Old Sweetwater

Old Sweetwater

Monday, February 15, 2010

What's Feminine To You?

One thing that I've always found feminine is a beautiful pressed powder compact. It used to be, if done delicately for a few seconds, it looked feminine to check your makeup in public.
It's not feminine to refresh makeup with violent jabs nor stir up a micro-tornado with the blush brush.  LOL.  
I've had a few compacts in my life and feel ready for another one.
Below are a few other things I also find feminine. Beautiful Derby hats thanks to "My Fair Lady," evening clutches, 100% silk and vanity chairs. What is "so very feminine" to you?Photos from top: Estee Lauder Pressed powder compact; Derby Hat by Maggie Mae; Clutch from Amazon; vanity chair-Horchow. 


Julie said...

Love your pics! I think one thing that's feminine to me is smelling nice. I don't like to wear heavy perfumes. Just a spray on body mist. Very faint, but still noticeable...If hubby hugs me, I want him to have a memory of me (shall I say an imprint in his "ole-factory"???) to take with him. I like to hear him say.."You smell nice." It makes me feel feminine!
A dainty bracelet...
dangly earrings...
and I know this is kind of silly, but if I wear my hair in a longer style...I tend to feel more feminine. I like it shorter because it's easier to care for, and probably just "fits" better since I'm an old lady ...(almost!)
but I'm just sayin'...there's something about long hair that says I'm a female! Anybody else know what I'm talkin' about??? :-)
A fun post!..as Always

It's me said...


Thank you for the lovely words on my blog !!

It makes me happy that sp many people say something !

I don't now how to put a translate bar on my blog !!??

Computers are not mine hobby

Can you tell me how to do??

Greetz have a fine week !! Ria

queenbuffness said...

All I have to do to feel more girly is make a pie! Cause soon thereafter my hubby is following me around the house saying something like, "come here, baby!" Boys are so easy.

Andrea said...

Lets see: How about a special piece of jewelry. I am not talking about something expensive....just something precious and special. I am with Julie on "smelling good"...that is definitely feminine.

Hope you have an awesome day.
Hugs, andrea

It's me said...

It's works !!

You can now read me...........thanks !!!

Greetz Ria

Lois Christensen said...

Yes, I think it's still okay to check your makeup if you have a pretty compact and I'm all for the prettiness of compacts! Love the pictures, especially the dress!!!

Anonymous said...

a nice pair of pajamas, clean sheets sprayed with a mist of perfume always puts me in soft mood.

and great smelling things baking in the oven.

McVal said...

To feel feminine to me, is my favorite perfume and wearing something that swishes, just a little...
And I use a flattener on my hair.
and believe it or not... if the house is clean.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think that a hat and gloves is very feminine.

Susan Freeman said...

I love compacts too and handkerchiefs. Estee Lauder has some lovely copacts. I also agree with Julie about long hair and bracelets. Oh and red nails for fall and winter and pink for spring and summer.

Susan and Bentley

Julie Harward said...

I love all these images...I would love to have that chair for my vanity! Yes, I love vanity's and compacts..I used to love to watch my mom get her lipstick out and artfully apply it...magical! Come say hi :D

kimsound studios said...

Little girls and red plastic jewelry on Valentine's Day! Yesterday, the girls in our class were passing out cards to each other and one little girl brought little red rings for the "not yet grown-up" fingers...the heart that glow with our class-room theme of "love" was too sweet. It was such a joy to watch.

Beverly @ My Sew Sweet Studio said...

Janean, I know I have told you before, but I just love coming to your blog. I have been busy with taxes and sewing and haven't had much time here until last night. I've been playing catch-up. I have missed so many of your posts, but went back and read them all. I don't want to miss anything.
I love to feel feminine. I love body powder (Este Lauder Knowing) and feel so feminine after a bath if I dust it on,
Love compacts too. I have my Mom's favorite one. Love the one you posted. I still use one, but not a pretty one.
Loved the chair. I would like to duplicate it for my future Master Bath where I want to have a vanity. Will keep that picture.
Thanks for always posting something to inspire.

Andrea said...

Sort of like a compact, I've always thought pill boxes were a very feminine thing. Not sure if a lot of women carry them anymore, I always have though. Brighton makes some really pretty ones:
(not affliated, just love these :-)

Donna M. Kohlstrom said...

Enjoyed your pics and I would like it if you could mail me all those items! LOL!

Feminine, for me, is wearing a gorgeous, sleeveless red gown with sparkly spiked heels, hair and makeup done to perfection and diamonds glittering on my ears, neckline, wrists and fingers. And then my Prince Charming whirling me about on the dance floor! I can't think of anything that would make me feel more like a beautiful, feminine woman!!!

Karen said...

Hummm, a great haircut, jewelry, and when I'm a decent weight...sigh...

Bernie said...

I have always loved that I was born female, I love being a woman. A bubble bath, body lotion, beautiful perfume and lovely comfy soft pyjamas is one of my favorite feminine things...:-) Hugs

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Janean,

I have loved catching up with all your wonderful posts.
Love the images you have shared ~ what a pretty dress and... hats, are always a favourite of mine, if it is attending a wedding or something special.
That chair is really lovely too.

I hope that you had a romantic Valentines day

Technodoll said...

You're the best girly-girl that I know! I love how you share such beautiful finds with us :-D

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

My first boyfriend gave me my first 'boy' gift...and it was a compact. I kept it for years and loved it! I think on thing feminine is putting on a pretty gown and robe after an aromatherapy bath in the evenings. I feel feminine and my hubby smiles! ♥

Donna @ Paisley and Perspective said...

Oooo - I love how feminine these are! I love the derby hat the best - wish I was a hat person - but :( am not, although I embarrass my daughters on every shopping spree with trying on every hat in the store :) hoping that there will be one that makes me a "hat person" - no such luck (so far - I refuse to give up *fist hitting table*).

Please drop by my blog for a surprise for Old Sweetwater Cottage!

Marla said...

Ok, I am NOT a girly girl however that dress .....to DIE for!!!!