Thursday, March 4, 2010

Those Who Change Your Heart

They handed her to me wrapped in a light, soft blanket. She studied my face...and my heart flipped over! She was beautiful.
One day in August our hearts were changed forever by this baby girl, Kelleen.  She was as sweet as she was beautiful. She was creative from a very young age. 
I remember she went through a Snow White faze (photo 1). I cannot tell you the times we sang, "Someday My Prince Will Come!"  Kelleen would also make up sayings that became a part of our family language until today. We call them, Kelleenisms.
Then one day she wasn't in our lives every day. Circumstances were such that we moved to another state without her.  I'd better explain. I *watched* Kelleen from the time she was 8 weeks old.
We got to visit a couple of times when we returned to Missouri to see family. Then we lost touch for several years, but I still thought of her often...sometimes daily.
A few months ago, one blessed day we found each other! She had been looking for me while I was looking for her. God is good.
She's all grown up; in Hollywood; an actress! Still beautiful, talented, creative and "my little girl" in my heart. Oh, and guess what? Her prince came. She's also engaged! I love you more than you know, Kelleen! (And your family too.)
Is there one person who changed your heart forever?  I'm on the road, so publishing comments will be slow in coming :)



  1. What a lovely story, she looks beautiful, I am so glad you found her again!
    Emma x

  2. Woww what a beautiful story !!

    God is good!

    I go think about that person in mine life........

    And trevor is a girl.....but we find it so great name !!

    Hugs Ria

  3. Janean, What a great story. So glad you found each other again. Yes, my children have changed my heart. You never know the capacity you have to love, until you see their sweet little faces for the first time.

  4. So beautiful! I can see how she was able to make life brighter for you. I am sure that you did the same for her. How sweet that she was trying to locate you.
    Thank you for sharing this heart-warming story.
    Hugs and blessings,
    Ladybug Creek

  5. The one who changed my heart forever is the light of my niece Sarah. My sister was generous enough to share her with me ...we helped raise her. She is now 26 years old and in her second year of law school and still the most beautiful soul...words can't begin to describe how she fills my heart with love...

  6. What a precious post today, Janean! Kelleen is a beautiful young woman. I was so blessed that while you were trying to find her, she was trying to find you! Very, very sweet.

  7. Your little snow white has turned into such a beautiful young lady. (If you helped care for her, then she is partly yours!)

  8. She grew into a beautiful young woman. So glad that you were able to reconnect with her after all this time. Some come into our hearts and stay there for a lifetime!

  9. Janeen,
    I would have to say my husband, Jack, has changed my heart.

    I grew up in an abusive family ( mental abuse, my mom was pill addict and my father was an alcholic) where as Jack grew grew up in solid home.

    One of the biggest things I have learned is words do have meaning. I truly didn't understand just how much you words can hurt or help someone. And you need to stick to you word. Words in my upbringing were just that only words.

  10. She is indeed very beautiful!! Congratulations on her engagement!
    Blessings, andrea

  11. She is beautiful!

    Yes, my husband. I was 32 and lonely. Never married. Few 'real' friends. And then God orchestrated our meeting. Two weeks later he told me he loved me. Now, 26 years later, he still does, and I still do, too! We celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary this year. He is such a wonderful, sweet, good man! And yes, he changed my heart forever!

  12. What a beautiful young woman, and a lovely story of friendship restored.

  13. What a stunner! I wish her every success.

    The child (not mine) who changed my life is Bryan. We were matched through the Big Brothers, Big Sisters program when he was 6 and I was 23 (his Mom was 22). I was with him on the worst day of his life and accompanied him to say goodbye to his Mama who had committed suicide. The date of the viewing was Sept. 11th, 2001- yes, THAT Sept. 11th. I held his 11 year hand and he cried and I cried.

    He's 21 now. His life is totally on fire but he doesn't confide any of that in me. He lives a few states away and we only see each other once or twice a year but he always makes the effort to see me. We changed each other. I wish I could have saved him from the mess his unmedicated, bi-polar self has gotten him into but I have to content myself with the visits and just loving him when I can.

  14. Wow, what a beauty she is!!!! It truly is wonderful to find those 'lost' ones in our lives. A long lost friend found me last summer on my daughter's wedding day, we have known each other over 44 years! It was so fun getting to know her again!

  15. What a beautiful story! I'm glad you found each other again...

  16. Hello! Thanks so much for your visit!

  17. Kelleen was such a beautiful child and grew up to be even more so. I wish her luck with her career.

    I wish I could share a similar story but I just can't think of anything...

    Be safe on the road and have a Happy Thursday!


  18. Soo many precious posts today..It has me boo-hooing. Thanks for sharing about this very special girl in your life. I know you are grateful to be reconnected!!!
    Blessings and safety on the road. I did my turn with that yesterday...

  19. Oh that's sweet! My heart has done so many changes, I couldn't tell you just one...

  20. What a beautiful girl! I'm glad you found each other again!

  21. That is an amazing her name! I think my grand children change my life forever, each one in a different way (see my post) I love each one so much! :D

  22. sooo beautiful..
    you just ripped my heartstrings..
    one word..
    her name..
    check my earlier blogs..
    A-Z Mondays..
    warm hugs..
    laughing smiles..

  23. Beautiful as a child and lovely as a young adult.

  24. Because today is my daughter's 19th birthday, I will say my Em's. She still continues to bless me every single day, I feel that way about my other 5 too, it is just that today isn't their birthdays! :)

  25. Such an endearing post! And a darling now gorgeous gal! ~ Angela

  26. Oh, I love that story! What a pretty little girl and a beautiful, young woman! Glad you found each other again too. Cindy

  27. She is beautiful and I am so happy that God has brought you together again.......:-) Hugs

  28. Beautiful story, beautiful Kelleen. I'm glad you found each other again. I love happy endings! God is good, indeed.

  29. How sweet! And what a beautiful young lady! :)

  30. This was such a touching post. She's beautiful. laurie

  31. Beautiful woman! And the snow white photograph, oh to die for :-)

    Happy travels where-ever you are!

  32. Beautiful! So happy you found each other again!

  33. Beautiful story janean, and Kelleen is so beautiful. I am so glad that you both found each other again, and God is so Gracious.Thank you for sharing.

  34. So lovely...inside & out.

    Blessings from Ohio...Kim<><


I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~