Tuesday, November 6, 2012

"Self Employed"

Today we changed banks for convenience sake and I as I wrote "self employed" on my form it occurred to me that Life takes us in directions we cannot always foretell. About two weeks ago we opened a third...yes third *micro-store* at Relics  Antique Mall in Springfield, MO. I will try to post, but girls, this business has taken all my spare time and  brain. Just know I think of you all often. Tell me the latest with you via the Comments ( get them in my email box). Big Hugs!!!!! photos to come when i can figure it out on my smartphone.  

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sweet friends! There's soooo much to share about what's happened in the 1 1/2 years since we sem-retired...like two mini-store openings, renovations, etc. Stay tuned!