Saturday, February 6, 2010

Party Idea - Chocolate Tasting

I recently read about a Chocolate Tasting PartyWith Valentine's Day close by, you may want to host one for your friends, your love or treat yourself!

  • The atmosphere should be relaxed. 
  • Serve chocolate at room temperature. 
  • Begin with chocolate that has the lowest % of cocoa: white, then milk, dark should be last. Or start with 30% dark and go to 80% bittersweet chocolate.
  • Before tasting don't eat spicy foods.
  • Cleanse your palate with tepid water or white bread between tastes. 
  • You should only try 5-7 varieties.
  • Allow about 1/2 ounce of chocolate per person per tasting. Below are fun chocolate dominoes!


  1. Bonjour Janean,
    What a great idea and Valentine's is the perfect excuse to indulge.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Please could I come to your party? I will wear pink dancing shoes. But not a pointy bra. Please?

  3. What a great idea! But I would NEVER limit the amount per tasting, LOL.

  4. Oh Janean, what a wonderful idea! I love it, I love chocolate! What a great Valentine's party that would make! Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  5. I'm drooling, the chocolate looks so good! What a fab idea for V Day! I have to say I don't think I could just have a little bite of each and I think I would have to have some wine or champagne to follow!

  6. Ohhh. that is so dangerous...well, for a woman like me. While wine tasting parties may be dangerous for others, chocolate parties would be for me. I'm scared I would go over the limit, over the edge. I - LOVE - CHOCOLATE! sigh..If I did this, there could be no leftovers, the guests would have to take them all home. But it sure sounds delicious! :-) Have a great weekend. MUST go get some chocolate!!!!!!

  7. Thanks for your comment. Yes I love it, my mother was the same way. You could not be cranky the next day and no way in H....could you sleep. It was Saturday and you had a list of things to do. It seemed that whenever we did have a sleepover, that was when mom pulled out the silver and we had to polish everything!

  8. I can't eat it. So I had to quickly scroll down through this *evil* entry. -giggggles-

    As to changing the look of our blogs, you said you fear losing the whole blog, in doing so. I've never had that problem, but some do.

    But! When you have such a special and lovely blog look, as you do... There is no reason to change it. It's always so pleasing to me, when I click on your blog. It's lovely and it's yummy. The kind of yummy, I can "eat"! :-)


  9. Your post is positively SINFUL!
    But oh so delicious! And a great idea.

  10. You are teasing me. I am in the middle of snow storm and you keep the chocolate just on the other side of the computer screen.
    Hugs and love, andrea

  11. Now this is a great to do just with hubbie too I think! and are those your teeth marks in that truffle?! (he he)Cute idea to share..thanks! Come say hi :D

  12. So when's your party and do you want me to bring the bread? :-D

  13. Now that's a great party! The bread palete cleanser isn't too appealing though. A sip of milk sounds better!

  14. Oh my goodness, it looks fabulous! I can almost taste it...yum... Bye...

  15. well, you are definitely speaking my language, girlfriend!! the only problem is that i'm afraid that all the chocolate would be gone before the guests arrived....(would it be rude to order out for some pizza as a back-up plan?) :))

  16. Now, that's my kinda party!! I'll be right over.
    Love the chocolate dominos. Gee, we are going to friends to play dominos (does that date me?) tonight. I should make those to take.

  17. Yum, that would be fun. I grew up with Fannie May chocolates. In California we have See's. I also loved Frango mints. I do love Dove chocolate allot. Fannie May had the best white chocolate.

  18. Looks so yummy. I love your blog!! xo sharon

  19. Hi - Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your front door banner looks more inviting than my front door today...if you could get to it through the 30 inches of snow!

  20. A chocolate tasting party??? That's what I'm gonna ask for, for my birthday. SWEET! Okay, now where's that Milky Way I stashed?

  21. Janean,

    I'll be there with champagne and Godiva truffles!


  22. That sounds amazing. Certain wines go perfect with some chocolate. I love a sip of Pino Noir with a square of dark chocolate. OH MY! You're making me hungry!

  23. I don't know if I'll be hosting or attending a Chocolate Tasting Party anytime soon, but I sure like the thought of one.

    When my grandson came in the house this afternoon after playing out in the snow for a couple of hours, I made "Perfectly Chocolate" hot cocoa using Hershey's Cocoa instead of fixing Swiss Miss hot cocoa mix.

    Janean, I'll be back for another visit. Nice blog.


  24. I'm the vanilla girl, just a little chocolate for me, but boy would my husband love this! Great photos though!

  25. What time should I pop round Janean???
    You are killing me, I'm a total chocolate addict and have had none for months as I am getting all healthy, but this nearly dragged me off the wagon!

  26. Those chocolate dominos .... oh I so want to bite into one!


I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~