Saturday, February 20, 2010

Cheesy Decor

I giggled when I saw a *Cheese of the Month* gift idea recently at Dean and Deluca's. It reminded me of *Everybody Loves Raymond* when he bought his mom the loving gift of *Fruit of the Month.* 
I like cheese...the texture, taste and even  the colors. So I collected a few images to celebrate Cheesy Decor (in a good way)! Do you like creamy yellow in your decor? Are you a cheese lover? Did anyone else laugh their heads off at that episode of ELR? Photos from top: Creamy Cottage; Cheddar yellow - stock photo; Cream Silk Dupioni pillow I made; Terracotta pottery; Golden Rattan table in our office; Better Homes kitchen 2009, Dean and Deluca's Cheese; I'm hungry so I'm going for Fondue!  


  1. I love cheese, red cheese is my favourite! I actually love that first photograph of the house minus the starfish on the front :)

    All things nice...

  2. Love the pic of the gorgeous entry way! I want to live there!

    I'm a cheese lover, but can't eat dairy...ugh!!

    I'm more a bright colors person, though I like white and creamy colors to set them off.

  3. I am a HUGE fan of cheese whether it is decor or the real thing! My dinner last night included a glass of wine and a piece of current cheese favorite. Cute photo of the cottage. It got me thinking of the yellow and gray color combo.

  4. Fondue at the "Melting Pot" great place to eat.
    I am sitting in my Mellow Yellow computer,quilting,hooking room right now.
    I love the entryway picture. I like all the lush green up against the yellow house.

    great post.

  5. I from Wisconsin so of course I love cheese!!! I won't wear a cheesehead though. That cottage is to die for, love it! Cindy

  6. Love yellow, love cheese, love cheese fondue!
    I've always painted a creamy yellow room in any house we've had.

  7. Big cheese lover here. Your photos are amazing!

  8. I love the pic of the two lamps. I am obsessed with lamps like some women are obsessed with shoes!

  9. MMMM I love cheese and yellow is one of my favorite colors. My bedroom and maater bath are yellow (Sherwin Williams Wild Bamboo with a drybrush glaze of Paper Moon) It makes me think of sunshine on a plaster wall!

  10. I love cheese WAY too much and memories of it tends to linger on my hips!

  11. Yes, I'm a cheese lover !
    I used a cream paint in my kitchen
    and I love it.
    My last post is about a touch of cream in a bouquet, maybe you'll like it.
    Have a nice weekend,

  12. I enjoyed your post usual! Your photos are always amazing! Love the pottery in the first picture, especially.

  13. Janean,

    Thank you for stopping by. Your blog is amazing and your photos are wonderful.


  14. Hi Janean, Thanks so much for dropping by my place. I'm so glad to find you. Your blog is absolutely lovely. Can't wait to dig around in the archives some more! On another note, I'm a big cheese lover - both the actual food and the color.

  15. I love chees......beautiful pictures..........have a good weekend

    Greetz Ria

  16. Cheese is my downfall! I love it and also the color yellow. My spare room is yellow right now because it was to be my kitchen but was not a mellow enough yellow. When I can get Mr. to paint again, I will choose something a bit more soothing! Love your pics!

  17. Cheese probably comes 2nd only to chocolate on my list! I love the colors of soft yellows and mellowed, aged oranges. They go nicely with my reds. I love a warm pallete with just a touch of blue, green or purple to cool them off. Don't care for blue cheese though, or green for matter. Does it come in purple? I have a sudden urge to go clean out my fridge...

  18. I have yet to meet a cheese I haven't the photos and yes I started laughing as soon as you reminded me of that episode of funny.....:-) Hugs

  19. I love that cottage home. I still watch reruns of ELR, love that show! Yes, the fruit of the month one was so funny! Yellow is my favorite color.

  20. OMG I just went and googled Dean and Deluca's. I have never seen them before. I want it all!

  21. You 'cheesy wench' heehee.. guess what, you're the 'blog of the week' on my blog!

    Congrats and enjoy this week!

    with love,


    Oh, btw.. I adore cheese of every kind. I love that cottage door too.


  22. This is my first visit to your blog, and I am enjoying myself sooo much! Beautiful inspiration pictures. You were so kind to visit my blog, and you asked about my wire cloche. I purchased it at Hobby Lobby. I'm adding you to my blog list. I'll be back to visit often. laurie

  23. I love the yellow. We use it a lot in France especially in the South...
    I have used it a lot.

  24. I love cheese and Raymond!! I laugh at most all of them. :P

  25. I love that shade of "mellow yellow"..goes with everything too! :D

  26. Ummm, I love fondue! And I love light creamy yellows!

  27. Olivia, thank YOU SO MUCH for choosing me to 'blog of the week' on your gorgeous site!

    "OUCH!" my huge head hit the sides of the doorway as i tried to leave the office. *wink*

    seriously, thank you for you fixing my button on my site and featuring Old Sweetwater. ((hugs))

  28. Hi, actually I'm Linda, but the grands call me "Nina" (or "Nana" as the case may be). Never lived in Missouri. But I love your blog. I'm adding my name to your followers! Linda

  29. ELR is our all time FAVE show!! How could you not love those people? Did you see the one where Ray hid stinky cheese in the suitcase? Classic!!

  30. I am so having another "for one" cheese fondue this week after hubby leaves for his business trip! It makes the suffering a tad more bearable. YUM!

  31. that's so funny..i've got my fondue pot and am ready to go...

  32. That is funny! I do love cheese though!
    Hugs, Lisa

  33. What an interesting post! I too love cheese, but honestly, I've never thought of using its colors as inspiration. Thanks for making me think "outside of the box!"

    I know exactly what episode of "Everybody Loves Raymond" that you're talking about. Hillarious!

  34. I'm a cheese lover........bring it on!!!

    Love the yellow hues.....When we lived in Florida my whole house interior was painted soft yellow with crisp white wood work and trim. All of my fabrics were yellows, greens, a dash of paprika and white for a cottage feel. Loved it! Seeing these pics made me miss my FL house alot, bummer!! Maybe I'll do it again someday! But for now I'll get my cottage decor fix through your beautiful blog!!

    Sweet Blessings!

  35. A very interesting blog. my husband and daughters are cheesaholics. Fondu is fun in winter. Birthday Bear has written another post.

    Birthday Bear

  36. I do like cheese, and I do like creamy yellows. I like to think of them as maize or soft butter. This is a yummy post for the senses.

  37. I laughed my head off at all the episodes!

    Daisies decorated a kitchen I redid once. It brightened it up! Daisies just make me happy...


I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~