as you already have the textures and subtle look in mind. Best of luck, and I hope you are having a lovely weekend!
SO glad that your Dad is home too... I hope he continues to improve.
:) Flick

Carolyn said...

I love your white inspirationand I am glad your Dad is out of the hospital.

Have a good weekend,

Julie said...

Oh YES!! I love the white look. Alas, I do have a lot of males in this house yet, and 3 doggies..., so even though it's doable, I am not relishing the amount of maintanance it would require of me right now...BUT!!! I have visions!
oh yes... And I would OH SO LOVE to see what you do...I know you don't normally post personal home pics too much, but if you get a hankering to show us a little transformation work, I'm sure all of us out here would line up to see it!!! White is a color that has SO many shades to work with, it's unbelievable!
I have to tell you, Janean, I got myself a Baker's Rack off of Craig's List to replace the "industrial steel" rolling cart in my kitchen. I am excited to see what the transformation will look like (this weekend) and it has two drawers for additional storage! woot! Your post made me think about changing over! Was just watching and waiting for a black one.
I'm so glad your dad is home. I'm sure he is too!, as well as you!
I do pray and hope with you that he will continue to improve. Hugs to you...Have a great weekend!

All things nice... said...


Glad to hear your dad is home. Hope he is doing better. Oh I love white interiors too, here in Ireland no one really uses white for interiors perhaps it's because our weather is quite cool and the creams and colours are warmer, I will have a white room or two though whenever I have my own home :) Looking forward to seeing all your white makeovers! :)

All things nice...

Rettabug said...

Janean, I think your inspiration shots are delicious! My FL home was all done in soft shades of creamy white & I loved it!! It was very cool & serene & fit that climate nicely.
Now here in OH, I find I'm gravitating towards warmer colors but I still have the cream furniture in the living room & white dining room chairs. One nice thing is it allows you to add splashes of color for each season. Very versatile. Go for it...its only paint!!!

Stephanie @ La Dolce Vita said...

Glad to hear about your dad! Hope he keeps getting better!
I love all white - which is funny because I love color too - but I live with small people and puppy who make that impractical ... but I LOVE to see them! You have such beautiful taste, I'm sure everything you pick will be lovely. Good luck!

Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

Very glad to hear that your Dad is home :) I hope he is doing much better!
I love white, as I all my woodwork at home is pure white and I also have alot of white beadboard here and there at home and the cottage at the Inn. Good luck on your project, too. I will be on that same mission after son moves out June 15th. All my woodwork needs painting, sooooo, I'm righ there with your, gal.

Dolores said...

Good to hear that your dad is home.

I love the look with all the white. The pictures are so pretty! I have very little white in my house; one dog and one cat, and the white would soon be brown.

I hope you post pictures of your finished project. I'm sure it will be lovely!

Cindy said...

i love white too!! i'll be posting my white color of the week post next week. white always reminds me of ruffles, lace and beauty, and softness. it calms me too and is a wonderful palate for color pops.


Cindy said...

i love white too!! i'll be posting my white color of the week post next week. white always reminds me of ruffles, lace and beauty, and softness. it calms me too and is a wonderful palate for color pops.


Donna Reyne' said...

Hello my sweet friend!
I simply adore all white rooms!
I personally don't have any...yet.
But we bought paint last evening to start painting the ceilings and walls in my new utility room...and...they are both shades of white "Dujour"and "cottage linen".
So, I understand your love for the look.
I am so glad your dad is home from the hospital!
Hope he continues to improve!
Hugs, Prayers and Blessings,

Janet - underthewillow said...

I have always wanted to do an entire room in shades of white!....pretty pictures!


Cindy said...

Don't you look divine in that evening gown! lol

I love white and it is my color of choice for my home. Most of the rooms in my home are painted a soft white with neutral carpet. I think white and soft neutrals are so calming and I prefer to have white as a backdrop from which to accent with color instead of the other way around.

I've never had and never will have wallpaper.

Kat said...

Well white is white, until you show me pictures like that! STUNNING. I want to move into one of those rooms.

Technodoll said...

I can't rock the white look as it's not practical here (and I love color too much) but I can sure admire it! Soooo lovely!

And YAY for your dad being home safe and sound - xoxoxo!!

Unknown said...

I totally agree with Life at Camellia Cottage, I too love white but other than one room....Not! I am all about color, being a retired painting contractor, I got tired of the plain white walls so many people did for years. I was very thankful when color came back. But I do admit an all white room, furniture etc. is very lovely.

Julie Harward said...

I have missed you!!! Glad your Dad is back home now. I love white too, you can add in whatever color you'd want. You have to post pictures when you get it all done ok?! Have a great Mothers Day...come say hi, something special happened at my blog! :D

Pondside said...

Good news, about your dad - so glad to hear that he is home.
While I admire pictures of a white room, I don't think I could ever live in one - even a soft and shabby one. I need some red and some blue!
I love to watch Say Yes to the Dress - it's my secret sin!

kimsound studios said...

White "latex" primer! Kilz is what I used on the cabinets in the kitchen ~ I liked it because it could handle tough sanding, creating a smooth surface without the tackiness. Applying the coats of paint on top was fantastic ~ I will post a picture of the cabinets soon. I'm waiting on the glass inserts. Do you think a white wash in primer that can be sanded would work? Maybe test on a single plank? Most hardware places can add color to primer... keep us posted :)


So happy your dad is out of the hospital! ~ All white sounds fabulous. I do adore the Scandinavian approach to decor as well. Looking forward to seeing the transitions! ~ Angela

It's me said...

I am glad your Dad is out of the hospital......i love the whites !!

What color have your home???

Happy weekend ......blessings and hugs from Ria....

~ Regan said...

Glad to hear you Dad is home!

I don't know how to go about keeping the floors unscuffed- maybe a few good coats of poly will help? I think I would paint them a different color, and put white area rugs down.. IMHO :)

I love all the pictures you showed us-- I hope you will show us progress with your house transformation- it sounds so exciting!

FairfieldHouse said...


I am in the process of doing the same thing - one room at a time.
I love white. Something so clean, fresh, crisp, serene ...
I'm with you!


Anonymous said...

Oh...I can't wait to see the pictures when you are finished.

Karen said...

White reminds me of the cottage beach look, but I can't go all white. I have to throw color in the mix. Yes, occasionally I do watch, Say yes to the dress. :)

Lisa said...

Very lovely! I like the all white. I just don't have the discipline to do one color! So glad your Dad is better!♥
Hugs, Lisa

Dawn said...

Happy Mother's Day Janean! Good Luck with that all white thing. LOL! Just kiddin'. It's beautiful but I couldn't do it.

Tammy @ tinselshop.com said...

Gorgeous! I LOVE an all white interior and dream of someday being brave enough to give it a try. Right now I am sticking with gray and neutrals including LOTS of white, a good first step...right? Our house has white tile and I HATE IT. Everything shows and I have 3 little ones. Distressed white wood would be dreamy...

Best wishes,

Barbara Jean said...

Love all the white!!

Thanks for coming by.

Glad you went to visit my new curbaholic friend!


barbara jean

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

So glad to hear your father is doing better! Oh the worries we carry! Love this white post! I use a lot of white in my home. Sweet, soft and brings comfort! Happy Mother's Day Janean!


All Seasons said...

What a beautiful blog do you have, I enjoy this photo's.
Have a nice sunday
Greatings from Holland

Tanna said...

In the past couple of years, I have grown to love serene, tranquil colors... Maybe it is the fify-something color (colorless) stage of life, but I LOVE the idea of white. Can't wait to see more.

Tanna said...

And, I'm glad your Dad is home from the hospital and hope he continues to improve. Hugs~ Tanna

Laura said...

That is good news about your Dad.

I look forward to pictures and details on your painting.

Are you changing out accessories too?

White Spray Paint

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

These are beautiful!!

lambi said...

I love come here and watch so many beauty!
I wish you lovely week :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I go weak in the knees when I see some of those white items. (not the lady!) I have fallen in love with white and hopefully we will move someday in the future and I will do everything in white! I wanted white cabinets in this house but we switched lots when a better one came available and the cabinets were already picked out:(
Glad your dad is home.

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

I cannot wait to see your home when it is done in white, of course, I bet it is really lovely just the way it is.
The photos are wonderful images of beautiful white rooms, a real inspiration for your decor.
I love that dress!


Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

White is fabulous. But I agree with you. It takes a graceful hand and an eye for texture to pull it off. Nothing is more dreadful than everything too monochromatic- dead white!
The images you have here are just lovely. Very etherial and fresh.
So inspiring.

Kristie said...

Your pictures remind me a a room y mom did in white and lavender. It turned out beautiful!

Have fun! :-)

koralee said...

Oh all white is lovely...I adore colour but an all white room would be Heaven. Hugs my friend. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have some work ahead of you but it sounds beautiful!!!! I love the look of all white. I am trying for that look in my bedroom but it's not always easy when you have your husbands big black tv messing things up hehe. I cant wait to see your results. Enjoy~ xoxox Susie

voiceofpendergrass said...

All the pictures posted are beautiful. I still would have to toss in some color, but as with all your decorating, I know it will be beautiful. My thought (for what it's worth) on your flooring, have you considered etched concrete washed white? It would not be slick and would not show scuff marks! Just a thought, I've seen the etched/painted concrete in pictures and in our office they put a mix of slate tiles and etched concrete tiles.... very, very nice and easy to maintain.

Kerrie said...

Oh, I do so love white, too! Last fall we painted the kitchen cupboards white and it was scary but they look wonderful and it brightened the kitchen so much!

Just a little something from Judy said...

Happy to hear about your dad. That was a good mother's day gift.

I hope you show us your white room conversions. I like that decorating look so much. Great room pictures.

Cat said...

I adore white decor!

Glad your dad is home :)

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hello Janean...that's wonderful that your Dad is home from the hospital! I'm sure he's VERY happy about that. I love white interiors too but I have to admit I'm a coward when it comes to painting furniture. I think I could do it to something that wasn't of good quality but I would freeze at painting over a wonderful antique with lovely wood grain. I guess that means I should buy some paint-worthy furniture because I REALLY do want to try at least one room that's mostly white. LOVE that white dress in your pictures..wish I was that skinny LOL! Have a wonderful day....Maura:)

gabrielle said...

Ahhh, these are all to DIE for!