Friday, December 11, 2009

Naughty or Nice?

My parents gave me the scoop on Santa the first time I asked so I knew he was only make-believe (did I hear someone sigh with disappointment?).   However, we still read and watched everything to do with the Christmas season.   I was  fascinated by the thought of naughty children getting a lump of coal in their stocking, since we heated with gas and burned wood in our fireplaces in the Midwest.   All I knew was that toys were better.   The other day at Restoration Hardware I saw the Lump of Coal candy (tastes like licorice) as a gift idea.   A few other stores carry the same type of product.    So, do you think you'll get coal or fare better?  Let me add this link  John Henry Faulk's Christmas which i saw over at An Oklahoma Granny,  It will touch your heart like nothing else!  Let me know what you think....


  1. Oh I love to put this in my kids stockings.. the grown ones too!!!! I miss Restoration Hardware,we do not have one here and I think they pulled them out of the Mall right before we moved form Florida :( They always had such great deals and kitschy items!!!
    Loved your post below about your bird. You have had such a wonderful LIFE.. such heartwarming stories!

  2. I've been good this year so hopefully I don't get coal! That is fun!

  3. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I'm always excited when I see a comment from a new visitor and always curious about their blog. So, I had to pop over and visit you. I'm so glad you enjoyed John Henry Faulk's Christmas Story. I've listened to it several times now. In reading down through your blog I have to tell you that one of my fav movies is Dr Zhivago and the winter sleigh ride is probably my favorite scene in the movie. Your snowflake is beautiful! We used to have aluminum glasses when I was little. They are lovely to look at but if my teeth happened to touch the rim it would send chills up and down my body. Come visit me again. I know I'll be visiting you! Have a blessed day.

  4. Granny (can i call you that since i don't know your first name?) anyway, thank you for your sweet comments and posting this story link!!!

  5. Super sweet story! Don't you wish everyone could catch that type of Christmas spirit? I love the coal tin too. If only they could make it a different flavor than licorice.

  6. Thanks for that - just what I needed to read on this morning two weeks before Christmas. When I was a child our Christmases were always colourful and full of good things to eat, but I know that it took good management from my mother to make it so. Nuts, 'stripety candy' and mandarin oranges were big features of those childhood celebrations.

  7. The Christmas Story is wonderful. I'm putting together a binder of stories for my pastor's wife for Christmas...this will be a perfect addition. Thanks for sharing it.

  8. That was so beautiful thanks for posting it.
    I remember the striped candy the apple and orange when growing up.
    We did that also when the boys were growing up and they now do it at there homes.
    I love the way traditions go on.
    Have a blessed day.

  9. hi jenean! nice to have you visit my blog:) thanks for your sweet comment!

    i got both my boys a chocolate lump of "coal" for their stockings! LOL i always tell them if they don't behave Santa will bring them some coal!!

    please come back and visit again soon!!

    happy holidays!
    noelle ♥

  10. I hope I don't get coal. Maybe I should forego hanging my stocking just in case.


  11. I'll have to find some of that candy for the grands. They've all been naughty on occasion!

    Thanks for visiting my farm blog.

  12. I was the proud recipient of that very same lump last year! LOL!

  13. Loved the radio show, thank you for sharing it with us...somehow I missed it on NPR. I listen regularly...

    The lump of coal from Restoration Hardware would be a fun gift for my Dad - he would totally "get it".

    xo and Merry Christmas - Julie

  14. At least that coal would taste good!

  15. Hi Janean!
    What? Are you serious??? There IS NO Santa? Who said? I just don't believe you!

    I remember as I was growing up, I thought that some years I deserved coal in my stocking for Christmas. After being bad consecutive years in a row and yet still receiving sweet things in my stocking, I thought something was wrong with Santa...must have been his eyesight?! ;)

    I'm 39 years old...and I still believe in Santa. Even on Christmas morning, I still run to my stocking to see what's in it...even though I'm the one who filled it only hours earlier!

    Merry Christmas~
    everything vintage

  16. Cute post. John Henry Faulk was a friend's grandfather. Thanks for sharing! ~ Sarah

  17. I found out there was no Santa when I was about 5 or 6,Mom told me Santa would come that night I stayed up and peeked ..... guess what..... it was the Sears delivery man.... talk about a let down...LOL
    I put coal one year in my kids stocking they laughed so hard, but the biggest laugh is when they get a box of keenex because they didn't write Santa a letter, this year its my 36 year old son who is geting a box... my daughter was a god girl she wrote Santa a nice letter..LOL
    Thanks for coming by my blog.

  18. I think I just might be a little naughty this year, cause the candy sounds pretty good to me.

  19. Thanks for visiting my blog..It is nice to meet new folks..with the year I've had a giant lump of coal will be in my stocking this the story..thank you for sharing..

  20. Janean, thanks for calling by! I have always wanted to visit Georgia, all the Southern States actually! Gone with the Wind in all! Rachaelxo

  21. I just love Restoration Hardware.
    That is so awesome, love the coal.
    Yes, I got some real coal and onions. I guess I was pretty bad!


I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~