Saturday, May 22, 2010

Simply Bows

Is there a better symbol of romance and femininity than a classy, beautiful bow? I appreciate a bow the most when it's done in good taste.  Even if it's quite large and dramatic, it can look elegant.  I prefer pure silk, understated satin and self-matching bows to a *frilly hot mess.*  Who else likes them? Does anyone have them in their decor? Photos from top to bottom: Bowed Slip Cover (but any upholstered chair with a bow would be fab)! Any silk pillow with a self-fabric bow would be lovely; Iron bed with bow motif; Looking flirty while walking away...delicious! Bows add drama; Bows finish off a chandelier; A bow done in style~



  1. Good Morning Janean,

    Thank you so much for stopping by the farmhouse for a visit. We love having company!

    I perused thru your blog trying to find pics of your home. I must have overlooked them, anyway--I was intrigued by the name of your blog. I live in SWEETWATER, TN and immediately thought that you might live here as well, but I think you are in that correct??

    When I get thru replying to all my comments, I will return to read more. Thanks!

  2. Hi Janean,
    Now you know this girl loves bows, the bigger, the better. I'm with you on simplicity, satin and silk.

    It's nice to know we can even wrap the kitty in bows, that is if you get them to stand still long enough! LOL.

    Lovely post.


  3. Love the cream shoe- so pretty and elegant. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a lovely weekend :)

    All things nice...

  4. You got me with the bow on the shoe... so sexy!!!

  5. I love bows, too! I just did a birthday party for a friend and tied large raspberry sashes on the backs of my slipcovered dining room chairs. I agree about silk. I prefer it, too. Love the examples you used here. That first one is my favorite, though the kitty with his top hat and bow tie is pretty cute! ;-)


    Sheila :-)

  6. I love bows and they go with nearly anything. Truthfully we need more bows in our days; it makes everything look like a gift!

  7. What a great pictures!!! I'm totaly in love with this cat!!!xx

  8. Good Morning Janean! Hmm I like bows but in thinking about it I can't think of a single one I have in my house. That doesn't mean I don't have one...I just can't think of any at the moment. I love the bow on the back of those high heels and the pillow. Somehow bows remind me of Audrey Hepburn. I hope you're enjoying a beautiful sunny Saturday...enjoy your weekend! :)

  9. i love a pretty bow. i know there is an art to tying one....i just never get it a pretty as some of those. i love the shoes and the dining chair the best. such a nice way to girly something up!!!

  10. I adore bows! I used them in my daughter's nursery and then in her 'little girl' bedroom. Then suddenly, at the age of 10, she decided she wasn't a little girl anymore and the bows had to go! :( The Hubster isn't fond of them so I don't really use them throughout the house. Someday, when I'm an eccentric old lady, I'll have them EVERYWHERE! ;)

  11. Hi Janean!

    Yep, I love bows, too!
    I'm not sure the cat does, though. ;-)

    Great pics!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. I love bows, but the only ones in the decor of Pondside are on skinny little yellow bows on the toss pillows on the bed. Perhaps when our Lillypad ties the knot I'll be able to indulge my love of bows with big ones on the back of dainty reception chairs.

  13. With 4 daughters and now 5 grand daughters..we seem to always have hair bows floating around here!!
    But with 2 cowboy men..nah..I don't decorate with bows. I can sure ooohh and ahh over them tho! lol

    Hugs..hope your weekend goes great!!
    Working on wedding preps all day today..Now that is where the bows come in!!

    Hugs..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  14. Hi Janean,

    You always bring us beautiful collections. I love the bow in the mannequin. It reminds me of when I was in fashion industries, I used to love to drape my patterns. Thanks for sharing and returning back good memories.

    God Bless :D

  15. So pretty love all the bow's, especially the necklace! Gorgeous! Have a wonderful weekend.

  16. I have always loved bows...on just about anything! Guess I'm more girly than I thought! LOL Come say hi :D

  17. Well, I love bows but hands down my favorite is the cat with bow tie. That is so funny, I would love to see all of my cats with a grumpy face and the bow ties.
    Have a great weekend, Janean

  18. Hi Janean! Love this post. I am most fond of the bow on the first photo, a bit of pouf, yet not too frilly. ~ Angela

  19. Oh very classy indeed! I love the pillow especially. Have a great weekend.

  20. Hmmmmm, I wonder if there's anyone who doesn't love pretty bows........
    They always add the finishing touch!

    Cute cat..... mine would have a frown on her face too, if I put a bow on her.
    Happy weekend Janean!

  21. When we were just married,........ we had green checked fabric seats with a bow! really hear!............... nice weekend sweetie! big hug from me ........... come here to my post ............... look so cute!.........enjoy !! Ria

  22. Bows are pretty, but I don't use them much. At Christmas with all sorts of decoration, yes!

  23. No I don't have any in my decorations but I do agree with you. I love the examples you used.
    Hope your weekend is going well.

  24. These bows are beautiful, Janean !
    I love the one on the shoe, it's very elegant.
    And the cat is amazing !
    Nice weekend,

  25. Loved the pillow and the shoe...dreamy
    need sexy legs to pull that shoe off I fear..
    but yes, I confess
    bows send me

  26. just love the shoe...never seen like that shoe in real...

    nice blog you have in here..
    happy sunday...

  27. He he - I was waiting for the Bow Tie pic! :-D

    A gift isn't a gift if it's not wrapped in a nice big bow. Even if that gift is a nekkid wife. Wooo!

    (i kid!)

  28. Love all the bows. What a great idea. Your kitty sure made me smile. Have a great weekend!

  29. The bow on the back of that shoe is perfection!!! Thanks for the visit yesterday. :)

  30. I love it! I bought a cute pair of flirty shoes with little bows on the toes the other day - it made me feel sooooo sassy!!


  31. Bows sure do "up" the pretty factor don't they. My best friend had an enormous bow on the back of her wedding dress and it made my hubby laughed because it wiggled from side to side when she walked.

  32. I confess... I'm a bow lover. I've been know to toss a pretty bow of ribbon up on the corner of a wall frame. Bows are the perfect partners for lace and pearls.

  33. I do LOVE the shoes! :) Bows dress things up and make them look extra special! I am SO glad you included the cat! My first thought when I clicked on your post was, "I wonder what the last pic will be!" You didn't disappoint!

  34. I do love hair, on chairbacks, LOVE the little bow embellishments on the chandy shades...and the kitty is just too cute! Mine would never allow me to do that. Hugs to you!

  35. I got excited when I saw what you were posting today! I have been looking for a tutorial of a pillow with a big ruffled bow that covers the pillow. I saw it on a blog but now I can't find it! You didn't see it, too...did you? lol It was in April...too long ago to find it again! ♥

  36. now those are great bows...

  37. I came back to read some more and don't see my original comment. Did you get it, Janean? Have a great day! ♥


I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~