Old Sweetwater

Old Sweetwater

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Romantic Women

Doris Day is one of my all-time favorites from the "golden era."  She was feminine without being fussy. Sexy without being slattern. She could be funny or dramatic. She was classy and a classic.  Since Valentine's Day is around the corner I'm going to have a Doris Day fest!  For motherly, fierce love there's Hitchcock's "The Man Who Knew Too Much."  For innocent secret love, the comedy, "Calamity Jane."  For love betrayed, "Midnight Lace," which will have you biting your French manicure.  Look at the contemporary sofa or futon! Anyone else like Doris Day or that era of decorating? Photos from top: Album cover,  Doris and Rock; and Midnight Lace. Also, got a great email from Mary Ann, who was Doris Day's personal secretary!  Here's her site.   And here's a site for those who like Doris Day and her era of songs (along with other oldies from the 40s-1960's). Enjoy!


Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

She was everything you write of and funny too.
Thanks for reminding us of a talented actress who holds a special place in our hearts.
I think I'll go watch 'Pillow Talk".

queenbuffness said...

The first movie I remember ever seeing was Tammy's in Love. At the drive in, in my jammies. What a lovely memory!

Farmgirl Cyn said...

YIKES! I LOVE Doris Day! I especially love the camera filters used on her....I want those camera lenses! She always looks so angelic, almost as if she is fading away! Her and Rock Hudson...what a pair! (yes, I know all about Rock, but he was still a hunk of burnin' love!)

Anonymous said...

I remember her in a yellow rain jacket? Is this from a tv series or a movie?
I love everything about this picture, even her shoes. Such a classy woman.

1 Funky Woman said...

My sister and I went shopping the other day and I bought a hat that looks like the one she was wearing. I wore it yesterday and added my own bling! I felt a little Doris Dayish!


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

She is a favorite of mine, too! Now that you've posted about her, I think I will go to the library and check out one of her old movies for the weekend! I love them all! ♥

Keetha Broyles said...

I have ALWAYS loved Doris Day, but for some reason my hubby hates her - - - thinks she's just silly.

Lynn said...

Loved the combo of Doris and Rock. In later years I realized what a fantastic actor he was because he sure made their scences together sizzle. Like others, thinking about her now, may go see if I can locate some of her movies. "Pillow Talk" was a favorite. Have a beautiful day.

Julie said...

YES! YES! I love old Doris Day movies. And she was funny too. And she never took on roles as a ditzy blonde. She just excelled in becoming one with the character she was playing so well. I remember the Hitchcock one with Jimmy Stewart. (another ALL time favorite actor of mine) the que sera sera song. That one kept me on the edge of my sofa. And yes she was a classy lady. Sexy in all the right ways, never pushing the envelope, never sullied. Thanks for the post!! love it.

Stephanie @ La Dolce Vita said...

She was that and more! And looking at her photo next to yours in the sidebar, I think I see a resemblance!

Suz said...

you've lost me on this one

Julie Harward said...


Donna said...

Love her! And by the looks of your picture, you could be her sister!

Linz said...

ok, you just hit upon one of my fave classics of all time: Calamity Jane. I could watch that movie all day long and then some. i LOVED how they re-did their cottage just by using some elbow grease and a "woman's touch". i love how they created the most beautiful outfits for Calamity. the entire movie is a pre-HGTV make-over gala! every time i see it, i want to wear a whimsical pink dress and re-design my room with lovely curtains, window box flowers, and a painted sign on my door.

Karen said...

I loved hearing her sing too. :)

Anonymous said...

I am joining you too-- love the Doris Day movies too! I remember as a young person thinking she is so full of life I wanted to be like that -- thinking still --- I wanted to be beautifu like her --- sing and dance. I've alway wanted to have ALL of her movies -- (still working on that) won't that be a fun girly add to my DVDs...smile

Debby@Just Breathe said...

She was so classy. I just love the movie from years ago.

Connie said...

I love the old Doris Day movies. I always admired her for being classy and funny. Thank you for stopping by my blog today. :)

Anonymous said...

Love Doris Day! Her movies were always so funny. I think I watched all of them when I was a kid. It's where I learned how to attract a man. LOL... or was it Wally and Beaver's mom who taught me that? Hmmm

The Blue Ridge Gal

Celestina Marie said...

Hi and so nice to meet you. Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment.

I too admire Doris Day and her movies. She was so talented and beautiful.
I also love to notice movie decor, especially old movies. Lots of inpsiration when you look around.

I have so enjoyed my visit to your blog.

Blessings, Celestina Marie

Angie said...

Honestly I don't know much at all about her, but maybe I should get some of her movies to watch!

Anonymous said...

I loved her in so many movies, just down home sweet and all- american woman she was. My mother even had her 'doo' for a few years. What a lady.

with love,


Melissa Miller said...

Hello Janean,
It's so nice to meet you! I really appreciate your kind visit to my blog. You are always welcome anytime my friend.

Your blog is just beautiful!

~Blessings, ~Melissa :)

Deb said...

I love Doris Day...what a lady...

Theresa said...

Hi Janean, Thanks for paying me a visit! I actually love Doris Day but haven't watched any of her movies lately! Hmmmmm it is going to be a rainy day tomorrow, perhaps I will watch one of her sweet movies. Enjoy your evening.

Deb said...

Hi Janean
LOVE this post & fabulous pictures!! Thanks for stopping by today - that is so funny we were both doing Doris Day posts! Isn't she the best ♥

GwendolynKay said...

I love Doris Day movies...especially if she is singing in them. Whenever I find a movie of her's on tv. I stop what I am doing and watch it.
p.s. don't chew too much on the mani:)

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

I used to see Doris Day riding around Beverly Hills on her bike when I was growing up. I loved her movies! By the way thanks for visiting my and leaving the sweet comment!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I love Doris Day and her olden movies! Her sweet voice and her music! It's too bad she didn't stay with us making movies. I know we would all have still loved her.
I read somewhere that she lived as a recluse maybe in Carmel or somewhere like that.
I miss her.
Thanks for popping in to see me and
Be a sweetie,

Beverly @ My Sew Sweet Studio said...

I have always loved Doris Day. I loved Pillow Talk and many others. Haven't seen one in a long time. I think I will try to get a few over the weekend. Everything you said about her is true. Great nostalgic post, Janean.

Simple Home said...

I've always loved her movies too. She was always fun, and got the good looking guys too. I love all of the photos you have of her.
Have a great weekend.

Stacy said...

I love that photo of Doris and Rock. She looks gorgeous. I don't think I've ever seen one of her movies, but now I want to check them out.

Janean said...

Just found this site to listen to many of her songs for free...


Tammy @ tinselshop.com said...

Oh, I too adore Doris Day! As a matter of fact we are planning to watch "That Touch of Mink" this weekend. It doesn't get much better than Cary Grant and Doris Day!

Best wishes,

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Yes, I loved Doris Day!

Thank you so much for the links.


Amy said...

I love, love Doris Day movies. They stir up such fond memories. Thanks for stopping by yesterday.

voiceofpendergrass said...

My husband and I are really into the old black and white movies... and early Doris Day is one of our favorites.

Lori said...

Oh Doris Day movies on Saturday afternoon with mom from Channel 9 Chicago! I miss those day soooo much! Life was so carefree back then, wow, thanks for the memory! Lori

Beth Eaton said...

I LOVE Doris Day! Thanks for posting...

Unknown said...

My teen girls love Doris Day. But the funny thing is is that I really didn't know who she was!! They've introduced me to many of the older actors and actresses because they love the films. I think I missed out on those oldies because my father was very strict with the tv when I was growing up. We don't have tv now either (outside connections) but they do get to rent movies from the library to watch.