Thursday, January 21, 2010

Chimney Pots - FAB

Never heard of them so I never gave them a second thought until my brother built his home. It's a beautiful English manor complete with climbing ivy; so he had English chimney pots put in the double chimney stack. Here are a few to look at and admire. The beauty is in the details! Anyone have a chimney pot?  I like the variety in design.  Photos: West Meon Pottery in the U.K. made all of these gorgeous chimney pots except the copper in photo 3. The last photo is of chimney pots made for one of the oldest cottage in West Sussex!





  1. I've never given chimney pots much thought either. These are beautiful, a lot of variety, which of course would make sense depending upon the house they are made for...and I'm singing, "On the rooftops of London, oh what a sight" (from Mary Poppins of course!)

  2. Don't know anything about chimney pots, but I love the look of them

  3. beautiful. They are becoming a thing of the past unfortunately but they are also being given a new kind of life too as garden pots and the tall ones as pedestals

  4. Those look so neat! I've never heard of them either so thanks for sharing. I wish I lived in a home that those would look beautiful on!!

  5. These are so neat..I've never heard of them either and/or never noticed them.
    Wonder if there are any 'round here??
    I'll be on the lookout.
    The eggs below made me hungry...and so did that poodle cake!!!

  6. Awesome photos. I know a blogger that restored her home to the original look and added chimney pots. Very cool!


  7. These are GORGEOUS!!

    I believe I first heard of them in Mary Poppins - - - you know, in the chimney sweep scenes with Dick Van Dyke.

  8. I never knew what they were, either. WOW..beautiful!
    Blessings, andrea

  9. How Interesting those chimneys are! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. We love the swans so much and take a lot of pics hoping no one gets sick of seeing them! Hugs-Kerrie

  10. thanks! see we all learn something new everyday...they are just gorgeous

  11. Never heard of them either...but they do add a lot of character!

    Thanks for stopping by RMD...and yes, I DO have the mid-pregnancy energy. I am feeling great and hoping that all goes well.

    Have a super wonderful weekend!

    Blessings, Grace

  12. Funny how many things we do not even notice or think about.

    Love numbers 2 and 3!!

    thanks for coming by

    barbara jean

  13. Hi, Janean,
    No, I had never heard of chimney pots either! But, I think they are very attractive and look very British. Thank you for sharing. Your brother's home must be very beautiful. Hope you have had a good week, and I am wishing you a wonderful weekend, dear friend! Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit and brightening my day! Vicki

  14. The only thing I know: these are beautiful!

  15. Janean, I did not know these were called chimney pots! You always have an interesting tidbit of information along with your beautiful posts! I have long appreciated these on the old cottages and am happy to know what they are now!

  16. Janean, the chimney pot's are so cool. Is that your front porch on your's gorgeous! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have to add you to my favorites.

  17. I remember seeing many beautiful examples over in Ireland!

  18. I think they're beautiful. It's amazing the art used even in making a chimney pot!

  19. I've never heard of them either. I must say they add such beauty. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for more!


  20. Yes! When we are out driving, I always look for the chimney pots on old houses. It also marks who had money and who didn't!

  21. Very cool....wish something like that could look good at our house!

  22. i love these....great way to top a house.

    do they serve a function? surely they must.


  23. Oh! They are lovely! I have seen them before - after they were removed from a chimney and used as decor in a garden or as a planter on a porch.

  24. I have seen them in pictures before, but never in person. They are beautiful. I love London!

  25. I love 'em myself. I love anything the English build. I would love a house to go along with these beauties in your post Janean.

  26. I don't believe I've ever heard of chimney pots but they are indeed lovely. I really enjoy learning about new-to-me things.

  27. I have never heard of them but I love them!

  28. I have painted a few English cottages with these chimney pots on them. I love seeing them. Its so English, But you know, I never have thought to find out why they put them there. Was it just for decoration ? Hmm I should look it up.

  29. I learn so much reading your blog! :) Never heard of chimney pots. Pretty cool!

  30. Wow, beautiful! What are they for, do you know? Aesthetics aside?

  31. Some of you sweet bloggers asked the purpose of a chimney pot.
    chimney pots are decorative and help with draft by adding height to your chimney.
    Unlike chimney CAPS which always have screens to keep birds and squirrels from nesting in your chimney and a cap (little roof) to keep rainwater from draining down into your fireplace, chimney pots do not always come with screen or "caps." My brother got wasps in his home! Usually screen and a cap can be added to the pot.

  32. LOVE these and they will go on my English Country cottage, the one I'm building in my dreams. My favorite style of home...aaahhhhh...

  33. Climbing ivy looks beautiful and romantic but does a lot of damage to old homes. It gets under the clapboards and holds moisture against your house and that can lead to mold.

  34. how cool is that?!
    loved all these pics:)


I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~