Saturday, December 13, 2014

Conjoined Sinks...Whahhh?

Today we plumb in our two copper kitchen sinks! They have a cute story.

Strolling down Home Depot's aisle [for the thousandth time], looking for electrical something-or-other, we discovered a beautiful copper sink on a Clearance shelf. We stopped and gaped. Saw the tiny discount and started to walk away when my honey caught a passing employee and asked, "Wonder if you could take more off?"

"Sorry. I can't, but I the store manager...." The manager knocked off over $100! We lowered it into the cart [*buggy* in the south], and continued our hunt. In a few minutes we addressed the elephant in the store room: we only had room for 2 single sinks, not 1 double and couldn't afford a penny more for sinks.

Stopping to think and pray. We both asked aloud, "Why not cut it in half?" It was a Solomon moment!

We cut. We sanded. We had two beautiful sinks! Today I get to see a dream-wish of mine since my parents and I lived in the old parson's rectory. Copper! Double Yay!

Whattya think?


  1. Wow, I have never seen a copper sink...can't wait to see it installed. Lucky you!

    1. Karen, they're beautiful and natural antimicrobial [naturally resists bacteria]. Another double blessing.

  2. I can't believe you did that...awesome
    that budget must real tight
    but..hey it's working for you's a cart.
    pictures gal..more pictures

    1. Firstly, our budget is about what a mid-size-no-bells-and-whistles car cost. For a remodel it's small. For a complete renovation which included HVAC and complete electrical, it's insane. But with the Lord we did it.
      Secondly Suz, are my photos the right size? I only have a smartphone, so not sure how it translates to a pad or computer screen. Hugs and happy birthday!

  3. Wow , those look great. I never saw copper sinks.

  4. pics are fine....only need more of them hee hee


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