Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Nesting Instincts

Most females experience a "nesting instinct" in their life. It's characterized by a strong urge to clean and organize, usually due to expecting an offspring,but not always. We've all seen birds, cats and dogs carefully prepare a place to lay their eggs or have their litter. Last year we had a couple of stubborn Robins that were obsessed with building a nest on top of our fountain! I'm personally past that part of Life, but I'm going to share some unusual NEST ideas. Have any nest stories? Photos: Nest Bed; Nest Botanical Print; Nesting tables; Seagull's nest; Nest Chandelier; Chinese Nest Soup; Faux Crafted Nest; Nesting bowls and 'One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest.' 


  1. I love those bird nest place card holders!!! Great find.. ok, where they from my dear???

    The other day while doing some yard work I came across a hummingbirds nest.. so tiny .. but perfect in every way! And you know me, I saved it for my collection here.

    with love,

  2. On the twine eggs...I used hot glue gun. It's in the picture, just a bit of it in the back. Squeezed a bit on, burned my fingers, wrapped a bit of twine, repeat. You are probably better with a glue gun than I am and can skip the "burn fingers" part!

  3. Loved the last pic-haha! I usually have at least one nest in one of my wall wreaths outdoors, on the house. Have a great day!

  4. Hi Janean, I really do love anything nest related, so needless to say when I was expecting, it was super clean and neat at my place! That nest bed is heavenly... so dreamy!

  5. Aren't YOU the clever one, throwing in that last one! : ) Too funny!
    I do love nests though. They make me think of spring and I could use a good dose of spring right now! :)

  6. Love the nests....print is my favorite and the name places.

  7. Janean~ ~ I love visiting your blog you really got me going today with that bed with the nest perched on it. It needs a ladder so the sweet little girl that lives there can sit in the nest and DayDream! Wow, as a kid I would have loved that. All I had was my special rock in the woods beside tha house where I went to escape.

    Speaking of cowboys. .as much as I love the sweet and feminine I adore my man in his jeans and cowboy boots!

    Enjoy your day~ ~

  8. I like the Cukcoo's nest most, but the nestbed is also not wrong. Do I like to sleep in it, no! You never know what's in it;)

  9. Isn't it funny how we have come to love nests? I have to try not to buy them when I'm in shops! Yesterday I went to a shop called Klaradal - they have a blog you can check out (Maryland) t sell my cards and jewelry - which I did - then I bought a white ironstone mini plate and bowl - she had the cutest nests!!!! Jennifer

  10. Oh how sweet the place card holders and I love the nesting bowls. I have a couple bird nest that I have picked up in the yard at different times.
    My favorite nesting place in on my covered deck with lots of quilts in the morning before the sun is up, Quiet time.

  11. So funny...I just posted about this too...though I am expecting soon, so most of my nesting is due to that! I love that beautiful bed featured on top! So lovely!

    Blessings, Grace

  12. Your posts just get better and better. I love coming here...these pictures are gorgeous! Hugs, andrea

  13. LOL loved all the pictures but the last one was the best! Hello Janean...I hope you're having a wonderful morning. When we lived in the city we had hanging planters with geraniums, ivy etc on our front porch. One day a dove came and started making a nest amongst the flowers...it wasn't much of a nest...just a few sticks but she laid 3 eggs and two hatched! We got to see them grow but never did see them fly away. The next year they did the same thing in the other hanging planter. I took pictures and one day I'll post them. Enjoy the rest of your day! Take care..Maura

  14. Loved that top nest! I did this the weekend I had a baby...wall papered, cooked a HUGE dinner, invited family...went to the hospital and had the baby, they stayed and had dinner!!! Come say hi :D

  15. Good morning,

    I love nests especially in the spring. The birds nest with the eggs is really pretty and the card holders are cute! I'm a "nester" when I'm expecting... I want everything to be perfect when the baby arrives. LOL! But it never is perfect. That's life!

    Have a great day.

  16. Gorgeous post Janean! beautiful pictures full of Spring promise. I love the little place card nests, super idea and love that green! Margaret

  17. I love nests, and have several decorative ones throughout my house. I do have to say I wasn't taken with the bed - just a bit much for my tastes, but . . . to each his/her own!

    And loved the cuckoo's nest pic!

  18. Hi .............i must much so laughing about the last photo !!

    i lie in a indentation!!!!

    Ooooo i 'am so happy now !! thanks !!!
    Hugs from me..........

  19. Love birds, love nests...I try to put them in my jewelry. :)

  20. Oh, love all of the nest stuff! A friend of mine is always finding actual bird nests (abandoned of course) and bringing them inside to decorate with. My luck is not so good...the only real one I've ever found was infested with spiders and let's just say the birds that had lived there weren't the best housekeepers, it was the messiest nest you can imagine, lol!
    But I did admire their "twig work"

  21. Love the nest bed and the bird nest with the blue eggs, so sweet.
    Although I do not have children, I have always been a nester. I love to watch my little girl cat (who has never has little ones either) nest. She is so good at it!

  22. Thank you for stopping by 504 Main. It must be fate...I just finished my egg project - I have a new found love for eggs, birds, and nests. I think these nests are divine. I would love to sleep on that first bed and then everything else is so wonderful too. Beautiful post.

    504 Main

  23. Bonjour Janean,
    I need a few of those sweet bird nests tag holders, perfect for Easter. The last picture wasq a good one.
    Hope you're having a great week so far,

  24. I do love to putter around the house...cleaning and organizing along the way. How did the last photo sneak in there? Are you trying to tell me something as a friend? lol

  25. thanks for stopping by my blog!!! i love comments, too :D

    i am a hardcore nester & i am NOT pregnant...can totally relate to the instinct! haha


  26. It's amazing how birds can make a nest. Last year I found one, a bird has used little flowers of my hydrangea 'Annabelle', it was so beautiful !
    Funny the last picture, I've seen the movie.

  27. I'm ready to nest a bit myself with Spring on the way!

    Hope that you are enjoying your week!

  28. love those bowls
    and I am always on the lookout for nests...love the birdies
    How do you think up all these things??????!!

  29. My but I enjoy visiting your blog, you always have the most interesting post.....love them all so much......:-) Hugs

  30. Nests make me feel warm and cozy.
    Beautiful examples. The big one above that bed is awesome. Great movie too!


I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~