Friday, October 30, 2009

Block Head

  • Day three rained like cRaZy, so we're into day four.
  • My honey's wearing a hat and fleece-lined hoody because it's almost thirty degrees cooler than normal.
  • Send a note to weather man to please stop all rain until our vacation is over. Check. (are you getting I like lists?)
  • My job: Pull twisted string across floor to keep the rock level. Check.
  • Use extra blocks we already had and a few purchased ones to shore up the base rock floor. Check.
  • My 2nd job: Mush Down. It was my "job" to walk on the, base rock and "mush it down"  because when compacted, it provides a concrete-like base. *light bulb moment* That's how base rock is different than chat.
  • Go on diet because "I'm so HEAVY I can mush baserock flat!!!" I said for the benefit of the pewter squirrels, who I suspected were measuring my backside with their little clawed hands.
  • Floor level. Check.
  • Tired, cold and feeling fat. Check, check and check.

    Those darling, little pewter squirrels can be purchased at Pottery Barn. I included them because they're cute and looked like they're praying for better weather...or praying for me not to mush them!


  1. Great post! And I LOVE those squirrels... despite their slightly "unnerving" look :)

  2. Chat or Rock, could either be used with brick? We used the GA dirt to support a "landing" off the driveway so we could build a tool-shed. The was a success! The "landing" however, needs some improvement... as hard rains come the dirt washes down. You're doing great!

  3. Hello from Canada!!! Thanks so much for coming by,looks like your knee deep indeed....we are reno. our little bathroom and the whole house is upside down because of it,how does that happen??? Well,good luck to you,hope you will come by often,Chrissy

  4. Even though I despise squirrels in my garden because they eat all the bulbs, I could love these guys. Hope you get better weather.

  5. Well, looks like you have quite a project going. I like all your photo collages on this blog. The two little pewter squirrels are so cute; they look like door stops. Love your header shot; something about open doors that is so appealing....

  6. Thanks so much for dropping by my blog! I will defintely be visiting yours often! What work1!!! Your guys are such busy bees..!p.s. I love the squirrels!

  7. thanks for visiting and giving me such a sweet compliment, you're too kind! i heart those squirrels. in fact, i love pottery barn in general! good luck with the work!! it's testing i am sure, but feels so good when it's done!

  8. Hello. Nice post here. Great pics too.
    We have a typhoon coming in a few hours.

    Regards. Happy weekend.

  9. Hello, Janean,
    It looks like your renovation is coming right along. I know it will look wonderful when you are finished, but it is always hard work when changes are made. I enjoyed getting to know you and my visit to your Old Sweetwater Cottage was delightful. Thank you so much for stopping by Bunny Cottage for a visit! Blessings to you! Vicki

  10. Love your squirrels

    We've had 24 hours of rain also....brutal
    not a single leaf left on a tree

  11. Loads of rain here this was snow they said we'd be under a blizzard warning! Yikes! As it is, roads are flooded here and there and drivers are urged to take caution. I think I'll just hunker down here at home!

  12. Y'all have really taken on quite a job. Hoping for better weather!

  13. Love your door shot...just awesome. Your squirrels rock and so with the photo of the bike below. :) Have a nice weekend.

  14. Love the picture of the lovely sky. Your flowers are beautiful too - the doorway looks so welcoming - can I come in for tea and cake?

  15. Oh, my, you DO have a project going, don't you! We've been thru this kind of weather in a similar project ...TG no one asked me to walk on the stones, they would have been mush ... chuckle!

    Love the squirrels. TY for popping over!

    Have a BOO-tea-FULL Halloween.
    TTFN ~Marydon

  16. I hope your prayers for a better weather is answered so you can finish your project...Christine

  17. here, i am looking for a sunny weather at least this weekend so we can go outing.

    I love those pewter squirrels , they are so cute.

    thanks for visiting.

    have a great weekend.

  18. Hi Janean~ Enjoyed your visit to my blog! It gave me a chance to come over and visit you. Merry Halloween! ~Mandy

  19. The little pewter squirrel is so cute. Well, I hope the weather improves. I like you list.

    Have a nice weekend.

  20. I agree the squirrel's are so cute! I love things like that.I'm reading for some rain here in CA. we need it.

  21. Hi Janean, thanks for your comment on my blog! you have quite the fun blog as well...I love those squirrels you got from Pottery cute! Thanks for the follow...I returned the favor :)


  22. Wow, it looks like ya'll are doing some heavy duty work. Hope it all turns out fabulous and I'm sure all the had work will be worth it. :) Love those cute little squirrels.


I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~