Old Sweetwater

Old Sweetwater

Friday, February 12, 2010

White Valentine? Why Not!

You know I adore white, so why not have a white Valentine? I wondered if "the Valentine president" (would that be Cupid?) proclaimed 2010 as the year they would entertain a different color to represent Valentine, what would YOUR vote be?


Lois Christensen said...

Very pretty collection of white!

Karen said...

I am with you on white. In spite of the red I am trying to bring into my kitchen and breakfast nook (heaven forbid, don-cha-know, red makes a kitchen HOT?) to liven things up, I am more in favor of WHITE. It always looks clean and as much as you have it bunched together, it has an orderly look about it.
Always love your posts!
Ladybug Creek

Danielle and Clint said...

I quite enjoy red still. I think because I don't often decorate with red. But after you showed us white, I think my heart skipped a beat! LOVE that bath tub!

Unknown said...

Yes I like the white.
Karen said it had an orderly look about it and I agree.

Great posting, keep it up, I look forward to you everyday.


Anonymous said...

Love the white. It makes everything seem so pure, clean.
I'd love to have white bathroom instead of dreary brown. Beautiful!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I vote for white....with red details! lol I love RED, too! ♥

Andrea said...

I love this...especially the old white tub.
Blessings, andrea

Jayme Goffin, The Coop Keeper said...

Well, I do like the white, but pink is my very favorite for Valentine's Day!

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...


love your blog..always a joy to visit you


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Seems that white would be a lovely choice!

Although I suppose I'd first have to go with voting for Pink. I do love Pink, and it's a sort of a variation on usual Red. :-)

Florence said...

I love the white, it is just so clean and pure. Florence

It's me said...


Thank you for the lovely words on mine blog ! nice....what a nice blog you have!!

I put you in mine list of followers hope you will do also ......

How do you find me??

I will go to have a give away if i have 40 !! followers in two weeks because sunday it is so far!! hope i make it!

Thanks i will be back greetz Ria

Mel said...

very pretty and fresh thought for valentines.

Anonymous said...

I like the palest pinks (almost white) and a vintage cream color.
Beautiful collection of white.
You changed your photo back!

- Deborah

Tammy @BeatriceBanks said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Did I convince you of red? Actually I did several posts on different colors for Valentines. Nothing more pure than white though, spells pure love. Great blog! Tammy

Karen said...

I like red, but red and white is wonderful, too. Something to think about. :)

Vintage House said...

hej hej,
Så kul att du tittade in hos mig och du tyckte om mina fynd.
Härliga bilder du bjuder på.
Ha nu en mysig alla hjärtansdag och helg

Deb said...

I have to pick the pointe shoes...my daughter is a dancer...

Flat Creek Farm said...

Lovely set of whites! I have my eye on those cupcakes, most particularly :) Happy Valentine's Day! -Tammy

Technodoll said...

Nope, still chocolate brown with pink bows on top for me :-D

Janean said...

Din blogg är vacker!

Sandra, ha ett bekvämt veckoslut också!

Love, Janean

Anonymous said...

Well for one thing I had white tip like you show in the photo group and I've ate some yummy white candy too. I even have a lot of that white stuff around me on ground. Your idea about having white to be for Valentins? I say wonderfull the more the marry+er. I love color and white is one of them.
One more thing I like you to pop into my blog and give me your feed back --- when you have time. I have tons of photos of this place I live. So I am asking " if you were to make a trip to Garden City, to see Bear Lake,Utah what kind of post card would you like." While it is still winter I thought it would be a good idea to ask my blogger friends to help --- I need a lot of feed back. Thank you -- Kristeen

Becky Garrison said...

Hmmmmmmm, Your white is pretty, but I'm a bit more traditional, plus I just LOVE red, so I'll keep it as is, thank you very much! :o) Becky

Donatella said...


Susan Freeman said...

Love the white pointe shoes.

Susan and Bentley

Bernie said...

I love all of your white things, and even agree why not a white valentine....hmmmmmmm. Somehow I think red will win out....:-) Hugs

Katia said...

I love white too. White means purity. I love Pink, but really do not care for Red, specially Valentine Red. Let's have it all White this year, with a hint of Pink ;)

Nancy said...

I'm prety sold on red, white, and pink for Valentine's Day. Red is especially nice against the snow.(in Michigan.) But, I'm willing to go with white sometime. I love white's pristine loviliness. That goes with romance. Glad to have found another person with Valentine's Day as their favorite day of the year.

FYI - I just love cottages! I live in a double-wide mobile home which is fixed up like a cottage. We downsized about four years ago.

Lillian Robinson said...

I'm pretty happy with the pink, red and purple theme! It happens to be my birthday, so I want color! I am a big fan of white... but not for hearts.