Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Nutcracker Ballet on Christmas Eve

A few years ago my mom, my granddaughter and I went to the Nutcracker ballet on Christmas Eve! We wore our very best and joined about 5,000 others (mostly female) at the Fox Theater in Atlanta, Georgia to watch *fluid beauty* that's been captivating audiences for fifty years. 
We were thrilled at snow falling on the audience and the 1929 custom-built 3,622 piped organ rise up from the floor during intermission!  It was my mother's first and last time to the ballet, but it holds such wonderful memories. Afterward, my honey and dad picked us up and took us to the Cheesecake Factory in Buckhead for early dinner! 
I bought my first Nutcracker this year to be a gentle reminder of one very special afternoon. Anyone else collect nutcrackers or seen the ballet? 
Merry Christmas all!


  1. Arent those costumes amazing!

    I took Miss P to the ballet once- she was bored out her brain. We snuck out at intermission for pancakes.

    Hey I tried to give her a cultural experience .It's not my fault it didnt stick...

  2. Hi Janean,

    I, like you went to a lovely Nutcracker Ballet, and enjoyed it very much. I too now have some wooden Nutcracker decorations gracing my tree and they make me smile when I see them.

    Happy Wednesday

  3. Wonderful this photo's from the Nutcracker ballet, I love it. I have years ago dance on the swanlake..

    Have a wonderful Christmas time with all you family

    Hugs from Holland

  4. My neice Brianna (she's 8) Loves nutcrackers and has several wood ones.She started collecting when she was 6 after seeing the movie.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  5. Janean, you exprerience of the Nutcracker with your mom and daughter, then being joined by your men and enjoying dinner sounds like a perfect way to spend Christmas Eve! I did go to see the Nutcracker once... unfortunately, I had done a 20 mile run at 4am that day and I nodded off during the performance (evening). I am still sad about that! I need to try to make that again someday. Have a very, very Merry Christmas!

  6. Oh, Janean! Can I just say first that those snowflake and snow globe cookies are just too gorgeous to eat, but they sure look delicious, lol!

    I went to the Nutcracker in Atlanta years ago with some friends, and we loved it! And you made me jealous talking about the Cheesecake factory . . . oh my! That is one great place to eat! But no, I don't collect any nutcrackers.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours sweet friend!

  7. Janean-What a beautiful post. I have seen that several times and am always enchanted by it. Last year two of my granddaughters were the little angels in the darling..

    Your images are gorgeous. Merry Christmas- Hugs- Diana

  8. oh daugher performed in the Nutcracker for 9 years...was Clara when she was 9...directed and choreographed 2 Nutcrackers for her little dance troupe...oh what wonderful memories...and do we ever have the your post...made me smile...

  9. Janean,
    Nearly 30 years ago, I volunteered at the Theatre in Hanau, Germany. My responsibilites were to do the make~up for the Sound of Music production. The following production of the season was The Nutcracker. Although, I wasn't involved. .. I did take my family. One of the sweetest memories was our youngest son's reaction. In kindergarten at the time, he leaned over and whispered to his father,"Something's wrong. . .no body's talking." There were smiles for rows of seats around. Ever so quietly, "Mr. Ed" explained they were just dancers. Thank you for the warm memory!

  10. Merry Christmas Janean!...I've been to see the Nutcracker ballet once in Los Angeles when we lived in was very pretty!


  11. I have never been to a ballet but I have the opportunity to go on New Year's eve...looks like I should grab and go with that one! Thanks, for sharing your story about the ballet...and those cookies are beautiful works of art!!!

  12. Janean, I was not been to a ballet but I sure would like to go sometime.
    Have a Merry Christmas.
    I also have Nutcrackers sitting out.

  13. You know when I was a very new bride, I went to the home of a gal in my Bible Study, she had hundreds of Nutcrackers. I had never seen them before. I still think of her house when I see them. We were so poor then that we felt blessed to buy a 10 dollar tree. :) I am so glad you have that nice memory to the Ballet. Have a wonderful Christmas my friend, so thankful you came into my life this year. You have been such a blessing.
    My son was little and he thought Nutcrackers were for cracking nuts and he kept asking for one so we bought one and he was so disappointed, they did break nuts. :)

  14. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! When our Lillypad was a girl we went every year and then to tea at the Chateau Laurier - all the silver and china and candlelight extended the fairyland of the of the ballet. Every year there was a new party dress and shiny shoes - lovely memories.

  15. Have a wonderful Christmas time.....merry merry christmas.......loove love love....Ria....xxxxx

  16. It's on my bucket list...what a wonderful memory you have.
    Merry Christmas my friend...Hugs

  17. Hi Janean,

    I have never been to this ballet but it looks and sounds very worthwhile!

    I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  18. Sounds like you had a wonderful time Janean! Your pictures are so pretty too!!
    I remember taking my son and his grade school class on a field trip (many years ago) to see a Nutcracker Ballet, we had such terrible seats that we could barely see it, but it was still exciting! and I bought a nutcracker ornament during intermission to commerorate the event, I'm reminded of the day every time I hang it on the tree tree!

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
    hugs, Sherri:)

  19. oh what a sentimental and special memory you have to cherish. And it is so neat that you bought a nutcracker to remember it even more. Loved the pics and your sharing with us Janean. Thank you and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  20. That must have been one of the most wonderful Christmas Eves ever. I am adding that to my "to do before I die" list. Thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  21. What a beautiful memory for you to be able to cherish. I love the song from a Chorus Line that reminds us that "everything is beautiful at the ballet" and it just becomes more beautiful at Christmas.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  22. Christmas Blessings to you and your family, From my mountain to yours Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  23. How wonderful that you were able to go! I would love to go see it. There are so many nutcrackers and I think they are all fascinating! Have a very Merry Christmas! And thank you again for the wonderful package! I loved every item in it!

  24. Merry Merry Christmas! May your stocking be filled with blessings,Janean!

    Hugs, Carrie

  25. I've seen the ballet. Just love it. Have a very Merry Christmas.

  26. Oh Janean,
    I have been to the ballet to see the Nutcracker in KC one time with my daughter, sister in law and niece. We loved it! It was such a fun "girl" time. I bought a ornament to remind me of it! I also got a little hooked on Nutcrackers. However one of my girls now thinks they are a little "creepy" looking! I still just love them. I only have a few and may get started collecting again!
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful memory of your time with those special ones in your family. And ooohhhh yes on the Cheesecake Factory! ;0)

  27. I haven't been to a performance of The Nutcracker in years. This one looks to be extra special. What a wonderful memory for you girls!
    I've enjoyed scrolling down through your recent posts. I've been slow to visit the past weeks. Enjoyed each one ~ just beautiful!
    Merry, Merry! ~ Sarah

  28. I too am catching up with blog reading and wanted to say that years ago when my kids were very very young I took them to the Nutcracker, Aaron was 3 and stood the whole time, Annie was 5 and fell asleep, but what they remember most is the Ketcup Aaron got on his tie at the restaruant before we went! I got my first nutcracker from my daughter who was living in Germany last year and now I too want to start collecting them, but now I have to make sure they are from Germany and not China...loved your pictures

  29. such beautiful pictures- love the stage pic!



I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~