Saturday, December 12, 2009

Santa Baby

There's a song entitled, "Santa Baby," written in 1953 and originally sung by Eartha Kitt. Several artists have re-recorded it and it still remains popular today.   I had my photo taken with Santa in California when I was four years old, while my husband was posing with Santa in Missouri!  We display these photos side by side during the holidays.  I also found this cute photo on the net.  Santa's expression - LOL.   Did anyone pose with Santa as a child or have a funny story to share?  Do professional Santas take some kind of calming drugs or have a migraine when they go home?  Anyone ever have a Santa job?


  1. I used to pose with Santa almost every year but I haven't found photographic evidence yet. I've seen the lines have gotten longer since I was a kid, that is what I have to look forward to haha.

  2. Such sweet story, of yours, again!
    And how wonderful it must be to see those photos from the past... Quite funny , you both have photos with Santa...

    Idon´t have a photo like that, but I´m sure, that if we ever get children, I´ll bring them to Santa, just to create a memory for them, to watch when they grow older.

    Wish you a wonderful day!


  3. My youngest son did not like sitting in Santa's lap..he told Santa his lap was "too big" and at the time..the Santa was someone we knew.
    Blessings, andrea

  4. I deserve a lump of coal, I don't like Christmas pictures either... unless it is done tastefully like the way you are displaying yours "at Christmas time". I get one every year of my grand daughter in Santa's lap in a can't even see her sweet little face, it is just a huge green chair with Santa and she just disappears in the picture... I want pictures of her in a Christmas dress, but what is one to do? BA hum bug.
    Those posted here are precious close ups.


  5. You know I posed with Santa, You have a copy of the picture! And like most Santa pics its one only a family can love!!!!! Grandmother showed that picture of "sweet little BB" to people for years.

  6. What a nice looking Santa!
    The Great Dane has a gorgeous Santa Suit that will come out this year for the visit from our grandchildren. I think that this year Santa will only be seen from a distance, perhaps pulling a sled on the other side of the pond.

  7. Oh the look on santa's face...Poor Santa! LOL! That's such a cute picture though!
    How sweet that you put your's and hubby's childhood "Christmas on Santa's Lap" pics out side by side at Christmas....that's a great idea! I've got one of me when I was a toddler with Santa...I'm in a pink dress (go figure.) I'm gonna have to ask mama to let me have that picture. I would love to display it at Christmas along side my boy's pictures with santa when they were little. Hope you are having a wonderful holiday season.
    By the way...thanks for stopping by and taking a look at the elf with blue hair! Woo that would be a scary scene at the beauty shop...especially if it was on my head, or my clients head, I once was a hair dresser, so the thought of that makes me cringe! LOL!
    Big Hugs,

  8. It is so great that you have pictures of both you and your husband on Santa's lap. I don't remember sitting on Santa's lap, but I must have. No pictures though.
    I have years and years of Santa pictures and my sons and my grandchildren. I have plans someday of putting them all in a Christmas album.
    The Santa in the picture here is really realistic looking. I'm sure he just wanted Mama to come get her baby.
    I love the Santa Baby song and sometimes after I hear it, it just keeps going through my head.

  9. What a fun thing to have both your Santa photos for decorating. I don't have many-- my kids would hardly ever get near a Santa. The youngest two NEVER sat on his lap--they absolutely refused!
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog-- it's so nice to "meet" you!!

  10. Oohh so nice this was.
    hug from sylvia in norway

  11. I think we all have at least one family photo of a child crying on Santa's lap - ours is my youngest brother, he was about 2 and was very similiar to the face of the baby in your photo - lol - Rachaelxo

  12. We have the real Santa here, even says so on his driver's license. Unfortunatley, that puts him on the terrorist suspect list. The mall wouldn't hire him after the list came out. A local grocery store does though for just one weekend and we still go visit him. We even see him around town when he's taking a vacation from the norh pole. It's like the Tim Allen Santa Cluase movie where the kids follow him around.

    One year when he was still at the mall he noticed my son watching from a safe distance for about 1/2 an hour. He had heard rumos at school but was still facinated by it all. He was about 10 or 11 and with his developmental disibilities the whole Santa thing is confusing. When there was a break in the action Santa, who has know him for several years, pointed to him and motioned for him to go to the fence surrounding the display. They talked for several minutes over the fence and my son left feeling very special.

    Now my daughter, who also has special needs, thought it was hilarious I CLAIMED it was me. I'll never get to sleep through Chritmas eve!

  13. I vividly recall visiting Santa as a child and having a seriously detailed conversation about what I wanted. I didn't even want to pose for the picture because I was busy talking. What great memories!

  14. I am sure we sat with Santa but I don't have a clue about where they are. Love that one!

  15. I'm sure I did have a photo made with Santa, but not sure where any of those photos might be. I'll need to ask my mom and sister. :-)
    I'm disappointed we didn't get to see the photos of you and your husband with Santa. Please share! ~ Sarah

  16. you know....I don't remember going to sit on santa's lap....I'll have to ask my mom....I have never given this any thought thanks

  17. As you can see on my lastest post, my best friend and I had our pictures taken with Santa! What a fun time we had. He'll soon be here. Have you been naughty or nice? You sure want him to visit you!

  18. I went with my daughter when she took her 2 boy to see Santa. They were 3 and 5. The sign said Santa would be available at 11:00. There was already a line forming. We were perhaps 10th in line when Santa walked down the mall with his entourage. I said "Look, here comes Santa!" The boys broke out of line and ran up to him. He took their hand and led them to his chair. Therefore, they were first in line. I would have never line jumped on purpose. We did get dirty looks from those ahead of us. However, how does one pry a three year old out of Santa's lap, once he is already there?

  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment. As kids, and up until we married, my sisters and I all took pictures with Santa. Now my kids get their picture with Santa each year. At 16, 14, 13, and 9, I think they felt a little ridiculous up there, but they secretly like the picture!


I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~