Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday Bagles

It's Sunday.
Time to enjoy our world.
Time to enjoy the blessings of God....
Like crisp, fresh air to breathe.
Like brilliant, clear skies.
Like bagels!
I'm offering plain, sesame, Dutch apple raisin and French toast bagels this morning.
Yes, there's plenty of cream cheese.
Yes, there's butter and honey.
The coffee is steamy hot.
The cranberry juice and milk is poured in cold, frosty stemware.
Here's a linen napkin.
Now relax.


  1. Yum! I just "LOVE" a good sesame bagel! For years I worked fairly near a good old fashioned Jewish deli/bakery, and would go get a fresh that morning sesame bagel and a cup of cream cheese with green olives diced up in it and just chow down! I also learned to love mandel bread (,164,154183-245198,00.html) and they had the best pastries there. Thanks for making my taste buds wake up this morning! Becky

  2. Why are you torturing me? The only I crave more than a bagel in the mornings is possibly a doughnut (or 3). My stomach is completely growling now!

  3. Sunday for us means Daddy's pancakes with bacon. I loved reading your blog, especially your intro list which I related to. I have too many dishes to mention, my family laughs because I cannot sit still,even when watching TV I have to be doing something, reading, needlework - anything. Trash to treasure transformations are my passion. Thanks for sharing that. Lisa
    PS Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. Hi Janean!
    Thank you for stoping by at my blog, and for your kind words =)
    Hope you have a great sunday!

    Kindly /Malin ^^,

  5. I'll take a sesame with cream cheese and a steamy cup of coffee---thanks, that's just perfect! Have a blessed Sunday!


  6. Oh yum!
    Real bagels had been part of my weekend tradditions for so long. Currently living in a part of the globe with limited options, this post was a treat. Thanks for sharing.


I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~