Old Sweetwater

Old Sweetwater

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Married Forty Years Today.....Ruby Anniversary.

Today is our 40th wedding anniversary. How's that possible when my mind tells me I'm barely 40 years old...I said my MIND...not the calendar. Ha!  The 40th is the RUBY year. Yay!  So if I could do anything - within reason - I would....
  • Get on a RUBY palm (#1) and see if I can rent a classic RUBY colored convertible (#2).  Drive to the nearest RUBY'S Diner (uh...Texas? Woohoo! #3) and have one double huge RUBY milkshake with two straws (#4). 
  • We'd drive home with the radio blaring & then I'd soak in a RUBY tub (#5).
  • Next, I'd swath on RUBY lipstick (#6) hoping for a Marilyn Monroe look (#7) rather than a RUBY Ann Boxcar look (#8).
  • After I put my RUBY high heels on (#9) my honey and I would dance by the lake under RUBY lanterns (#10) and stroll home in the moonlight.
  • We'd change into comfy clothes (#11) and hit RUBY Tuesdays for a late salad and dessert (haven't been there in ages #12)....and then see where it goes from there. Yes, that would be a day fit for a king or queen to me (#13).
  • Do you have other RUBY suggestions?


Deb said...

congratulations on 40 years...that is great...

Julie Harward said...

Congratulations on a big one...have a rip roaring ruby good time! :D

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 40 years!! That is quite an accomplishment! My husband and I will celebrate 29 this year! Sue

Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

How about puttin' on those ruby slippers and click your heels together three times and go back to home sweet home, after all that excitement!
Happy Anniversary, dear one. Did you get married like when you were 5 or something??? You look too young for the big 4-0!

Susan said...

Lovin' the convertible! And a milkshake with two straws, how sweet! I just love a theme...this post is totally FAB!Happy 40th Anniversary! Hope you and your dear husband enjoy your day together and many more years to come!

Brenda said...

Happy Anniversary! 40 years that is great!

Karen said...

Congratulations!! Love your posting.
Our anniversary is next week. 1970 was a pretty good year for us, right?
Ladybug Creek

It's me said...

Congratulations !! my dear Janean.....you looks so young !!..how is it possible..........??? enjoy your day !!! many hugs from me....Ria

Donna M. Kohlstrom said...

Congratulations and best wishes for at least 40 more anniversary celebrations!

Ruby earrings, necklace and bracelet would be nice gifts too!!

Cindy said...

how about a lovely ruby ring to top off the night? congrats on such a great accomplishment in this day and age of divorce. you two should be very proud!!!

in fact i think that deserves ruby earrings too!

hugs, cindy

Formerly known as Frau said...

You must have been a child bride! Happy Anniversary!

Mari said...

I think you've got all the ruby things covered. Happy Anniversary - that's great!

Pondside said...

I echo Jojo's comment - is it something in the water down there?
Congratulations! Forty is a beautiful number.

Janet - underthewillow said...

WOW!!....40 years married! that's quite the accomplishment! Congratulations!!


Donna said...

Happy anniversary! Wow, 40 years! Paint that town up red, LOL!

Farm Girl said...

That is just awesome, 40 years! May you continue to be blessed.

BonjourRomance said...

Congratulations Janean! Now that is something to be proud of! How marvelous! Are those Dorothy's slippers gone glamorous?
Wishing you a very happy celebration!

Jojo said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I was excited to hit thirty but I will be ecstatic to hit forty! I had no idea that it was a ruby anniversary. You need to pop the cork on some ruby-colored wine too!

No matter how you celebrate it, may the celebration be full of wonderful memories and may you continue to celebrate this very special occasion.

Sarah said...

Janean, congratulations! 40 years! Wow! We're five year away, and I'm thinking a ruby ring or earrings. ;-)
Hope you have a terrific celebration zipping around in that red car. ~ Sarah

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Wonderful! And you do look 40!! Yes, you do!!!

summersundays-jw said...

Happy 40th!! Jan

WhiteWhispers2u said...

Congrats! That's Amazing these days.My best to you and enjoy! I love anything Red.......
~Cheers Kim

Oklahoma Granny said...

Congratulations to you and your husband. I think you've got all the ruby options covered. My husband and I will be celebrating our 40th next Saturday and it really does seem like only yesterday that I walked down that church aisle. Time flies when you're having fun.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Congratulations! Just had to drop in and say (new here) that you don't look old enough to have been married that long!! I'll be hitting that magic number before too long, and feel like it is quite an accomplishment. Have a wonderful day!


Susan B said...

Happy Anniversay!! 40 years, how wonderful!! I hope you have a marvelous day together! :)

Technodoll said...

Holy WOW and CONGRATS on 40 years of married bliss! That is so rare and precious these days - *bows to you both*

Ruby earrings?

Marina Mott said...

Oh, Janean my friend... this is really wonderful!!! Congratulations from my heart!!

Margaret said...

Congratulations Janean! 40 years, well done! Love your 'ruby' post, fab pics! Margaret

Girly Muse said...

40 years~ that is amazing! Congratulations.

Simple Home said...

Happy Anniversary my sweet friend! You're far too young to have been married 40 years.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Happy Anniversary to you both! Time flies when you're having fun! I have some new fingernail polish that is a ruby red...come over and we will paint our fingernails AND toenails! heehee! Enjoy your special day! ♥♥♥

Karen said...

Happy Anniversary! Ruby hearts on your cake! :)

Andrea said...

Shut the front door! There's no way you are old enough to have been married 40 years!!! Girl, get real ;-)
Well, anyway....happy 40th anniversary! That's a big one! Hope you have many more happy and healthy years together!

Suz said...

honest to goodnesss! I would have never guessed that you were married that long...you look so young! I'll join you in December!
and thanks for the tip about rubies...love 'em as in gem

Lillian Robinson said...

You could drop by Mr J's Aunt Ruby's house...

Happy Anniversary!

Barb said...

Happy Anniversary!!! My suggestion would be to put on a pair of RUBY slippers, click your heels together three times . . . . and whisper, ever so gently to your sweetheart, "There's no place like home!"

Have a wonderful Memorial Day!


Rita said...

May you have a very, very happy 40th anniversary. Congratulations! That is quite a milestone. We will be married 42 this year.

Bernie said...

Happy Anniversary, I hope you had a wonderful day.....wishing you many, many more years together. God Bless you both.....:-) Hugs

Becky Garrison said...

Well, you can't go wrong with rubies and diamonds draping from your ears, neck, wrists and fingers, now can you?????

Congratulations Janean!

Em said...

Got to say though, You don't look old enough...x

Sylvia said...

Congratulations, Janean !
I hope you had a great day !

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy Anniversary !

voiceofpendergrass said...

Happy Anniversary! Fun pictures....

"vop" :)

Nancy said...

I'm truly impressed. Congratulations on your 40th anniversary. We're only going to be on 37 this June and you, my dear,look fabulous. I would get some timy ruby earrings. They have real rubies on sale at department stores sometimes. I got some a few years ago,and I love them.

Susan Freeman said...

Happy 40th!! Where does the time go?? David and I celebrate 21 years today June 1st. Hope that your anniversary was happy and that you celebrate many more happy healthy years together!!

Susan and Bentley

KTW said...

Congrats! And may you have at least 40 more! : )

Dolores said...

Oh, I missed your anniversary day. I hope you had a wonderful 40th. In today's world, 40 years is a real good accomplishment!

Kerrie said...

♫♫HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY...♫♫ Congratulations and wishing you MANY more! Hugs, K

Melissa Price said...

Congratulations to you both! My hubs and I celebrated our 13th on May 31st. I'm praying for many more joy-filled years for us both! : ) Melissa

Stephanie @ La Dolce Vita said...

Happy Anniversary and here's to many more!

Beverly said...

Nope, looks like the perfect "Ruby" day to me. Happy 40th, Janean and Hubby. I know what you mean...where does time go. We will celebrate 42 this month.

Julie said...

oh my goodness....40!!! Sounds like forever doesn't it. Congratulations and Kudos! Thanks be to God that there are still marriages that work hard at surviving and thriving. Examples to all marriages everywhere.
Love your ruby reds today. Wondering what you actually did...
The shake looks divine, and Ruby Ann...well she has had one too many shake, but she looks like she knows how to tell a girl to have a good time...bar none... Hugs and Happy Anniversary to you.

GwendolynKay said...

What a great , fun post! I love the lipstick and those shoes. Congratulations on your RUBY anniversary!

Immigrant Daughter said...

Congratulations!!! I made 58 years! You can do it, too!

Donna @ Paisley and Perspective said...

Congratulations to you both! Isn't it amazing how fast that time goes by? We just celebrated our 28th on 22nd of May and are happier every day!