Old Sweetwater

Old Sweetwater

Monday, December 28, 2009

What In the World???

Most years i make those clove-stuck oranges and have even made my own natural mixed potpourri. One year I was cleaning (i mean REALLY cleaning) for company and was scared out of my wits when i found an object that i didn't recognize.  All grayish and weirdly shaped. It's a dead animal!  No. It was one of my clove-stuck oranges that had (somehow) gotten under the love seat.  Now understand this was hours, days, weeks, months later.  Did I just admit that?  Anyway, before January gets here, if anyone made those clove-stuck oranges, you might want to do a "headcount."   Uh-huh, it's not a pretty sight as you can see by the second photo below.



Jayme Goffin, The Coop Keeper said...

Oh my goodness....that is just too funny! I'm glad I'm not the only one to find oddities about the house like that!

Susie~From My Home To Yours said...

I love to make the clove oranges as well...just never lost one! I have; however, found some very interesting things under the sofa!
Have a wonderful week...

kimsound studios said...

One year I received a pouch of your potpourri. I still have it!

kimsound studios said...

Maybe I should have looked at the second picture before admitting that ~ yikes!

KTW said...

Wow! The best things are always hiding under the sofa! ; )

Keetha Broyles said...

I never heard/saw any clove stuck oranges before! What do you do with them? Hang them about as room deodorizers or something?

Janean said...

Keetha, i had read that giving oranges for Christmas is an old German tradition. it symbolized a bright and prosperous future. from that cloved oranges were/are hung as garland; used as a centerpiece; put in hot drinks like Wassail or set in a bowl for their wonderful scent!

was that more answer than you needed or what?? lol.

1 Funky Woman said...

Oh, too funny...my kids enjoyed your story. I can just smell the cloves right now, unfortunately I can smell the other one too! I seem to recall my mother forgetting one when I was younger and the 4 of us kids had to go on a search party, lol!

Farmgirl Cyn said...

I'd be lucky to find one under the sofa...so many dust bunnies from 3 cats and a doofus Golden!

Susie said...

Hi Janean, Thanks for stopping by and leaving your sweet comments. Girl, I can't imagine finding a clove orange that had gotten lost.

Cute post!

Melodie said...

Ha ha! Things like that have happened to the best of us!I always dread the "deep cleaning"time,I never know what I will find! If I find something gross and ask what is is and who did it,my son will just say "cool,can I have it!"

Lorilee said...

The things that hide under sofas can definitely be scarey! Funny story! I once found a dried and shriveled apple under my car seat. It had fallen out of my lunch bag, and I didn't realize it!

Pretty Zesty said...

oh nooo!!!! haha yes, keep a head count this year! Happy holidays!

wishes, true and kind said...

LOL -- that's just the kind of thing that would happen to me. Nothing like a little post holiday reality :)

Janean said...

Deborah from Fairfield House blog said..."That would never happen in my house. That's right; one of my dogs would have eaten it and then 'returned' it to me! ...and if by the slightest chance it survived the dogs, it would have crumbled and turned to dust long before i moved the sofa to vacuum."

Janean said, "Deborah, if you wish to leave another comment so others can link to your wonderful site, feel free!"

Donna said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and for giving me sweet comments about my photography! I had to laugh right off the bat when I read this post! This sounds like something I would do. I love your storytelling style and wish I could write like this! I spent too long in the corporate world writing boring technical documents, so it's hard for me to loosen up to a conversational style.

Well, enough of this rambling. You hooked me on the first and second post here, and I quickly added my name to your favorites list! Nice to meet you!

Oklahoma Granny said...

I remember making those clove studded oranges when I was in grade school. They smell so good! At least the fresh ones do . . .

Keetha Broyles said...

It was a perfect answer, Janean!

I know that for my mother, growing up in the frozen arctic of the northwoods of Wisconsin, an orange in her stocking was a HUGE tropical treat at Christmas!

Tanna said...

I love the smell of those oranges, but haven't made them in YEARS!! Your story is just too cute! Have me chuckling!

Marina Mott said...

Cute post!!!

Anke said...

I love those clove studded oranges! One year I found some beautiful bowls, added the studded oranges and gave them as Christmas gifts. So far I never lost any of them... :-)
Oh, growing up in Germany we always got oranges, tangerines and nuts from Nikolaus (Santa) on the 6th of December.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I remember those when I was a kid.
They had a great smell.

Lucy said...

Looks a lot like my second ex-husband. You're sure it's an orange?

Gill - That British Woman said...

oh that's nasty...LOL

Gill in Canada

Anonymous said...

the same happened while i was growing up only with Easter eggs. we didn't count and long after Easter, one exploded! yeah we started counting after that year.

Trish said...

I love your honesty...and that petrified clove orange is quite a sight! Thank you for stopping by my Blog...I will be sure to visit here again!

Lynn said...

Oh too funny as long as I did not have to pick it up and get rid of it. Reminds me of our Golden Lab some years ago when we lived in Fort Lauderdale, FL. We lived on a cul de sac and when it rained the frogs would come out in the road and were run over. Our dog love to go get them! He would come back wagging his tail, so proud of himself with this ugly dead frog in his mouth and would not let go of it for anything. Shaking it around like a rag doll. Horrible. I would get the shovel and trash can and throw the dog some a chunk of his food and then he would drop it and i would quick shovel it up and into the trash can. Somehow your "shriveled up orange" reminded me of those ugly dead frogs.

Ginny Marie said...

Thanks for visiting me at Lemon Drop Pie! My mom just passed away in November, and so Christmas was not as merry as usual this year. However, your post just reminded me of a sweet memory...Mom used to have us stick cloves in oranges! Thank you for reminding me of that! (We never found one under the loveseat, thank goodness...)

Gina said...

Oh that is too funny!

Lois Christensen said...

Reminds me of the apple we found under our car seat weeks, maybe months after we went apple picking! Hope your week is going well!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

First off a clove orange sounds so amazing. You're so crafty.

Second I swear my boys haven't been there. Because your orange would go with the bananas I keep finding under beds. You're in good company :)

Brenda said...

OMGosh that's hilarious! And gross at the same time!

Amy said...

Wonderful advice. I did make some of those this season. Not a pretty sight!

Debbie said...

The clove apples are great too! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. :-)

Parsley said...

Eew! ;)

Loved your blog.

Ella said...

I love that you admitted this, who hasn't had one of these moments a dog bone under the couch, a rotten piece of fruit or furry candy under neath the coffee table.

I love to make those too, such quick

I find your honesty refreshing....