Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Labor of Love

Well, we didn't get it done before we had to stop, but we're close. In fact, we started staining the workshop slash garage, but I was too stinking tired to raise the camera to my eye and take a snap shot.    We have a few things to finish.  The workshop slash garage has been a labor of love. One day, when my horribly aching feet (pictured), stop throbbing and when my honey's arm is useful again, I think we'll be glad we took on this challenge.   
    • For now we limp away like Quasimodo twins. 
    • We'll heal, rest and finish the job when we can.  I'll post the "finish" photos.
    • Did I mention we'll have less than $1,800 invested in an 18' X 20' workshop slash garage? 
    •  Do you think we're crazy or do you think it's worth it?
    Click on photo to enlarge. Antique gate, doorknobs and pulls are being considered for the Barn House.  


    1. Hi Janean,
      You really have a cosy blog!


    2. I think you have been working very hard. Can't wait to see the reult! Have a nice (peacefull) day. Karin

    3. Wow, you've made a lot of progress since I've been by. The push button switches are very cool and I love the rustic plate over the shiny one.

      Was it all worth it? I think you guys did a great job and you'll always have a great story to tell! Definately worth it...but then again, I can lift my arms...

    4. Wow! Y'all are amazing. Can't wait to see more pictures. Time for a warm bath and some Ben Gay, right?
      Have a wonderful day!
      Ladybug Creek

    5. Hi Janean,

      I think it is worth it! You have gained a lot more space to work and store things in. Furthermore it just look good. I look forward to you pictures of the final result, but have some rest first!

      Have a wonderful day!

      Lieve groet, Madelief

    6. Wow, a lot of work but who wouldn't want a great workshop/garage!

    7. Hi, Janean! Thanks for coming by to visit me during my computer exile! I love the mosaics you put together! ♥

    8. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog...I love the collages in your posts. I'll be back often!

    9. Hi, Just popped over from Old Willow Farm-thanks for the visit and the comment. What an amazing project!$1800.00-What a bargain! You will never regret it. Love the gate and the pull-totally look old barny.

    10. You are going to love that extra space when the job is done. The two of you are doing such a fabulous job on the project. Lots of work. Oh,yea and great price!!!

      Relax and enjoy your day.

    11. Are you kidding? TOTALLY worth it!

      Cant wait to see the how it all turns out :)

      And what an amazing price! Just remember it would have cost you at least 5 times that if you'd hired someone to do it!

      Go rest! :)

    12. Hi Janean :)
      love your "puzzle" photos!
      Great job my dear!
      'til next time,
      Mila :)

    13. Hey, finally catching up on some things and I realised I'd never dropped by to say 'hello!' Thanks for visiting my blog -yours looks really sweet, I love the mosaics!!! xxx

    14. Totally worth it... looking good! Can't wait to see the finished pictures.

    15. Janean,

      Thank you SO much for your SWEET comment. I am new to the blog world so getting a comment was so exciting :) The work your husband and you are doing is amazing. What talent. I look forward to keeping in touch though blog world :) Have a great week!


    16. Worth it ~ definitely worth it and when you are all finished you will easily forget all of the aches, pains and tribulations. We can't wait to see the final result ~ I can only imagine how anxious you are. Have really enjoyed getting acquainted with your wonderful blog!


    17. Oh, I hope you're able to get a little rest. It really sounds like you've been so busy but it is exciting. I know it going to look marvelous.
      Thanks for popping in to see me.
      Be a sweetie,
      Shelia ;)

    18. Hi Janean,

      You will enjoy having your new work space/ garage.
      I hope that the aches and pains will be over soon and you can start to enjoy all your hard work!
      I look forward to seeing your finished results.
      thanks for visiting me.


    19. I know what you mean about resting. We used to do projects and just did them and they were done. Now we work a little, rest a little. Your workshop/garage is looking great. Mimi

    20. It sounds totally worth it to me. How wonderful to have this project to share with your sweetheart!

    21. Thanks for stopping by today. I enjoyed reading through your blog.

      Enjoy your week.



    I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~